Team Building?

Chapter 4

"Hey how you feeling?" Joey said, walking into the bedroom where Kyle was laying.

He shrugged, "The splint feels better but not much," Kyle sat up and pulled himself to his feet with the crutches, "I better go see the rest of the boys,"

"You know they would probably come to you," Joey continued saying as Kyle leaned on his crutches, "I am pretty sure all of them have been on crutches before."

"I just need an excuse to get out of this room, I've been in here for an hour, doing absolutely nothing, it is so boring." He continued as he made his way forward out of the room.

When he opened the door, Kyle saw the rest of the teams heads whip around to see who was coming. Some of the players faces fell, other's weren't surprised.

"Hey Kyle," Nick said with a smile, pulling him up a chair to the kitchen table, "How are you doing?"

"Little better," He shrugged with the same attitude that he gave to Joey, a fake disappointment, "How was the rest of the treasure hunt?"

"Okay, everybody was worried was about you, but as the saying goes, The show must go on,"

Kyle shrugged his shoulders as he sat in the chair and put his ankle up. " When's dinner I am hungry?" He continued on saying. As if on cue, Taylor walked into the kitchen with a peice of paper on what to do for dinner.

"This says that there are three dishes to be made, in teams of three we must follow a recipe from what is taped on to the main ingredient. So I guess just divide into three and bake away."

"Kyle do you want to be in our group?" Nick asked, pointing to him Ben, Zach, Jake, and Travis.

"Sure," Kyle said, "What are we making?"

"Dessert!" Jake said, holding out a recipe for sugar cookies.

"Awesome, so who want to make the batter?" Zach said.

"I will" Ben said

"I will to I guess," Jake said too.

"Okay, then Kyle Nick and I will cut them out and we all frost them?" Zach finished, making sure that the group was organized.

While Ben and Jake went off to make the batter, Zach Nick and Kyle had a small social hour.

"So Kyle," Zach asked, "When are you going to be back?"

"I don't know, Christian said before the season opener though," Kyle shrugged off.

"So do you like it here at the 'U'?" Nick asked Kyle.

"Umm , ya it's a dream come true to play here."

"Tell me one fact about you that I wouldn't know by just looking at you." Zach said.

"Well I know that Nick knows this but I am the youngest of four and have a twin brother."

"Interesting, Did all of your brothers play hockey?" Zach asked.

"Ya" Kyle said, "So do you have any siblings?"

"No" Nick said, "I was a handful for my parents, apparently" he finished off jokingly.

"You sure are" Zach said in a serious tone to annoy Nick.

"You are just soooo funny Zach HAHA" Nick said as a retort.

"I have three older brothers, but no twins. They all played hockey in fact now that I think about it I remember my brother Jeff saying something about playing with a Rau." He trailed off thinking. "All of your brothers played at Eden Prairie right?"

"Yup" Kyle said thinking if they have seen each other before.

"Ohh, is your brothers name Matt?" Zach said remembering part of the conversation that he had with his brother.

"Ya the oldest one is."

"Did he go to St. Olaf college in 04-08?" Zach asked.

"Ya, he played hockey there from 03-06." Kyle said wondering where this was going.

"then ya our brothers played with each other, Jeff played there from 04-08." Zach said finalizing his conclusion, "Weird eh?"

"ya small world" Kyle finished."Nick come back to earth!" Kyle waved his hand in Nick's face because he seemed to be off in lala land.

"Ohh, what?" Nick asked, which made both Zach and Kyle laugh, "Just you two trying to figure things out is so boring, and I don't know why you think it is so funny that I tuned out."

"It just is" Zach said.

"Whatever" Nick brushed the comment off.

Then Ben came back carrying a bowl of cookie dough, and carlessly bumped into the chair which Kyle's foot was resting on. Kyle, fake winced and bit his lip to show he was holding back the tears, "My bad, I'm sorry Kyle are you okay?"

"I'll live."

"Well, then here is the cookie dough, your turn to work"

"CAn you grab us cookie sheets?" Nick pleaded not wanting to get up from the table.

"No get them yourself!! You lazy butt!" Jake said.

"Fine, We will walk al lthe way into the kitchen and get the flour and cookie pans." Nick said unwillingly.

"Dude the kitchen is like five feet away." Ben said.

"I know I was just really comfortable in that spot" Nick said making up a reason not to move.

"can you grab me one?" Zach asked.

Nick gave him a look and just to , "Of course not lazy bones get it yourself."

"Fine!" Zach said annoyed.

"Nick will you get me mine?" Kyle asked.

"Of course" he said with a smirk towards ZAch.

"hey that's not funny!!" Zach said chasing him into the kitchen so that he could slap him playfully.

"What?!" Nick yelled back innocently, "Hey, don't hit me, He is a cripple,might as well help him out! Owe!" Everyone at the table laughed at the twos commentary.

Once they were back in the boys started to make the cookies, "What shapes are we making these?" Kyle asked as he was the first to roll out his part of the dough.

"Circles and squares?" Zach said, "those are the only shapes that I can make with out a cookie cutter."

"oh yeah, on the sheet it said there were cookie cutter in the drawer" Ben said, "I'll go get them."

"So now you will go get something from the kitchen" Nick said sarcastically.

"Yep, I mean since cripple asked, and I am not doing anything while you are." Ben said walking into the kitchen.

"What so you guys will do anything as long as cripple asks?" Nick said shouted. Kyle just smiled, because he knew that Nick knew he was faking it.

Of course Ben heard the comment and just ignored it as all the boys working in the kitchen looked at him. "Ohh, none of your business."

"Here ya go Kyle," Ben said placing the cookie cutters on the kitchen table, "There is a pumpkin a snow angel, an oval, heart, and a flower."

"Ohh, how darling of them," Jake said, "They think we are five"

"Hey it is better than no dessert at all." Nick said.

"I guess..." Jake said, "so since Ben and Kyle are freshman, I think we are able to drill them on questions to get to know them?"

Kyle and Ben both groaned, 'Thank God we are only Freshman once' Both of them thought.

"Okay, I'll start the it then" Zach said, "Who of you have girl friends or have a girl you like?"

"That's a little personal." Ben said, surprised at the question. "But a no no girl and no love want to be."

"Ahh, Yeah I got a girl," Kyle said.

"Really? whats her name and does she go to the U?" Jake asked.

"Ya, she goes to the 'u' and her name is Abby."

"cool man, you live the life," Nick said jealous that Kyle seems to have it all. Kyle just rolled his eyes at the comment.

"Are you superstitious?" Jake said.

"Yep" Kyle said, "I have many, you'll see them during the season."

"I have tons," Ben said, "But my main one is I think, ahh, is probably my stick I always tape it first and tape it same color tape and same way. Question time over, Kyle is done with his dough, What color frosting do you guys want us to make?"

"I don't know" Zach said, "Just go make some"

"ugg, fine" Ben said, looking at Jake, so that he follow and marched into the kitchen, taking a couple pans of cookies along the way.

"See ya guys" Jake said getting up from the table.

The rest of the night went smoothly, and the boys argued that there cookies were better then the rest of boys cookies. After dinner everyone was tired from the long day of traveling so they went to their rooms to get some sleep.
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