I'm Looking for Something More Than This

He Didn't... Tell Me

Ah! Today was finally the day! Kirstie and the lads from BTR were coming! They still had a few hours, but… I was meeting up with Nathan in the meantime! He was coming to London… along with the rest of the Wanted boys. I was super excited to see them too, but… I missed Nath!

We haven’t… talked a whole lot. He said he’d come visit me before he left… but he hasn’t. I know it was only a week without him. I was just so hopeful to see him before those long seven days. But today, it’s happening!

From the second I woke up this morning, I was rushing around to get ready, doing everything I could to put a little more into my appearance just for Nathan. When I was finished, I hurried down the stairs, hoping to miss my dad, but… he caught me.

“Where are you going?” he stopped me just before I could make it outside to my car.

“I’m meeting some friends today…” I told him.

“Who?” he wrinkled his face up at me.

“Just some friends, dad,” I huffed.

“Make sure you’re nice to the paparazzi,” he muttered while turning around now.

“I hate them though,” I mumbled.

“What was that?” he seemed to snarl.

“I will,” I spoke louder.

He went on to grumble something else, but I ignored it. Ever since I got back home, he’s been acting strange. I think he’s just jealous that he didn’t get to come with me to America. He’ll get over it! I don’t have time to worry about it now. I have to meet up with my boyfriend.

The whole way to the little restaurant, I was in a fit of nerves… Good nerves though! I was just so excited to be seeing Nathan. After I parked, I rushed inside, spotting Jay’s curly hair first. But as I drew closers, I didn’t see the luscious hair of Nathan…

“Where’s Nath?” I asked, feeling sad now.

“He couldn’t make it. Something about a family emergency,” Tom was the one to answer.

“He didn’t… tell me,” I pushed out, thinking that would be something he’d mention.

“I’m sure he’ll make it though,” Max assured me.

“Nice to see you all excited to see us,” Siva muttered with a playful hurt tone to his voice.

“Aw, I am!” I put a smile on.

They then got to their feet so we could share a tight hug and a quick kiss on the cheek… I was just really missing Nathan though.

Once I sat down with them between Jay and Tom, I brought my phone out, getting ready to send Nathan a text. I just told him that I hoped everything was ok. I wish he had told me what was going on. But maybe we’re not far enough into our relationship for him to tell me about his family. I haven’t told him anything about mine, so I shouldn’t expect that from him. I just really wanted to see him! But I guess… I’ll be seeing Kirstie and the guys of BTR in only a matter of hours!
♠ ♠ ♠
So excited for you Kirstie :3

