I'm Looking for Something More Than This

If You Weren't So Cute...

When I woke up in the morning, I was on the couch… pressed tightly against Nathan’s chest. He was already awake and smiling down at me as I blinked a few times so that my eyes could focus. When that finished, I let out a sigh as my smile came over me… and he planted his lips to my forehead.

“Morning,” he spoke softly.

“Are we there yet?” I asked while I stretched, sitting up out of his grasp.

“Just about,” he answered.

“Really? Gosh this is taking forever,” I complained.

“Just go back to sleep,” he grinned, opening his arms for me.

Without another word, I leaned back over to him, letting his arms wrap tightly around me, pulling me into his chest. I gladly snuggled into it as we watched the miles tick by in the big front window of the bus.

While we waited for it to stop, I grabbed my phone, turning it on to see if there was anything I missed… and there was so much! Kirstie kept texting me! Each message had a new question. The last one really got to me though…

‘You two better be making out!’

A giggle came out of me as I read it. None of that happened last night! We just talked… and maybe… kissed once… or twice! But it wasn’t making out! Growing curious, Nathan glanced at my phone. After he read over her words, a chuckle came out of him. Oh my…

“Let me just… take this…” he said while gently taking my phone away.

“What are you doing?!” I quickly threw at him.

“Nothing…” he said through a laugh.

“Nathan!” I got huffy.

“You’re so beautiful this morning,” he grinned while he typed away.

“Nathan!” I whined.

“Such a beautiful girl…” he kept going.

“Nath…” I started, but he quickly hooked his arms back around me, letting out a cute rawr as he did. It made me giggle. Ah he’s cute!

He did give my phone back though. I quickly scrolled through it to see what he had done… and he replied to Kirstie!

‘Greatest night of my life!’ was what he typed.

“Nathan!” I shouted at him, smacking his arm gently.

“What?” he laughed.

“If you weren’t so cute…” I grumbled.

He chuckled once again while pulling me into his chest even more. Right away, I tried to think of how to talk my way out of this when I saw Kirstie. Nathan and I didn’t do anything! He we just talked! But I know no one’s going to buy that ‘oh he was the one to reply’ when his reply was… that!

With a sigh, I relaxed back against his chest. No need to get worked up about it now. I’ll just think of something when I meet back up with everyone… Or so I hoped I came up with something when that time comes.
♠ ♠ ♠
I did :3
