Zayn's Secret

Beginning to Miss Him

The paracetamol soon took its toll. Zayn and I lay there finishing our tea.
'So what time are we going to meet the rest of the Hangover Gang?' I asked.
'What?' he asked, almost stunned. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
'Don't you remember? We were supposed to be going bowling with the boys and girls. Tonight. You remember?'
He looked up from his phone.
'When did we plan that?' he puzzled.
'A few weeks ago! We were supposed to meet them there but I was just wondering what time we should get there,' I said.
'I don't think I can make it babe. I've got quite a bit of work to do. I'll drop you off there, and if you give me a call, I can come and collect you. Sorry,' he said, leaning over and kissing my cheek.
'Oh, it's alright. I'll ring Eleanor later to find out what time I should meet them,' I said, airily waving off the fact he couldn't make it.

I finally felt as though I could move. I slipped outbid bed and not a nice cold shower before slipping into a pair of skinny jeans and a tee shirt. I decided to be cheesy and put on my 'I (heart) Zayn' shirt I wore to the first concert I went to of their after we announced we where together. We hadn't realised the time, after sleeping late and then just lying there until I'd had the energy to drag my aching body to get a paracetamol. We'd also lay there to drink our tea. After finishing the washing up and doing a little bit of ironing, I realised it was just gone three in the afternoon. I put a load of washing into the washing machine. I text Eleanor asking what time I should meet them all and that Zayn couldn't make it. She told me to meet them all at about five, and to tell Zayn sorry he couldn't come. She also said we were going to a nearby restaurant afterwards, and to tell Zayn to collect me from there.

'Zayn? Can you pick me up from that restaurant later? The one down the road from the Bowling Alley?' I asked.
'Yeah, sure,' he smiled.
'Thank you! I'd better get some more housework done, then I'll get ready. If I need to be there at five, I'll have to be ready by twenty to. That only gives me an hour and a bit.'

I took the vacuum cleaner out off the storage cupboard and quicky as I could, went over the apartment. Through the hall, the lounge, the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom and the en-suite. It took longer than I had thought. I hopped into the shower again to freshen up. I put on the same clothes, as they where still fresh, but I re-did my make up. I straightened my hair and clipped the frizzy sides back to hide them. I was soon ready, just as Zayb had to go in to prepare himself to be seen in public. He was Soo ready and we made it to the Alley. Eleanor was waiting outside for me. I kissed Zayn on the cheek before leaving the car to meet her.

'Hi El!' I waved.
'Hiya, you alright?' she asked.
'Yeah, you?' I replied.
'Yeah, just fine. How come Zayn couldn't come?'
'He was really behind on something apparently. So I'm now a loner! Come on, lets get inside to have a game,' I grinned, taking her arm and dragging her in.

We met the everyone else in there. I could see Harry was still tender from the night before. Luckily, I had bought the paracetamol just in case my head started hurting again. I handed Harry the box and happily took them after he'd bought himself a drink of water. We soon got a lane. It was a pretty tame game. Obviously Harry and Louis had to mess around with the bowling balls, and Liam helped Danielle get a better aim. Niall helped me with my aim, and I had a surprisingly good time without Zayn there, which is something I hadn't done in a while. We made our way to the restaurant and had a lovely time there as well. Niall ordered two desserts for himself, claiming there was another person coming to sit with us, when in the end he ate it all himself. He started being stupid and saying he wanted a beer, despite his hangover, biting at the back of his head. It was a funny, really enjoyable night, but by the end of it, I wanted to see Zayn. I'd not been away from him for too long - probably about four hours - but I still missed him somehow.

Soon, it was time for us to depart, and for Zayn to collect me. I called him. It took him a while to answer, but he soon did.
'Can you come and collect me, please?' I asked.
'Yeah! Sure! Won't be long. You had a good night?' he asked.
'Yes! It was pretty good, of course Niall had to order two desserts but - oh I'll talk to you later. It's mid-February and it's cold. Now, please?' I joked. He laughed.
'On my way,' and he hung up the receiver.

He was soon pulling up on the street in front of me. I hopped into the car. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek when I noticed he was wearing after shave.
'You smell nice,' I complimented, plugging in my seat belt.
'Nothing but the best for my girl,' he smiled.
'So you still mess up your hair?' I grinned. He pulled down the mirror and started to fix his hair. 'Come here!' I giggled. I took my hand and started sorting it out for him. He thanked me before driving us back home. It was a nice calm night. Nothing really eventful, we just curled up and watched a film, but that was how I liked it. He started plaiting my long, dark hair as I placed my head on his chest.

A few times that week, Zayn had to leave for work. He'd be gone for a few hours at a time. I just hoped that after a small amount of time, they would stop needing him so much. I knew that he'd been spending more time with me than his work for a while, and I knew he had some catching up to do, but I never realised just how much. Some days where lonely, others where less so, as I had my own job to do.

Three days after bowling with everyone but Zayn, there was an important magazine photoshoot. There where only three models there, and we where once again short. My manager told me to get myself into hair and make up. I was tampered with and soon ready to look acceptable on camera. I refused to put on the shies until I'd taken the photos of the other girls. They pure ridiculous poses and facial expressions that I hated doing when I was infront of the camera. I could only tell the girls where to stand, but not what poses to do - that was completely out of my command. Their shoot was soon over and done with, but not soon enough. I felt as though the models where absolute divas, and I couldn't stand divas. If they didn't like where they where standing, or what pose, or the angle of the camera, they'd kick off and you'd have to squeeze in a snap before they moved. The models practi ally hated me. One of them bad once had a fling with Harry, similar to the one with Emily Ostilly, but didn't last. As I was with Zayn, they really had an excuse for hating me. Also, they thought that because I was a photographer, I should stay behind the camera, and not be infront of it having my photo taken. I just thought to myself 'bitches' and let them get on with their pettiness. I was completely different. I sat at the mirror wearing what I was told to and having my hair and make up done the way they wanted. I stood or lay in the positions they wanted me to, and pulled the faces they told me to. I didn't particularly like doing it, but I went ahead with not one complaint. I was soon happy to be home after knowing that in a few days time, I would be a model on a fashion magazine, along with three or four girls who hated me, and who I felt the feeling was mutual for.

A couple of days passed, and I went shopping with the girls. Another day at work. Lunch out with the boys and girls, including Zayn. Another day at work. Going out and around London with everybody, except Zayn. Another say at work. I began to really miss him, and it took him two weeks before we finally had a day together. I was constantly wondering what could be so urgent at work that he had no time what so ever for anything else?
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You will soon get to an important part in the story. Sorry this took me a long time to update, as I've been busy. Please leave your comments! Thanks! And of there are any mistakes, I'm on my phone, so the typing is a bit off. X