I'm Looking for Something More Than This

Just Give It Time

Throughout the whole plane ride, I was a fit of nerves! I’m always so nervous when I meet new people! And this is… Logan’s family! We’re not even together and I’m meeting his family! Granted, I’ll probably be introduced as Kirstie’s friend, but… AH!

“You’re really cute when you’re nervous…” he teased with a chuckle in his voice as he spoke.

“No I’m not,” I grumbled while crossing my arms.

“Yes you are,” he cooed, pulling me in close to him.

“I don’t like meeting new people,” I pouted.

“Aw, but everyone’s going to love you. You are amazing. How could they not?” he pressed on.

“He’s right,” I heard Kirstie say from in front of us.

“Stop ease dropping!” I shot at her playfully.

“You know… you guys are actually really cute together,” she went on, turning around in her seat to look at her brother and I.

“Kirstie,” I whined, not wanting to hear this in front of Logan!

“Logan doesn’t act like this around girls. It’s cuuuute,” she cooed at her older sibling.

“Aw, Logie Bear,” I joined in on her cooing.

Gradually, his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. AW! He just keeps getting more and more precious with each passing second. As his skin grew red, he hid his face into the crook of my neck.

He stayed this way until his sister stopped talking about us and turned back around. A few seconds after that, he lifted his head back up, still having a slight pink tint to him. Oh he’s adorable.

“I think you’re the reason why we’re so cute…” I had to poke.

“No, it’s all you,” he countered, leaving a soft kiss on my cheek.

I just let it go. I didn’t want to start blushing! The two of us fell silent after this. We stayed in one another arms until the plane landed. Once we were off, Logan slipped his hand in mine. He gave it a few squeezes every now and then once we came to a decent number of people. It was so sweet. Be my boyfriend now, please!

After we had our luggage, we continued our journey through the airport. Suddenly, I hear Logan and Kirstie’s name being called out. Both of their smiles curled across their faces before they took off on a sprint. Seconds later, Logan was tightly hugging a girl that I was assuming was his other sister. It was so cute. She looked so, so happy to see him. After they shared their moment, she went over and gave Kirstie a hug while Kendall and I stepped forward.

“Hey, Pres, this is Kirstie and I’s friend, Sophia,” Logan went on to introduce us.

“Hey there,” I put on a smile.

“You like her accent don’t you?” she grinned up at her brother.

“Among other things… lovely things,” he countered.

“Is she your girlfriend?” she whispered, but it was loud enough for me to hear.

“What? No! Presley!” he muttered, giving her a slight shove.

“Just give it time,” Kirstie snickered.

Logan muttered a few words under his breath before Kendall greeted the little one. It was adorable. Gosh, these guys with little kids. Once that was through, Presley led the way to the Henderson parents. Our introduction went great. They seemed so nice and opened. All of my anxiety was long gone. I was actually… excited about all of this now. Bring on Texas! As long as I have Logan… and Kirste, everything should be fine!
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Kirstie... hahahaha
