I'm Looking for Something More Than This

It’ll Work Out

“I love this movie,” Kendall smiled as we were watching Anchorman.

“It’s so funny,” I giggled.

“It really is,” Logan agreed.

The four of us were down in the movie/hang out room watching Anchorman this afternoon since it was too hot to be outside right now. Sophie and I were sitting in the middle of the couch while Kendall was cuddled up on the other side of me and Logan was the same way with Soph. As we were watching our movie, we heard footsteps and saw Presley standing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Hey Pres,” Kendall grinned at her, showing off those adorable dimples.

“Hi,” She replied. “Um, Kirstie I need help on my history homework.”

“What? Presley, I always help you on your history and math homework,” Logan spoke up.

“But when Kirstie helps me I get better grades,” She innocently said, making everyone but Logie laugh.

I left a kiss on Kendall’s cheek before I got up and draped my arm around my little sisters shoulder as we headed up to the family room where she had her homework spread out.

“I think we need some cupcakes to help us,” I smiled, getting one for each of us.

“Yay,” She grinned as we each took a bite of ours.

“So what’s troubling you?” I asked.

Presley explained what she didn’t get so I grabbed a white board and we drew pictures to illustrate the information which luckily helped her understand.

“Looks like you girls are busy,” Logan said as he walked into the room with Sophie and Kendall.

“Yeah, I understand it a lot more,” Presley proudly grinned.

“I like all the pictures,” Soph chuckled at our silly little drawings.

I let out a giggle with her and then I looked over at Presley who had a look on her face that she normally didn’t have.

“Hey Pres, what’s up?” I asked, sitting down next to her.

“Is something wrong?” Logan questioned, sitting with us.

“Um…” She trailed off.

“You can talk to us Pres,” Kendall encouraged, laying his hands over hers.

“Well see, there’s this boy…” Presley trailed off.

”Aww!” Sophie and I beamed, making her cheeks grow red. “What’s his name?”

“Michael,” She told me. “I just…don’t know how to act around him and Logie always says things to Sophie about how much he likes being around her and Kendall always hugs you or talks about how much he loves you but Michael doesn’t do that to me.”

“Presley,” I cooed, pulling her in for a hug. “If you really like this guy and he really likes you, things will work out.”

“I don’t think it will though,” She pouted.

“Take it from me Presley, sometimes it’s hard to know your true feelings for each other but when you meet someone you truly care for, it just feels…right,” Soph told her.

“Yeah, and you don’t need a guy to complete you because you and a wonderful, beautiful, kind girl all on your own,” Logan said, rubbing her back gently.

“And sometimes it feels like it won’t happen but in time it will, like with Kirstie and I,” Kendall added in.

“I had a crush on Kendall for like five years before anything ever happened, but it all worked out,” I smiled.

“Thanks guys, you made me feel better,” Presley grinned before getting up to give everyone a tight hug.

“Now let’s blow off the rest of your homework and go have fun,” Logan chuckled as we headed outside to hang out.

I couldn’t help but smile at my little sisters crush. It seems like not that long ago I was in the same position with Kendall, but it all worked out and I’m so happy it did. Now I just hope everything works out for Logan and Sophie.
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oh i know what you're thinking!!!!

Kirstie, Kendall, Logan and Soph
