Because You're the Only Hope For Me

Awake and unafraid

POV: Gerard
Rehab has made me feel like I have regained my strength. I honestly do not know what I'd do if I didn't have the guys to support me. I've been clean for around 3 weeks now and the cravings seem to have vanished. One thing I still haven't gave up is the cigarettes, it's just too hard, but that's the last thing on my mind at the moment. The main thing is that I get out of here and I stay clean. The guys are allowed to visit me 2 times a week for 2 hours so when they come visit they make sure to bring me my cigarettes. The ultimate craving for me at the moment isn't a substance. It's a person. AKA Frank. At night I sit and count down the days until I can see him again. I have no contact with him apart from when he comes and visits. In my jean pocket I have a picture of me and him at Halloween, me wearing my batman outfit and Frank in his Frankenstein costume. God I really want to see him. He is coming to visit me tomorrow, just himself. I asked the nurse roughly how much longer I have to stay in this place for. He said around 3-4 weeks. It seems so long away but I just have to stay optimistic.

4 weeks later, Gerard is out of rehab
POV: Frank
Gee has been clean for 7 weeks now. All of us are really proud. I love him even more now. He isn't slurring, drinking or taking drugs. We are all praying that this won't be a phase and that he will permanently stay clean. He's getting back into song writing and it's helping him get back on track. He has substituted his pills for tic tacs and the alcohol for soft drinks. Last night he stayed over at mines and started moaning my name repeatedly in a sexual tone. I'll admit it did turn me on. I'm not ashamed I love Gerard. I wish that everything could fall into place and be perfect. But of course that will never happen.
"Hey Frank, have you got any coffee?" asked a sleepy Gerard.
"Uh yeah, top shelf to the left." I replied.
"That bed is really uncomfortable. My back is fucking killing me man!" replied a groaning Gerard.
"Aww, want me to massage your back for you" I replied, willing to go through with my offer.
"Um, well that would be nice." replied Gerard discretely.
"Okay then, go lie down on the couch and I'll be over in a sec" I replied smiling to myself.

Oh my God. I get to fucking touch him. He didn't even hesitate, I was expecting a huge freak out from him. He looks so cute in his boxers just lying there. I just realized that he is topless. Half freaking naked. I get to massage the cutest guy on earth while he is topless. This is like a dream came true. Oh shit I forgot about his coffee.

"Frank, do you want some help in there with the coffee?" asked Gerard.
"Uh...No I'm fine I'll be in in a sec Gee" I replied speeding up my actions.

I poured out the coffee into two mugs and headed through to the living room where Gerard was lying.

"Wake up and smell the coffee motherfucker" I replied giggling.
"Thanks. You do know that you have the cutest giggle ever." Said a blushing Gerard.
"Haha. I get that a lot." I replied putting my mug down onto the coffee table.
"So about that massage. Do you want me to go put a shirt on or are you comfortable doing it while I'm topless?" Asked Gerard while putting his mug down.
"Either way works for me to be honest. What ever you feel comfortable with" I replied hoping he'd stay shirtless.
"I think I'll just stay like this. I can't be assed going to get a shirt" replied Gerard giggling.
"Lazy shit" I muttered under my breath.
"Hey shut up!" Said Gerard whacking me with a cushion.
"Hey my grandma knitted me that!" I replied.

I'm being serious my grandma did actually knit me that. It's a cushion with a huge red 'F' on it. It is actually pretty comfortable.

"Oh sorry." replied a awkward Gerard.
"Nah it's fine. Turn over and I'll get massaging." I replied ready to touch him.
"Okay dokey." replied a grinning Gerard.

As I lay my hands on his back and started to massage him I noticed his cheeks blushing and a bulge appearing in his boxers. Wait. Oh my God. Has he got a boner over me massaging him?!

"Wow your really good at this. Um one sec I need to go use the bathroom." Said a embarrassed Gerard.
"Oh okay, um do you have a boner?" I asked.

Oh God why did I ask that? He'll probably think I'm some kind of pervert staring at his junk. Wait. I HAVE A FUCKING BONER TOO. SHIT. THANKS A BUNCH HORMONES.

"Um. Maybe. I...I...They sometimes just pop up out of nowhere. You might want to look at your own junk Frankie..." replied Gerard making his way to the bathroom.
"Oh. Haha. Um maybe I'll need to use the bathroom after you. I haven't y'know touched myself in a while so it's probably a boner deficiency."
"Yeah, great explanation Frank. Do you think maybe the massage turned us both on...?" replied Gerard looking at the ground.
"Um. Well I can't really see what else could have turned us both on. Well I'll admit that the cacti on my windowsill is pretty sexy." I replied trying to suck up the awkwardness.
"To be honest I wouldn't find it hard to believe if it was you that turned me on. You are quite a good masseuse and your kinda cute." Said a blushing Gerard.
"Well I have heard people getting turned on during massages. And I think your kinda cute too." I replied shyly.

At that moment my heart began to race. Our eyes made contact and we both blushed. Before I knew it Gerard was sitting right beside me again. We both leaned in and then we kissed. Inside I felt like my heart exploded and my soul had went to heaven. This wasn't just a short kiss this lasted for a good 2 minutes. I'm pretty sure if I didn't back away that it could have went further.

"Um. Well. What was that?" Asked a blushing and confused Gerard.
"I...I...don't know" I replied bewildered.
"I enjoyed it anyway" Replied Gerard laughing.

