Zayn's Secret

Saying Goodbye

The next morning I woke on the sofa covered with a blanket. My first guess was that I had cried myself to sleep abd not remembered it, and either Louis or El had come in to cover me over. I slowly stood to my shaking feet and wondered into the kitchen. To my surprise, I found Liam and Danielle sitting at the table with a drink. Lou and El didn't seem to be there.
'Morning,' I croaked with a morning voice. Danielle and Liam's heads whipped around to look at me. Danielle was the first to get up and sweep in to hug me.
'How you doing? Stupid question...what are you going to do?' she stumbled, finally releasing her grip.
'I'm fine. I'm going to meet her today. So if I come home with a bloody nose, don't fuss, because I will have fought back, and with my dad being a security guard like Paul, I've learnt a few things,' I sarcastically smiled. Liam took over and hugged me as well, rubbing my back - which was soothing.
'He is so stupid. He should never have done that. Stupid, just stupid of him,' he cussed. I knew how pissed he was at Zayn.
'Well, I'm never going to let him make that mistake again,' I said under my breath.
'What?' they both exclaimed.
'Don't look so surprised,' I raised an eyebrow.
'So you're not together anymore?' Liam asked, barely breathing.
'Do you expect me to be with him again after that?' I asked in surprise.
'No, of course not,' Dani said, looking away. 'Do you still love him?'
'Yes. But I can't let that sway me. I'm not getting back with him.'

Eleanor appeared in the doorway and called me. She told be that she'd run me a hot bath and laid some clothes out for me to borrow. She said I could borrow her make up. I walked up the stairs and slipped into the bath. It was so relaxing that I'd almost forgotten all my worries. I emerged from the bath what must have been half an hour later and changed into the clothes Eleanor had given me to wear. I was surprised that they fitted. I was a size bigger than her, but they fitted fine. I styled my hair and did my make up. Soon enough, there was a knock at the front door and Zayn stood there.
'Morning,' I said to him.

I climbed into his car and he drive me to te address. I realised where we where. All this time, he was three streets away from where our apartment was. I felt absolutely sick. He pulled up.
'Here we are,' he pointed out.
'So I gathered.'
We slid out of the car and Zayn knocked on the door. A small, slim woman with long natural red hair and a pale complexion answered.
'Zayn!' she went to hug before she noticed me. 'Oh hello. You are?'
'You never even told her who I am? How doesn't she know that?' I stung at Zayn. He cleared his throat.
'Rhea, this is Tanya, my girlfriend.'
'Ex-girlfriend,' I corrected him.
'Oh!' her eyes widened. She stepped back to allow us in.
'Tanya this is Rhea. The woman-'
'The woman you've been cheating on me with!' I gave a fake smile. He turned scarlet.
'Cheating?' she said in a tone of surprise.
'Well, I would class ditching me and his friends, kissing you and doing other stuff and texting you non-stop would be classed as cheating,' I spat.
'I-I'm sorry? I didn't know! I thought... I thought-'
'You never told her? You never even mentioned me?' I screamed at him.
'Tanya, please! It wasn't like we where snogging every five seconds! It was once! I touched her once! The texts I have no excuse for! Just forgive me!' he begged.
'How the fuck can I forgive you? How? You've broken me and I'm not going to give you another chance! I am moving out of the apartment as soon as I can, and you are just going to be a distant memory!' I held back yet more tears and walked out into the cold air. Luckily I was wearing a coat that time.

I spent ten minutes walking in the cold before Zayn pulled up next to me.
'I have no more excuses for what I did. I was stupid. I love you more than I ever did,' he stammered, trying to get me to go to him. I just kept walking and he jumped out of the car.
'You never know what you have until it's gone though, do you?' I scolded.
'Tanya. I loved you before and I still love you, even more than before! Please, come back to me! Don't hate me!' I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him. My heart jerked when he said 'don't hate me'.
'That's the last thing I want to do. I don't want to hate you, but I can't go on loving you the way I do, because I'm only going to be broken again. No. Don't try to deny it. I love you too much, more than I should. Especially after what happened. I don't want to be enemies, but I can't be with you. You broke me. I'll get my pay check from work then get an apartment. I can't really do much else,' I replied. I took my hand and placed it in his cheek.
'Ive been an absolute fool,' he had tears running down his cheeks.
'Yes, you have. I've got to go,' and with that I took back my hand and I walked away, trying ever so hard not to turn back and rub into his arms.
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The story is not over yet! There's more to come. Thank you everyone who's commented so far. They actually mean a lot, knowing what people think of the story, so keep the comments coming :) an update will be soon x