Zayn's Secret

The Messages

The next day we went to the cinema to watch a new film that was out. We'd come home and decided to curl up and talk on the sofa. It was nice to just spend some tins with him after over two weeks of hardly seeing him. He'd had to go into the bathroom to wash his hair after he'd found something mysterious and sticky in the quiff. His phone lit up and made a little sound to tell him he'd had yet another text.
'Zayn! You've got a text!' I called, picking the phone up. I looked at the name on the screen. 'Rhea? Who's that?' I asked myself. I unlocked the screen and typed in the new lock code I had seen before. I looked at the text;

'When can you next come round? ;)'

'What the-' I whispered. I realised that I was standing, as if I was mid way taking him the phone. I was now intrigued. I scrolled up. There where numerous texts from her;

'Had a great night tonight, babe x'

'When can you next come over? Really looking coward to it ;) x'

But then there where texts from him.

'Your lips are as soft as the rose petals I lay on your pillow.'

'Your beauty is beyond compare.'

There where many more, but I couldn't bring myself to read them. I stared down at the phone, a sick feeling in my stomach and an almost scared feeling rising in my chest. Zayn walked in the room rubbing his hair with a towel.
'What did you say, love?' he asked. I didn't look up from the phone and said as steadily as I could;
'Who's Rhea?' I felt his head snap up to see me.
'Sorry? What did you say?' he asked, blatantly knowing what I'd said.
'Who's Rhea?' I repeated.
'Just someone to do with work,' he replied. 'Why?'
'Why haven't I met her?'
'There's never been any need for you to.'
'Well I think there is!' I said, slowly looking to meet his eyes.
'Well, what work colleagues would you send texts like these to?' I asked, my voice shaking, my hand gripping the phone tightly.
'Texts like what, babe?' he asked, taking a step towards me.
'Like, your lips are as soft as the rose petals I lay on your pillow? And, oh I don't know, there's so many to choose from!'
'How could you do this to me?' I breathed.
'Tan, it's not what you think-'
'Really? Because this is exactly what it looks like!'
'Tan!' he reached out a hand to touch my arm but I viciously threw him off.
'I trusted you! I believed you! I let you lie to me! I let you act as if nothing was wrong! I let you.... Oh God I feel sick...I let you sleep with me! Now I know you've been doing it with another woman!' I exclaimed, acting as though I was having some sort of anxiety attack.
'Tanya! No!' he cried out.
'Get away from me! I can't believe you'd so this! And what's worse is that you're denying it! If you'd admit it, we could maybe sort this out! But-'
'Tanya, I'm not seeing another woman!'
'See?' I exclaimed hysterically. 'Do you see what I mean? You're denying it when I have pure evidence in my hand! These texts date back two and a half weeks ago! When you started disappearing! These go back to the day after we went clubbing with everyone!'
'Calm down!'
'No! No I will not fucking well calm down!...there was a the club...all pretty and everything,' I kept in pausing in thought. 'You where talking to her and laughing with her at the bar... She... She skipped you a piece of paper... That was this Rhea! She gave you her number!'
'Tanya! You don't understand!'
'Don't I? Because I was there! And all the evidence point in, let's say, one direction! I can't believe this!'
'Then don't!'
'How can I not?! Get away from me, Zayn!'

Tears where streaming down by cheeks. I looked down at his phone and threw it at him.
'Have your precious Rhea! Have your phone! You can now have everything you want! Because I'm gone!' I screamed. I began to walk off before he took my wrist.
'You're all I want!'
'Then why have you been seeing her and texting that...that whore!' I snarled, dangerously low voiced.

I walked out of the door and down the steps into the cold late-winter air. I had no coat on, just the clothes I was wearing. The tears where freezing on my face. I just kept walking as behind me, I heard Zayn calling my name. I kept in walking through the cold London streets. How could he have done that to me? Was he bored? Didn't he love me anymore? I found myself at the doorstep of Louis and Eleanor's house. I knocked on the door. After a minute or so, Louis answered the door.
'Tan! What are you doing here with no coat or anything? Our must be freezing!' he fussed before he saw me crying. 'Tan?'
I collapsed on the doorstep crying my heart out. He leaned down and scooped me to my feet.
'Tanya, come and tell what's wrong,' he whispered. I shook with upset and cold. He took me into the lounge and sat me down. I knew I'd have to tell him.
'What's wrong?' he asked. Eleanor had appeared in the doorway.
'Zayn's having an affair!' I cried out, heavily sobbing into my hands. I felt Eleanor draw a sharp breath and felt Louis swirl around to look at her in shock as I buried my head into my hands. The atmosphere was shocked and awkward. Now I knew I'd have to explain what had happened.
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Hope you enjoyed! It's a bit short but an update will be soon! Comments? x