I'm Looking for Something More Than This

The Wanted?!

“Now, Soph, remember, you’re there to break America,” my dad reminded me once I made it downstairs… right after I had just woken up!

It was way too early in the morning for this. I needed to get changed and get to the airport. I didn’t care! All I cared about was that I was going to be away from him for almost three months.

“Got it,” I grumbled as I walked past him to pour myself a cup of tea.

Throughout all of this, he was drilling all sorts of things in my ear. He was still in manager mode! I needed a dad right now! Where was he?! While he was still ranting and raving on, I hurried up to my room. I picked out some comfy clothes so I could sleep on the plane ride. By the time I got out, I really needed to get moving. I had a few bags though… but I sure wasn’t going to ask my dad for help!

Taking one heavy suitcase in each hand, I started my journey down the staircase. After nearly falling down half of them, I made it! I have yet to see my dad again… But when I took my bags outside to put them in the car that was taking me to the airport, there he was… talking to the ‘new manager’. Lovely…

Ignoring everything they said, I went ahead and piled everything in the truck and hurrying into the passenger seat. After their bickering discussion was through, this new manager, Russell, fell in with me.

“Your dad…” he muttered once we took of.

“I’m just glad to be away from him” I said under my breath.

He went on to ask what I had said. I assured him it was nothing. But he wasn’t hesistant to change the subject to this little ‘breaking America’ tour. He was giving me the information that no one else would tell me though. He told me that I was going to be tour with…

The Wanted?!” I couldn’t believe it.

“You’ve heard of them?” he asked, trying to hold off a smile.

“They’re like… huge!” I was still in denial.

“So are you,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, but…” I couldn’t find anything else to say… They’re the frickin Wanted!

I was on cloud nine once we got to the airport. Guess who was there?! The five beautiful boys of The Wanted. They were all just as happily groggy as I was. Oh they’re so cute. One by one, they each introduced themselves. The last one was Nathan. After he had pulled me in for a hug and left a kiss on my cheek, he smiled down at me.

“You are even more beautiful in person,” he beamed, making my cheeks burn the brightest shade of red.

I didn’t feel very beautiful this morning! I had skipped the makeup and just threw my hair up! But the way his eyes were looking into mine… made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

Not giving me much time to bask in that moment, Russell hurried us through the airport, not giving us a break until we were seated on the plane. I guess it would be a rather big deal if we missed our flight…

Nathan and I ended up sitting by each other… with Jay and Tom behind us, picking on us way before we were in the air. But about an hour into our flight, everyone seemed to crash from their little emotional high. I was tired. It was getting so hard to keep my eyes opened.

“Someone’s sleepy,” Nathan snickered, his voice seeming deeper from how tired he was.

“I know you are,” I teased back.

“I’m too excited to sleep though,” he sighed while looking out the window.

I just nodded my head, showing that I felt the same way… even if he wasn’t looking at me. I watched him for the longest time though… just watching him look around. When he caught me, he’d smile, seeming to turn a little pink himself. Eventually, he nodded off to sleep. Knowing I should probably follow his route, I let my eyes shut completely. Hopefully by the time I wake up, we’d be in LA… and ready to take on America.
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... Kirstie's just excited for Kendall.. honestly... hahaha jk

