Zayn's Secret


The club music pounded against the walls as we walked in twenty minutes late. We soon found our way to the table the others where at. I hugged my best friend, Eleanor and my good friend Danielle.
'You're late!' Louis exclaimed, pulling his friend into a hug.
'Yeah, don't really know what happened,' Zayn explained. We both hugged the other boys before Zayn went up to the bar to get us a drink each.
'You look stunning!' Eleanor said, indicating my dress, hair and make-up.
'Says the model!' I grinned.
'You're a part-time model!' she pointed out.
'That's only when they're really stuck! I'm a photographer!' I giggled.

Zayn returned to the table with my cocktail.
'What is that?' Danielle asked, pointing out my drink. 'You have it every time and we never find out what it is!'
'It's a Woo Woo. They don't sell it here, so you have to ask for Archers, Vodka and Cranberry juice. It's strong stuff but tastes so nice!' I explained, listing the drinks that went in the cocktail.
'Might get myself one of those next!' Danielle smiled.
'You should! Now you know why I get so shit-faced! I drink these all night!' I laughed. I just took a sip or two of my drink before having it taken out of my hand and placed on the table. Zayn took my hand and leant me to the dance floor.
'Come on babe! We came to dance and have a good time! Not stand around talking and drinking!' he called across the thumping music.
'Zayn! I thought you couldn't dance?' I winked.
'Well, Tan, when you're in a club, and know you're going to have excuse because of the alcohol, you don't really care about all that not being able to dance!' he smirked.

We stood on the dance floor doing what Danielle thought was an insult to dancing. He just stood there flipping our hair and jumping of the spot quite close to each other. My dress kept on riding up higher and higher up my legs and I had to keep awkwardly pulling it down.
'Zayn, I want a drink! You led me straight here! I've hardly touched it! Next rounds on me if you let me go and get one!' I laughed.
'Quick, Zayn! Let her get a drink and then we'll all get a free drink!' Niall called hearing me.
'Fine!' Zayn chortled, before taking my hand and leading me to our table. As we walked up, we saw Liam and Danielle kissing each other.
'Had too much to drink already?' Zayn nudged Liam in the ribs and broke the apart.
'I don't drink much,' Liam winked.
'Zayn!' I giggled.
'Right, come on Tanya, dance time!' Danielle took my hand to get Eleanor.
'Can I not have one drink?' I asked.
'Fine! But hurry up!' she tugged. I downed the glass and ran out onto the dance floor, feeling dizzy.

The music played, making the walls to the club shudder. Eleanor and I flopped around, trying to dance, bite really looking like baby penguins trying to take flight.
'Right, Dani, give us a break, it's my round!' I called. 'What does everyone want?'
'I'll get this one, Tanya. What does everyone want?' Zayn offered, taking out his wallet and listening to what everyone wanted. Surprisingly he remembered it all. He walked past and gave me a kiss on the cheek as he went by.
'Come on, not getting away that easily!' Danielle laughed, pulling us back to the dance floor. We kept on flapping around until I finally fell into Eleanor. We stop there in each others arms laughing uncontrollably. I looked over Ealeanor's shoulder. I saw Zayn at the bar talking - laughing with a girl. She was in heels that took her up to Zayn's nose height do she was quite small. In the given light, she looked quite pale. She had naturally red rose hair. I had to admit she was quite pretty. I saw her slip something onto the bar that I could only guess was a tip for the bartender. I smiled at a passer by who had seen me staring. I quickly looked back at Zayn and saw him withdraw his hand from his pocket after slipping sinething in. He soon returned to our table with all the drinks. I washed the sight out of my mind and decided to think nothing of it, as she was probably just a fan.

We all sat around the table drinking our drinks, getting rather drunk. Niall was the noisy drunk, overly confident doing whatever he did to get a laugh. I was a giggly drunk. I laughed at absolutely everything, and so did Danielle and Eleanor. Two hours into the night, we where all off our faces. The boys had teased and joker, calling out 'oooh they're getting serious now!' as Eleanor and I made out way onto the dance floor, after taking off our shoes and kicking them under the table. We danced and danced for what, in a good way, felt like forever. Louis and Zayn suddenly decided to come up behind us and hold us around the waist. We both ended up dancing rather dirtily with our boyfriends.

Zayn leaned in and kissed me intently as we danced. I could feel my skirt rising up, and everytime I went to pull it down, Zayn took my hands. I laughed at him. We where the last to leave the dance floor, and my feet felt broken. I stumbled, laughing over to the table. I say down and decided to slide my feet unwillingly into my shoes. I checked the time. One in the morning. The club would be closing in an hour.
'Zayn, I'm hungry and my feet kill!' I play-whined.
'We've just ordered a taxi to get home,' Louis shouted, louder that me needed to.
'Me too!' Harry slurred slightly.
'I'll go and order one now! I'm going to go home, get something to eat and get to bed,' Niall grinned.

Their taxis soon arrived and Zayn and I stood in the street.
'I can barely walk!' I laughed, though I wasn't sure why. My feet felt like they'd cracked in numerous places.
'You said you where hungry too! There's a McDonalds over there. Let's go eat something,' Zayn suggested. Without my knowing, he'd tied my arms around his neck and lifted me onto his back as a piggy back.
'Zayn what are you doing?' I giggled blindly.
'You said your feet hurt and you where hungry, so I'm carrying you to get food!' he grinned. We got to the restaurant and recieved a strange look from the woman at the counter.
'Double cheese burger, large fries and a coke please,' Zayn said. 'What do you want, honey?'
'I'll have a fillet of fish, fries, Fanta and a McFlurry, please,' I placed my order.
'Make that two McFlurry's,' Zayn smiled. The woman told him how much it would cost and Zayn handed over the money. We waited about five minutes before being handed the food in two bags, and the drinks and McFlurry's on a tray. He carried me outside and took me a while along the street. He set me down before sitting on the deserted kerb to enjoy his McDonalds.
'Sitting on a kerb because eating in a restaurant is just too mainstream!' I chuckled. He stuffed food into his mouth. No matter how drunk I was, I was aware of camera's and didn't fancy being snapped stuffing my face in the way Zayn was, so I ate more elegantly.

We soon finished and called a taxi to get home. Again, Zayn insisted on carrying me until we got in the door to our apartment and set me down on the sofa. He'd got a text as he did so read it. He replied and placed it back in his pocket. I was too busy rubbing my feet to care or take any notice, and I knew it would probably be one of the boys saying goodnight. We had a quick cup of tea before showering and making our way to bed.

The sun filtered through the closed curtains in the bedroom. As I looked around through squinting eyes, I realised I had the worst hangover I'd ever experienced. My whole body ached and my head was pounding. I felt a strong urge to be sick all over Zayn, as I didn't feel as though I could physically get up. I let out a pained groan.
'Keep it down, babe. My head hurts too,' Zayn whispered, his eyes closed. He was barely audible, trying to keep the pain levels low in his head. We lay there for what seemed like hours, as the light steadily got brighter, while the sun got higher. It just made my head worse. I dragged myself painfully out of bed before stumbling into the kitchen and making us both a strong drink of coffee. I pulled out the pack of paracetamol of the cupboard, and when the drinks where ready, dragged my feet to the bedroom again. I handed Zayn his cup and popped out two paracetamol tablets. I swallowed them and handed the box to Zayn. He took the same amount and sank into the pillow to let it prove it's magic.
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Chapter One! Hope you like! :) x