Zayn's Secret

Losing My Innocence

'Zayn? You don't need to go into work today do you?' I asked him as he got out of bed after a late sleep.
'No, not today. You don't have work do you?' he asked as a reply, I shook my head.
'Does this mean we can actually spend some time together?' I said, leaning over to take his hand and look him in the eye. He kissed my forehead.
'What do you want to do today. Make it good!' he grinned, pushing some hair behind my ear.
'You promise we can do anything I want?' I asked, raising an eyebrow with a plan developing.
'I promise,' he winked, playfully placing his hand on his heart.
'I want to take you swimming and actually teach you how to swim to the deep end and back,' I grinned, though he could tell I was serious.
'Oh, Tan! I don't like water!' he groaned.
'You promised! Go on. You get a shower and get ready, I'll pack the towels and costumes. You're not going to drown! We'll go in the normal pool, without the wave machines. Go on!' I ushered. This was the first time he'd let me go swimming with him, because of his hatred for water. I was determined to get him to swim, not necessarily to like it, but to at least be able to do it without the fear of drowning. I pulled out a bag and stuffed in my swimming costume, his trunks, both of our towels, some shower gel and some shampoo and conditioner. An hour later we where ready to go - before his phone went off. He unlocked it and I watched the code he put in. It looked different, as if he'd changed it, but he just wrote a quick reply as I sighed and checked we had everything.
'I'll turn it off and leave it here,' he promised, looking at the expression on my face and knowing I was fed up of him constantly being on his phone. I nodded with a weak smile as he turned his phone off and placed it on the side.

We drove to the swimming centre and changed into our things. Zayn held me from around my waist and walked with me to the pool. He happily went into the shallow end started messing about until I took his hand.
'We're going to try breast-stroke. It's the easiest one!' I told him. I showed him how to do it as he watched intently, not sure if he was paying attention to the swimming, or just me in my two-piece. I helped him through. Without him realising it, I had gotten him to swim to the deepest end of the pool.
'I actually did it!' he smiled.
'Well done! Told you that you could do it! Now try swimming back down there and up here without me,' I challenged. He bit his lip before setting off. He was quick for a beginner, though I supposed that was due to his muscular body. I stated as his tattoos seemed to ripple through the water, counting each of them and smiling at the fact he loved all of them. He soon swam back.
'Did it!' he chimed, seeming really proud of himself. I swam forward and kissed him. I placed my arms around his neck and he held my waist in the water.
'That's your reward,' I winked.
'I might do that more often if I get those as rewards. I playfully splashed water up him. It accidentally went in his face, making him pull the cutest of shocked faces.
'Hey!' he called out laughing. I got a slightly larger splash back. I giggled at him and kicked more water at him. He went to splash me but I emerged myself in the water. I swam down and tickled his foot to annoy him. He kicked and made a huge splash, making water rain down on several people nearby.
'I'm so sorry!' I heard him apologize over and over as I emerged. I started laughing hysterically. He swam to me and started tickling me as I splashed him. We ended up having a full on water fight, somehow travelling up and down the pool. I was put off as I heard some girls talking who were probably about my age.

'They act so cute!'
'I know!'
'Do you wonder if they' know...'
'Done it?'
'No, she's still a virgin. It's a bit pitiful really, I mean, Zayn's just turned twenty and she will be soon, and she's still not letting him touch her.'
'I know, not fair on him really.'
'Do you think he's ever tried but she's stopped him?'
'Probably, I mean, when you're a virgin, you might want to lose it, but you get kinda scared.'
'You think she's chickened out?'
They all began to giggle and I blushed. What was it to them if I was a virgin? At least I didn't have a baby at home like so many girls my age now-a-days! It's true that I did want to lose it and got scared, and Zayn had tried before but I'd stopped him. The truth was, I did want to lose it. The thing was, if made me becoming an adult a reality, and that I was no longer a child.

'Ignore them,' Zayn cooed, bringing me back to earth.
'I want you to take it,' I said finally, auite slowly but steadily.
'Take- take your...your virginity?' he whispered the last two words.
'Yes,' I stared at the water rippling next to him.
'Tan, don't do this if you're not ready,' he assured. 'I can wait, the work can wait. This is down to you, no one else.'
'I know it is. It's my body. My virginity. My innocence. I want you to take it. I don't trust anyone more than you, so who else would I let take it?' I asked, meeting his eyes. He blushed deeply.
'This is your most .... Precious...almost a gem,' he stammered.
'Wgy do you seem so shocked?' I asked, almost offended.
'Just that I never thought of it in the way that you are giving me the opportunity of being that man you will always remember for your first time. I am honoured that you want me to do that,' he smiled, leaning in and kissing my nose. In a way I was excited, in another, I was extremely nervous.

