Zayn's Secret

6 Months Later

'Tanya, babe!' called Bradley. He was a fellow photographer at the company and was now my boyfriend as of one month.
'Yeah?' I asked, looking up from my desk, looking through photos I had taken yesterday at a shoot for The Wanted for their merchandise. I was about to e-mail the best ones before Bradley had called.
'You know we have another shoot in an hour?' he asked.
'Could you do me a massive favour?'
'That depends what the favour is.'
'Well, there's supposed to be models with the people in some of the photos. Big boss has just told me this...thing is... We don't have any models. Jess has agreed to be a model and so has Charlotte...could you be one too? That'd take us up to three which should be enough.' I paused.
'Fine,' I sighed. 'As long as I'm still taking group and solo shots! Who is coming in today anyway?'
'Don't know. They won't tell me, but remembering the schedule, I think it might be either Lawson or The Saturdays.'
'Right. If I'm going to be modelling next to Frankie Stanford or anyone else, hair and makeup had better do wonders!'
'Don't be stupid, you're beautiful!'

I sent the pictures and logged out of the e-mail and locked the laptop. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek.
'Thank you,' I smiled, before walking off and dragging myself to wardrobe department.

There always seemed to be something missing. I loved Bradley - he was like a brother to me, but then maybe that was the trouble? I never loved Zayn like a brother. I loved and trusted him then, but of course, everything had changed. Some days I felt really lonely. I felt like nothing would be the same. I knew there was still that part of me that would always love Zayn, but I had moved on, for my own sake. Bradley had always been good to me, and I knew he'd had a thing for me while I was with Zayn. After Zayn and I had split, five months later Bradley had asked me out. It took me a few hours to respond, but in the end the response was positive, and I knew that he was happy. Although, one I was on the phone to my mum, and she asked if I was just using Bradley as rebound boy, but I denied it whole-heartedly. But maybe she was right? No. I could trust Bradley, and he was the most lovely boy ever!

I made it to wardrobe with good time before either Lawson or the Saturdays arrived. I explained to the artist what I was doing there and she sat me down and did my hair and make up in a summery way, as it was a late-July shoot. She dug out a maroon thin cable top that was a lot nicer being held against me that what it appeared on the hanger, and some dark blue denim shorts. She let me keep on my grey Converse before starting on my hair properly. Within the hour, the band had arrived and where getting ready to appear infront of the camera. All of us, Jess, Charlotte and I, where all ready to go out. I grabbed a camera and made sure that the lens was polished and the zoom was working. I started testing with small items. Bradley came and gave Neva hg from behind. I tested as a close up of us. I did a few more tweaks to my camera as the band walked out. I smiled, about to say hello, when I chocked in my words and my eyes bulged.

'Tan! Haven't seen you in ages! What's the craic?'
I stood, my mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.
'Niall! Harry! Louis! Liam!' I paused and drew a breath. 'Zayn!' and at that, my smile faltered. Inhugged them all, although the hug with Zayn was extremely awkward.

We did the group shots first before we did the singular shots, and the the photographs with the "models". I was put at Zayn's arm. It was awkward, and I really hated it. Knowing these pictures where going to be on the internet - Zayn and his ex. I knew of the rumours that would start, and I could see the torture on Bradley's face as we stood there infront of the camera smiling. Before we knew it, it was time for a costume change.

'Tanya?' came a familiar, irresistable voice. I knew I couldn't ignore him. It'd been too long, and of I'd ignored him, it would have been so rude.
'Hi Zayn!' i said, rather too cheerily.
'Can I talk to you?' he asked, looking down bashfully. My heart thudded and missed a beat. I felt my skin drain on all colour so I looked like a sheet. I knew this was going to happen, no matter how much I didn't want it to.
'Yeah! Sure, what is it?' I asked.
'Somewhere private?'
'Right, yeah of course. Come with me. It'll have to be quick. We're on break and then we have to change. I Ied him to my office and shut the door. Turning around waiting for him to talk.
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