Status: completed

Please Take Me Home

What should I do?

I arrived at the house at two in the morning and rang the doorbell.

I rang it again and waited a couple minutes until the door opened.

"Layla? Sweetie, what on earth are you doing here?" My mother reached out and pulled me into the house and wiped under my cheeks.

"I needed to come home." I felt tears again and she pulled me into her chest and let me cry before I composed myself and she led me up the stairs and into bed. She kissed my forehead before she left and let me sleep.


It's been two weeks of moping around and ignoring phone calls from mostly Jack and the guys.

I didn't want to talk to him or the guys. I didn't want to talk to anyone. 

"Layla, please call me. We need to talk and I need to say how sorry I am that I kept it from you and made the guys do the same thing. I never meant to hurt you or sleep with her. I meant what I said the other night before you found out. You mean the world to me and I can't even explain it. Just please, call me."

I hung up my phone and sat up in bed. I hated listening to the voicemails. I hated hearing his voice no matter how much I missed him. He meant everything to me too and when I heard that voicemail, I realized that I wanted to talk to him and that I wanted him back. He was my world and without him, I am nothing.

I couldn't bring myself to press the TALK button after dialing his number. I would rather talk about it in person and I wanted to see his face. I told myself that I forgave him for what he did, everyone made mistakes but I don't know if I truly did forgive him.

I bit my lip and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I stood next to my mom and leaned my elbows on the island and put my face in my hands.

"What should I do?" I needed my moms advice. She knew what happened and she made me tell her the day after I came home.

She rubbed my back while she spoke, "I know you forgive him. You should do what your heart tells you to do. I can tell how you look at him, he means a lot to you."

"My heart's telling me to go back there and talk this out with him."

"It's your decision hun. Your father and I will support you no matter what."

I hugged her and thanked her. "Can you help me pack?"

She nodded and we walked up the stairs and packed.

I was doing what my heart told me to do. I missed him like hell and he meant everything to me. More than anyone will ever know. 


She dropped me off at the airport and wished me good luck.

I don't know where I would be without her.

I got on my plane forty minutes later and just wanted to get off and hug him.
♠ ♠ ♠
i'll probably post the rest of the story and start my next one