As neither of us had really eaten that day, we decided to go out. It was nothing very special or fancy, just a sandwhich and a drink from a little cafe that wasn't too far from the swimming centre. It was cute and quiet, and no one was really around to interrupt us. As I ate, I felt nervous about the night ahead, though I couldn't tell if this was a good kind of nervous or not. I wondered what it would be like. They all say it hurts the first time, but I thought that they'd all had their walls broken for them, whereas I did a lot of physical activity when I was younger, so I thought that wouldn't hurt as much. Zayn drove is both home and I knew it wouldn't be long. It was quite late considering the amount of time we where out for. It was early evening. I walked into the apartment and made myself a drink. I didn't really want it, I just wanted something to do to make the whole thing less awkward. I felt his strong arms slip around my waist and hold me tightly.
'Are you sure you're ready for this?' he whispered. I knew he didn't want to hurt me, but I just nodded, letting him know I wasn't afraid. I kissed him to start the whole thing off, as I knew it would take him forever to do.

He drew me in closer to his torso and held me in a warm embrace. He lifted me up bridal style and placed me on the bed in the neighbouring room. I reached out and took off his top, listing it over his head and throwing it to the other side of the room. It revealed all of his tattoos and his perfectly chiseled torso. I traced my fingers along the tattoos, drawing them out and making him shiver. He leaned me back into the bed and began to kiss and lightly suck my neck and earlobe area. That send shivers down my spine as I gasped a little. I traced my fingers down his abs and all over his tattoos before coming to meet his belt. I slipped a finger down the material and felt him gasp when I brushed against sensitive skin. The buckle was soon undone as was the jean button. They slid off and he grinned.
'Hey, I'm stripped down, and you're sti fully does that work then?'
He took my top and gently lifted it over my head, running his fingers down my body and pausing to go over everywhere that made me shiver and tense some more. He came to meet my belt, and unclipped it tediously slowly. My jeans where taken off and tossed across the room. He lay me back and kissed me lightly yet passionately on the body and neck. I traced the tattoo on the back of his neck, making him tense. He leaned me forward into his lap and unclipped my bra, which fell away and was, like other items of clothing, tossed across the room. We'd then gotten further than we ever had done before, as I usually stopped us before now. I was laid back as he slipped away my underwear and snaked his fingers down my body towards the inside of my thigh, making me shiver in pleasure. His erection pressed against my leg, which just made me want him more than I had before. He kissed me respectively as I constantly traced his tattoos, making him draw a breath at the light pressure I was tracing with, especially on his heart tattoo on his hip. He soon slipped a finger inside me before taking in another and curling them around.
'Zayn!' I breathed, pleasures by what he was doing. He smiled at by gasp before slipping himself inside me.
'Zayn! It's hurts!' I whimpered, knowing I was being stretched. He paused and waited for me to settle. He pushed further in before pulling out. I gasped in pain and bit down hard on my lip. He kissed me to comfort me. He lunged in and out. Shots of pain took over many of times. He withdrew from before before slipping on a condom so that I wouldn't get pregnant. He took himself inside me again and started to pull in and out again, grinding his hips on mine, touching my body in all the right places.
'Zayn!' I cried out. I could feel myself climaxing. I tended as an overwhelming feeling took me over. I cried out his name so much more. It built up inside of me like a wave of something out of this world. It felt almost wrong, but I knew I wanted more of it, and for that reason it felt so right.

We spent over an hour and went three times. I could tell he was tired, as was I. We pulled on some pyjamas and decided to wind down. We curled up on the sofa in the next room watching My Sister's Keeper, a film that always made me cry no matter how much I watched it. Most of the night was spent with no interruptions, apart from his phone alerting him of new messages. He didn't reply to all of them, so he could spend more time with me. Although, he did reply to a few, until I felt like he was going to have to go off tomorrow.
'Zayn, please don't go off tomorrow. We had a lovely day together today, maybe we can have a quiet day in and just spend some quality time together that we've been missing out on?' I suggested.
'Alright. I won't make any plans. I'll say that work can wait. I had a lovely time today with you,' he smiled and petted my head.
'Good, 'cause I did too,' I smiled. I placed my head into his chest and lay in his arms.
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Comments? The plot will speed up very soon so keep checking back to see what's going to happen next :) x