Status: ONGOING ~ based on a true story but revised to not name names and situations

Why You Left

A Paper Plane


Everyday since 'The Pen' then we talked. You talked of Thayza like how a mother talks of vegetables. Annoying, but you know they speak of truth and something good. And I like listening to you, Nim. The way your hand gestures and stops when you can't find the words to describe your Thayza.

"My Thayza is..." your hands would pause and you would tap the desk, look away, and smile at your idiocy. That's how you always were.

"Idiot Nim head over heels for Thayza." I would tease and you'd scratch your head and answer me. "I can't help it Mei. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Corny." I'd say. And you'd get mad.

That's why when this Paper Plane flew to me on the 6th of July. You and I were devastated. And we both know 'The Reason' why.

I opened the paper plane and read the three heartbreaking words, "We broke up."

After that, Nim. You sat beside me and bowed you head, facing the desk. Your hands weren't gesturing anymore. You pull your hair in anger and you would manage a fake smile. The smile I hate the most about you.

And the worst part Nim was I never saw you cried then. I thought you would. And that is The Reason I wondered how you managed.
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idk im still devastated over my story but anyway i hope you like it though. i love you reader! x