Team Building?

chapter 1

One week later

"Alright guys, there is a cabin that you find halfway through that will have beds and care supplies, you all have your lists. Remember, now, to grab your care packages. And you are on your way. See you guys in a few days!" said the camp instructor when finished talking to the team. As the boys streamed out of the building Kyle nodded at coach. He was ready to put the plan in place.

"Let's do this boys" Taylor, our team captain shouted. And with that we were off, on our way through the forest with a map and a compass and a list of things that we need to find.

"Okay it looks like we should split up into groups and somego towards this side of the forest and the rest that way" Said Zach, one of the assistant captains.

Great! Kyle thought, I have to be with Nick this will be a great time to pull off our little 'scheme'.

"So who wants to come with me and find the box with hockey pucks?" asked Taylor, "The rest will go with Zach and find the box holding athletic materials."

Quickly the team split into two. Of course this was in an organized fashion because they split in half all the time at practice, and evened out lines. In the end of this organized man scramble Nick and Kyle were in the group that was to find the box of pucks. After waking what seemed for hours, but in the end was a matter of 5 minutes, they finally came to the spot where the box should be hidden.

"Alright boys this looks like the right spot. Spread out and look."

Kyle and Nick wandered off towards a hill and discussed what they were going to do while looking for the box.

"Are you ready?" Nick asked Kyle.

"As I'll ever be...plan is when we here someone shout 'found it' i'll scream and then you will run to get the boys and tell the lie that I'm hurt and such."

"What do you want me to tell them? Like you just crumpled to the ground?"

"No, how about something like I tripped over a log...or something."

"I got it! How about a bird came down and dive bombed you which made you run and then you tripped over a log and rolled down the hill and ya!"

Kyle looked at Nick as if he was crazy. "You think they will actually believe that? I don't think that they are that stupid."

"Okay, then what is our reason story?"Nick said, dejected at the rejection of what he thought to be a genius idea.

"Just leave it simple. I tripped over a log while trying to look for the box."

"Okay sounds easy enough"

"Okay well here goes nothing" on spur of the moment, before he could put anymore second thoughts into this plan, Kyle dropped to his knees screamed in agony and pain and rolled down the hill. The scream seemed so real that nick cringed and actually thought that Kyle hurt himself. After making sure he was actually okay, by seeing Kyle giving him a thumbs up, Nick ran towards where he had seen the guys last screaming, "Guys! I need some help! Kyle is hurt!"

Meanwhile Kyle sat on the ground and examined his dirty body from rolling in the dirt.He glanced at his 'hurt ankle'. It was black and blue (done by make up) and super realistic. Kyle was nervous. For one he wasn't a very good actor and two he never liked lying to his teammates, although his coaches assigned him the task. As he heard someone shout, "found it!" he knew that the crew of boys were on their way to his rescue, so he started to moan and groan and clutch his ankle in pain as he laid in what looked like a useless heap on the ground.

"He's down there." he heard Nicks voice say a few minutes later. Within moments, half of team was standing on top of him asking if he was okay.

"Can you stand on it?" Taylor asked.

"I don't think so. I think I broke it." Kyle said wincing trying to make it look like he is in a lot of pain.

"We should get some ice on this and ibuprofen into you" Nate Condon said

"Good point," responded Taylor, pulling out his water bottle which was still somewhat cold and gently placed on to Kyle's discolored ankle.

"Did anyone bring Ibuprofen?...Or receive it in their care kit?" Nate asked out to the group. Everyone shaking their heads 'no'. Nate continued, "Okay we will see if the other group has any when we meet up."

"We should get over there, and wait so that we can get Kyle in a more comfortable position" suggested Ben to Nate.

"That sounds like a good idea." and then in a louder voice. " We should head back now so that we can wait together as a team and get Kyle more help there. Either way isn't Joey studying to be a trainer?"

"I have an Ace bandage!" interrupted Kent, "Here, Taylor, Catch!!"

Kyle watch the bandage fly from Kent's hands and land right into Taylor's. He shut his eyes and gasped in pain as Taylor moved his ankle on top of his back pack, in order to be able to wrap it., "Sorry buddy, but it needs to be done." Slowly, Taylor took off Kyle's shoe. Kyle's eyes clenched shut as he pretended to feel faint from all of the pain. Once Taylor had the Ace wrap on "How does that feel? Is it too tight?"

"It's perfect Taylor, Thanks" Kyle replied again shutting his eyes as Taylor set his ankle back down.

"We should really get going. I don't want the other boys worried." Nate chimed in seeing that this whole process was done.

Taylor continued on, " Does that sound okay Kyle?" He nodded his and closed his eyes in pain as he tried to sit up and swayed back and forth as if he was faint, " Woah, there Kyle, we will help you no worries."

With that, Nate and Taylor counted to three and pulled Kyle to his feet. Making sure that he had his balance, they began to escort Kyle up the hill back towards where we were going to meet the rest of the boys.
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sorry for mistakes. please comment!