I'm Looking for Something More Than This

You Can’t Do This To Sophie

“I just think maybe you should give Soph some time off,” I argued with her dad at the breakfast table.

“No, that is the worst thing you could do for her career,” He told me just like he had last night.

“Think about your daughters feelings though! She needs time off,” I battled.

“You don’t know anything about this!” He shot back. “Stop trying to derail her career.”

“I’m not, I’m looking out for her!” I said.

“Well you aren’t, and maybe if you can’t support her you shouldn’t be here,” He muttered, heading up the stairs.

I stood there, completely stunned. I can’t believe this guy! We had gone at it last night and then this morning while we were having breakfast he brought it up again!

“I can’t believe that!” I groaned, sitting down with Kendall, James and Carlos since Logan was upstairs talking to Soph.

“You’d think he’d care a little more about her emotions,” James spoke up.

“You would think that wouldn’t you?” Carlos agreed.

As we were eating breakfast, there was a knock on the door. We all looked at each other and neither Sophie nor her father was around but I didn’t know if it’d be okay for me to answer it.

“I’ll go open the door,” Kendall shrugged, getting up.

“I’ll go with you,” I said, trailing behind his tall frame.

Kendall pulled the door open and much to our surprise a familiar face was standing there. Nathan sent us a grin but I wasn’t having any of that.

“Is Soph here?” He asked.

“She’s up in her room. She’s pretty tired considering she cried all last night,” I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

”What?” Nathan shot. “Why? What happened?”

Kendall grabbed the magazine and showed it to him, his eyes growing wide. His mouth gapped open and closed like a fish out of water.

“Is it okay if I talk to Nathan for a minute babe?” I asked Kendall.

“Of course,” He replied and left a soft kiss by my ear, whispering, “Call me if you need me.”

I closed the front door behind us and Nathan and I stood outside in the chill of the early morning England air.

“Nathan, I can’t believe you,” I shook my head. “You can’t do this to Sophie.”

“I just…” He trailed off.

“She really cared about you!” I said.

“Can I at least talk to her?” Nathan questioned.

I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my messy hair. I didn’t want to let him in, but I didn’t want to turn him away in case she wanted to see him.

“Nathan look, let me talk to Sophie and I’ll call you later okay?” I replied.

“Alright,” He agreed.

I turned to go back inside but I stopped when he spoke up, “Kirstie.”


“Can I at least have a hug? You give great hugs,” Nathan said with a small smile.

I couldn’t help but smile at him and I turned around and giving him a hug as he whispered to me, “I didn’t mean to hurt her so much.”

“But you did, and now you’re going to have to try to make it right,” I told him.

And with that, he nodded and headed out to his car. I hated that he did this, I know I don’t know the whole story but he didn’t come spilling out a story that it wasn’t true, so that would lead me to think it was. I just want Sophie to be happy and as sad as it is….that might not be with Nathan.
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i'm sick....but i'm going to take a crap load of medicine because there is no way i am missing the concert tomorrow.
ONE MORE DAY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!

Kirstie and Nathan
