Status: For Kate ♥



She was gorgeous. Her eyes were endless depths of warmth that rivaled my own. They had a certain fire, a determination to them that captured me. I was intrigued by those brown orbs; they were fierce, yet gentle. Her curly brown hair was beautiful and flowing, which showed off her features. Her smile was radiant and it gave me a sense of warmth. Her whole being made me smile.

I could get lost in her eyes and hold her forever…

“Mate, why are you smiling like that?”

I shook my head and retreated from my thoughts.

“You’re staring into the middle distance and grinning like a fool. Most people would wonder about what you were staring at. I would liken it to smiling at the ground. I mean, who the fuck smiles at the ground? Well, I guess I shouldn’t question the choices people make, but…Wait. It’s a girl.” He gave me a weird look.

The heat rose to my cheeks. “You’re a talkative drunk. You should shut up now, Zayn, before you regret it in the morning.”

“Liam likes a girl! Liam likes a girl! I wouldn’t remember it in the morning anyway,” he slurred.

“You have a point. However, I will remember and I won’t hesitate to put embarrassing photos on twitter.”

He stared at me wide-eyed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “You wouldn’t.”

“You know I would,” I replied.

“You have a point there, my beautiful friend. My Liam, Liam, Ziam, ha! Ziam. I love you, Liam! Let me looooove you.” He swayed in the passenger seat and put his arm around me, causing me to swerve a bit.

“Whoa there! I don’t want to die,” hollered Louis from the backseat, drawing out the last word.

“Oh my, God. You guys are all drunk. How in the hell did you guys manage that,” I smirked, “You guys are going to do ridiculous things and I will show the world.” I held onto the steering wheel and focused on the road.

My thoughts drifted back to Jane.

Her smile seemed to light up the dark room. I could still feel her hand in mine. My mind drifted further into the memory. Her sweet smell swirled around me as if she were in the room…

“She was fit, wasn’t she,” sang Zayn.

He scared me out of my thoughts.

“Zayn, shut up!” Heat flooded my cheeks.

He smiled slyly like a two-year-old. “Make me.”

“Fine,” I said with a straight face.

I pulled the car over to the side of the road and put it in park.

“Walk home.”

“But I don’t know where I am,” he pouted.

I threw a map at him.

“How do you expect me to read this?”

I gave him a sassy look. “Should’ve thought of that before you wanted to pick a fight with the person driving.”

The streets were desolate and the only sign of life was the periodic passing of a car. Stars lit the sky like little crystals, bringing light to an otherwise dark night. Not even the moon was up to grace the darkness with its brilliance.

“But Liammmm,” he drew out my name like a young child might do.

“No buts. Now, you are going to apologize and let me drive.”

“Fine! I’m sorry, Boo Bear,” said Zayn.

The quiet in the backseat was disrupted as soon as those words left Zayn’s lips.

“HOW ABOUT NO, YOU FILTHY PEASANT?! I am Boo Bear! Me. Louis William Tomlinson. Zayn! Take back what you said this instant!”

Louis’ face was stern as he ordered Zayn to comply.

“I’m sorry, Boo, but I don’t know the way home…”

“All of you, shut up! I’m trying to sleep and I have a splitting headache. Also, how much of an imbecile are you?! The flat is right down the fucking street! Now get in the car, let Liam get lost in his thoughts about that bird, and let me sleep! Oh, one more thing, Louis is MY Boo Bear, so back off,” said Harry, his deep voice breaking through the arguing. He cuddled up into Louis’ side and fell asleep.

I started up the engine and drove the remainder of the way home.

Zayn leaped out of the car as if it was on fire and Louis gently woke up Harry with a kiss to his forehead. I was definitely going to use everything against them. Maybe next time I wouldn’t have to go to the party. Then again, maybe she would be there.

Niall was quiet the whole ride home. He didn’t stir from his place in the backseat. His cheeks were tinted red from the amount of ale he drank.

“Niall, Niall, Niall,” I called out, shaking his shoulder.

Zayn came up from behind me saying, “Bueller, Bueller, Bueller.”

I pushed him aside and started singing the Time to Get Up Song we made when we went on vacation to a cabin in the woods that was owned by Harry’s parents. The boys joined in and sounded surprisingly on key for a bunch of drunken teenagers. We should make a band, I thought.

After practically jumping on him, he still didn’t wake up.

