A Collection of Short Stories

Frogs and Princes

The soft rustle of the leaves in Jennings Park were produced as Holden Murphy walked around with a notebook in one hand and a pen on the other. A floppy low sunhat tipped over her eyes, shielding them from the sun’s radiant light. She let herself bask in the brightness of the sun, feeling her skin soak up the radiance. With the help of the big yellow ball up in the sky, Holden - in her bright vibrant clothes and flats - looked like she was radiating the same amount of light as well. She smiled to herself at the thought of this, suddenly realizing that it had been while since the sun had shined here in Leona, Washington. Seemingly coincidental, it had also been a while since the sun had shined in her life.

She made her way to a bench that was only a few feet in front of her and took a seat there. Holden had always been good at thinking and writing her thoughts down. Often, her mind would spin off like crazy, bringing her to different worlds and bringing to life different characters. Many times, the characters that seemed to pop out of her head were nothing like her. Today, however, her mind had spun to herself. If she said this to any other person, Holden would come off as cocky and conceited, as if only thinking of herself. However, she knew that this was not the case. What measures she had to go through not to think of herself and how insecure she was! The topic Holden avoided the most was herself and how she looked like. If there was anybody Holden didn’t like to think about, it had to be herself.

Since today had been a day where the sun had shined and the leaves had been dry, she let herself think. She let her mind go and she let herself think. She thought of her parents – English teachers who had barely anything, but still tried their best to keep her alive. She thought of her childhood and remembered the essays she had written with so much emotion in the past but now made her laugh. Last but not the least, she had thought of her past boyfriends. She thought of the jerks that had cheated on her and stepped on her heart. Holden was determined that the next time around, she would no longer settle for a frog. Instead, she was going to have her Prince Charming, and she wasn’t going to settle for anything less.

Snapping back to reality, Holden remembered an application from a match making website she had come across earlier during the week. Maybe it was her chance to find love; a chance to start over. Quickly, she was back on her feet and fixing the creases on her dress, determined to have it answered and determined to find her prince.
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I don't even know