Zayn's Secret

'Do you still love me?'

'All those texts where on his phone?' Eleanor gasped, wide eyed after I'd explained to them what had happened. Louis was on the sofa next to me with his arm around me trying to comfort me. I was still crying, small beads running down my cheeks. I nodded to her.
'Are you sure he's cheating on you?' Louis asked.
'Well all those texts! Who would he send texts like that to? And then he's been going off more frequently and for longer periods of time! The past yesterday was the only time we got time together! He just keeps disappearing whenever I'm with you or at work! No one ever knew where he was! It all adds up!' I sobbed into my hands.
'Oh, come on Tan, don't start crying again! Come on! He's not worth the tears if he's done that to you! Come on, love,' Eleanor cooed. She took my hand and held it tightly. There was a thud on the door.
'I'll get it,' Louis said, patting my shoulder and getting up.
'Is she here? Is she with you? Where did she go?' Zayn's voice flustered.
'Zayn, she's here. She's fine. I don't think now is the time to talk to her,' calmed Louis.
'I have to talk to her! She's my girlfriend!' he exclaimed.
'Was,' I whispered to Eleanor. She rubbed my hand and tried to keep me calm. There was thudding of feet and and Zayn appeared in the doorway. I looked up at him and he locked his beautiful eyes to mine.
'Tanya, I-'
'If you're going to say you're sorry, and if you're going to pour your heart out, save it for someone who'll care. Maybe Rhea for example!' I stung, coldly.
'It's not what you think! Just let me speak!' he begged.
'Fine. I'll let you speak, if you answer my questions,' I stood to my feet and dropped Eleanor's hand. She got up off of her knees and went to stand in the corner to watch.
'Fine,' he said finally after a thoughtful pause.
'Have you been going to see this girl regularly in the past two weeks?' I asked, steadily. He paused.
'Yes,' he breathed, bowing his head.
'Have you kissed her?'
'On the cheek.'
'On the lips?'
'Have you?'
'...Yes,' he sighed. I could tell he was ashamed but IO didn't care.
'Have you slept with her?'
'Have you wanted to?' I choked.
'No! Not really!'
'Not really?' I gasped.
'I didn't mean it like that!' he panicked.
'Have you touched her you did me?' I breathed, feeling awkward as I knew Eleanor was in a corner behind me and Louis had appeared in the doorway.
'Not like I did you, no,' he admitted.
'But you did touch her in the way I mean?'
'Only once.'
'Once is too much!'
'I know I should never have done it! But you do not understand!'
'What isn't there to understand about you going to see this girl all the time, sending all these texts, kissing her, touching her...what isn't there to understand?' I shook.
'Quite a bit, actually. Will you listen to me?'
'Listen to more of your lies?'
'I don't want to hear it, Zayn!'
'Tanya, love!'
'Don't call me that, don't call me that when you have been calling that bitch it and more!'
'She's not a bitch,' he whispered.
'Oh you would say that after these past exciting two weeks!' I spat.
'Zayn, come and talk to me,' Louis piped up, stretching an arm around Zayn and guiding him into another room.

Once they had left, Eleanor sat next to me.
'What are you going to do?' she asked.
'I don't know. I can't stay with him, I know I won't be able to stand it. I'll have to go somewhere else. I'll need to talk to him though, otherwise he won't leave me alone,' I replied, trying to steady myself.
'You're welcome to stay here as long as you want,' she comforted.
'Thanks El,' I smiled. We leaned to hug each other when Louis appeared again.
'He won't talk to me, he keeps saying he needs to talk to you. Tan, you're going to have to talk to him, love,' he sighed.
'Right,' I got up to leave the room. I found Zayn in the at the table in the kitchen.

'I want to meet her.'
'I want to meet her. There doesn't need to be a why. I want to meet her to see what she has that I haven't,' I explained.
'I can call her? I can tell her to come here? If you want?'
'I'd rather we give her a little surprise like the one I've had.!
'Oh, right. I'll take you there now, and then we can go home and everything will be alright,' he hoped.
'No. You have kissed her, touched her and ditched me and your best friends for her. I'm never going to be alright with this, I'm never going to like her, and I'm never going to be able to trust you again. That was the choice you made.'
'Do you still love me?'
'That depends. Do you love me?'
'Of course I do!'
'Then why did you cheat?'
'I didn't cheat! Well, I suppose the kissing was in a way... But I didn't mean to!' tears where now stinging his eyes. 'But do you still love me?'
'I can't stop loving you just like that. That would be impossible. That's why I'm so heartbroken. But even though I still love you, I've lost so much trust.'
'Tanya, I'm really sorry. Come home and we can try and work things out!' I shook my head.
'Eleanor said I can stay here, so I'm going to. I'll see you tomorrow to take me to meet the woman.'
'Wait ... Are we still together?'
'Bye, Zayn,' I said, stifling a cry. I walked out of the room and into the living room where I closed the door and say with Eleanor again as Louis went to talk to Zayn again. Soon enough, Zayn was leaving. My heart cracked as if it hadn't already. I buried my head in my hands and started crying again. Eleanor hugged me before walking out and closing the door behind her. We both knew there was nothing she could do to make me feel better.
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Hope you're enjoying! :) x