“For God’s sake, Niall! Hurry up, we have NANDO’S!” Harry yelled, obviously agitated that Niall wasn’t awake yet.

Niall’s eyes flew open and he was out of that car at the speed of light. After searching about him, he realized we lied to him. Note to self: Never lie to wake up a sleeping Irishman.

“Where’s me Nando’s?! You lied to me! Me Gran will hear about this! Potatoooooooooooos!” His Irish brogue seemed to be more defined in his drunken state.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. You lot are the worst drunks ever!”

“What makes you think you would be any better?” Zayn looked at me seriously.

“I don’t have, or want, to be drunk. Therefore, I won’t do it,” I said matter-of-factly.

“Whatever you say, Liammmm!”

“I have to get you guys inside. I’m going to make you all tea and all of you will go straight to bed.”

I took a deep breath as I ushered the boys into the house.

As soon as we got in, Zayn plopped on the couch face first, Louis carried Harry to his room, and Niall trudged into the kitchen in search of food.

I grabbed my laptop by the couch and logged into twitter. After about ten minutes, I put it down and looked at my phone. I debated on texting her. I stared at the screen blankly, wondering what to type.

My fingers flew across the small buttons as I typed the message.

Hey, it’s Liam. That guy from the party tonight. I’m just watching after the boys. They are pretty drunk. Zayn’s on the couch drifting between sleep, Niall is sulking about not getting his Nando’s, and Harry is with Louis for some strange reason. I’m rambling…well, tonight was really fun…

I let the cursor blink before deleting the too long message and starting again.

Hey, it’s Liam! I needed somebody to talk to and…

Shaking my head, I deleted the message again and started over. Why was it so hard to write a simple message?

My phone started blinking and beeping like mad, indicating a new text. Zayn groaned and sat up from his seat as I tried to silence the source of the noise.

I looked at the screen and it read, “Honey Badger”. I smirked as I opened the text.

Hey! My friend, Kate, is passed out on the couch and I wanted to talk to you. It’s really late, but…yeah, I’m rambling, but the effort to delete this…

I smiled like a fool as Zayn sat down nest to me. Before I could reply, I pulled the phone into my chest to shield it away from him.

“Mate, why’re you hiding your phone? It’s that bird again, yeah?”

I blushed. Zayn reached over and ripped the phone from my grip.

He glanced over the message.

“Well, she seems to be like you. I approve! Nobody can steal my Liam though… I hope she doesn’t mind sharing! Hmm, your bird has a friend named Kate… I met a girl named Kate at the party. I quite like her. She’s different. She seems to understand me. I slipped her my number, but I forgot to ask for hers. I’m daft,” he said handing me the phone.

“Great, now you have turned into a deep drunk.” I let out a sigh and typed a quick reply, hoping she would respond just as rapidly.

Thanks for dancing with me tonight. It made my night worth it.

The heat rushed to my cheeks as the cursor blinked, waiting for my thoughts to come.

I had a great time too! :P So, when will I get to see you again?

The reply came a few moments later.

Soon. :)
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so I'm horrible for not updating this. I've had this chapter waiting in my journal to be typed, but I didn't get to type it. There is just so much school work and whatnot going on. Good news: I have been writing most of my chapters in my journal, so I'm almost done with the next chapters of both of my stories. Bad news: I might have to keep you guys waiting. Although you guys will have to wait, I figured that once I am finished with the hard part of my college applications, I can start writing more! Therefore, by December, I should update regularly, as in once a week per story. I am excited for the holidays because it means that I have more time to write.

I'm also going to apologize now for this chapter.....Sometimes I think things are funny, but in reality, they are hopefully you enjoyed my attempt at humor..... Well, let me know what you think!

Oh, and so there is no confusion, I am switching points of view. I'm debating on whether to have it be just Liam and Jane, or flower in some of the other characters and their stories. Either way, You guys will have to stick around and find out! I hope you all enjoy this! Well, I'm going to stop now!

I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter! Oh, and I'd like to thank everyone who has subscribed and read this story! Her's a special thanks to those who have recommended this story! A massive thank you to all of you! :P

chasing carousels;
iron and wine.
blown away;

I was really losing faith in writing because of my teacher and because of other people. I felt like I wasn't good enough. Maybe I'm not that great at writing, but I still love to write nonetheless. So, the delay in updating was also due to me trying to work over my negative thoughts to deliver something that I want to present to everyone. I really hope everyone likes this story! Have an awesome rest of the day! :P