The two of us ended up almost on the floor in a laughing fit. Gerard's elbow knocked the coffee off of the table and it spilled all over the both of us. It was cold by now anyway but it still made us both jump.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry I'll go clean this up!" said Gerard running into the kitchen to grab a towel.
"It's fine honestly it didn't get on the floor. It was only onto the table. It's mostly on us haha!" I replied trying to make a joke of it all.
"I'm really sorry. Here let me clean you up!" replied a hectic Gerard.

I took of my shirt and bottoms and left my boxers revealing. I'm really conscious about my body so this was pretty embarrassing. As Gerard leaned towards me to wipe of the coffee stains we again started to kiss. We fell onto the couch and the kissing turned into full-on making out. My heart was pounding and I had mega butterflies in my stomach. It didn't just stop there. Oh no it certainly did not. We then ended up in my bedroom still kissing each other all of the way. Gerard frantically ripped of his bottoms and started feeling my body. He slid down my boxers and I did not hesitate to help him. This was pure bliss.

"Just before this goes any further are you sure you want to go through with this?" asked Gerard breathlessly.
"Yes. No doubt about it" I replied trying to catch my breath.

As soon as I gave him permission to feel me up even more, before I knew it his mouth was around the top of my dick. He looked up at me with seductive eyes and then proceeded into giving me a blowjob.

"Mmm" I groaned in total pleasure.

Gerard leaned up to face me. He bit my bottom lip and made orgasmic noises.

"Oh. You like that?" he whispered while stroking my dick.
"Mhmm." I said lost for words.
"Well I've been doing all of the work." He replied sucking on my lip even harder, "How about you take a turn and pleasure me?" He asked in a misty voice.
"Uh,okay" I replied gradually opening my eyes.

Gerard winked and then moved back. His dick was much bigger than I thought. It was at least an inch bigger than mines anyway. I started kissing his neck and moved all the way down to his waistline. I started to give him a slow, gentle handjob. He groaned with pleasure and I then sped up. I let go and straight away started to blow him.

"Uh, Mmm, Yes Frank!" moaned Gerard.

I giggled and blew him harder. He then pushed me away and flipped me over. Before I could say anything his dick was up my ass.

"Wait Gee! You need to put on protection!" I shouted.

I didn't want AIDS...

"Oh, yeah." replied Gerard bluntly.

I quickly ran into the bathroom and pulled out my box of condoms and jumped back onto my bed.

"Gimme!" shouted Gerard with the expression of a child on Christmas day.

He slipped on the ready lubricated condoms and slid his dick up my ass. This was the first time I had experienced anything like this. It was painful at first but I then grew to enjoy it. I groaned and groaned and Gerard soon joined in. We then swapped positions and I was fucking him. I started off slow and then built up speed. I felt ecstatic. Having sex with the man of my dreams. This was unbelievable.

"Mmm, Gee I'm about to cum, mouth or chest?!" I shouted getting ready to jizz.
"Mouth, I wanna taste it!" replied a very pleasured Gerard.
"Open up!" I shouted and then came in his mouth.

He swallowed every last drop of my semen. We then made out again and he gave me a hickie.

"Uh Gee what am I going to say when the guys notice this hickie? I'm single, this is gonna look suspicious!" I said worriedly.
"Oh calm down, just wear a scarf and put a little make up on it." replied Gerard while wiping my 'home-made-mayo' off of his mouth.

Then the worst possible situation occurred. My doorbell rang. Shit.

"It's fine here grab your clothes go get dressed in the bathroom and I'll get dressed under the covers." replied a panicky Gerard.
"Okay" I replied grabbing the first clothes I saw.

Once I'd got into the bathroom I realized that I was wearing Gerard's stripy t-shirt and his skinny black jeans. Luckily I grabbed my own underwear anyway. I ran to the door to find a tear-full Jamia on my doorstep. I opened the door and invited him in.

"Hey what's up?" I said concerned.
"I'm homeless." she replied wiping tears from her eyes.
"What? What do you mean your homeless?" I replied with a confused expression.
"I didn't have enough money to pay my rent and my landlord kicked me out" she replied bursting into tears.
"Oh come here" I said stroking her hair.

I sat her up and tried to think of a solution. The only thing I could think of was that she stayed at mines for a while, but if Gerard and I were to you know 'do-it' regularly then that would be pretty awkward. She'd either have to sleep on the couch or swap with Gerard. Or one of them would sleep with me. Sleeping with my ex would be really awkward where as sleeping with Gee I certainly wouldn't complain about.

"Um, do you want to stay here until you find somewhere to stay?" I asked knowing that I would probably regret saying this.
"Are you sure? It's a pretty big thing and with me being your ex and all..." replied a hopefull Jamia.
"Yeah, honestly it's fine. You said you'd be there for me so I'm just simply returning the favor." I said with a false smile.

Gerard then walked in obvious that he had heard the conversation. He didn't really make eye contact with me. I couldn't really blame him after what had just happened.

"Um Gerard. This is Jamia, y'know my ex? Uh, she's going to be living with us for a little while, she's just been kicked out her home." I replied not looking him in the eyes.
"Oh, cool a new housemate. Just don't be throwing any wild parties Jamia haha!" replied a awkward Gerard.
"Haha. I wouldn't have the money too." replied a blunt Jamia.
"Oh and speaking of money, I'll pay you rent as soon as I can" said Jamia promptly.
"Rent? Haha, you don't have to pay me anything. Gerard isn't so you shouldn't have to either. We will work something out." I replied.

I hope this works out alright. I pray that this wasn't a huge mistake.
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Sorry that I haven't updated in like a month, I've been really busy. Keep commenting & recommending if possible. Thanks! XO Lauren <3