I'm Looking for Something More Than This

The Wanted Guys Are Hot

“Go away!” I groaned, swatting Logan’s hand away from me as I cuddled into the warm blankets more.

“Kirstie, all the guys are ready to head to the buses and we’re waiting on you,” He told me, pulling the covers off of me.

“But it’s so early,” I whined.

Logan kept trying to get me out of bed but I wasn’t having any of it but soon the rest of the Big Time Rush boys appeared in my bedroom.

“Kirst, come on, we’re going to be late,” James complained, he’s so weird about being everywhere super early.

“They can’t leave without you,” I said, pulling my blankets back up.

“But we can leave without you,” Logan teased me.

“Logie,” I pouted.

“You can sleep on the bus,” Carlos said.

“Guys, Kirstie isn’t going to give up,” Kendall snickered.

I just nodded at his statement and closed my eyes, cuddling back into the blankets. A moment later I was cold again as the blankets were ripped away and my brown eyes flickered open, seeing Kendall’s lanky frame picking me up.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Well you aren’t giving up so I’m making you come,” He snickered, throwing me over his shoulder, carrying me down the stairs.

“No way am I going to meet hot british guys in my pajamas!” I battled, squirming but he kept his strong grip on me.

“You should have thought of that before,” Kendall laughed.

I smacked his butt, making him let out a yelp of surprise and he put me down since we reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Okay Kirstie, you have five minutes,” Logan told me. “Then we are either leaving without you or I’m dragging you out of the bathroom.”

I ran back upstairs pulling some comfy clothes on and grabbed my shoes and ran back downstairs, finding the guys in the car and I hopped in the backseat by Carlos and Kendall while James and Logan were in the front.

“So are we just going to the tour bus or what?” I asked.

“Yeah I think that’s where we’re meeting The Wanted and Sophia,” James told me.

“Sophia is super hot,” Logan smirked, making me playfully roll my eyes at him, he’s such a flirt!

“She is,” Carlos agreed.

“Kirstie thinks The Wanted guys are hot,” Kendall teased, poking my side.

“They are! And their accents are killer,” I beamed.

“I don’t really know any of their music,” James spoke up.

“I just know that one you play all the time Kirst,” Logan said.

”The sun goes down, the stars come out and all that counts is here and now,” I sang.

”The universe will never be the same, I’m glad you came, I’m glad you came,” Logan and Kendall finished since they both hear me play or sing it all the time.

“I just know that song but it’s good, I don’t know anything about Sophia though, other than my brother thinks she’s hot,” I laughed.

“She is that,” Kendall smiled.

When those words left his mouth, I felt a ting of jealousy come over me. It’s so stupid, I can’t believe this stupid crush I’ve always had on him. Maybe being around some more people on this tour will help me to stop liking him but I doubt it.
♠ ♠ ♠
.....this is true.....
