A Collection of Short Stories

In a Sea of Wires and Tubes

Seth’s eyes fluttered open, but his vision was a blur. He scanned the room, taking advantage of the time and using it to reorient himself. Obviously, he was lying down on a bed – a bed that was not his, he noticed. The sheets were a shade of dirty white, probably because it had been used by some other person before and nobody had bothered to change the covers. Across the room, there was a door – one that probably led to the bathroom, Seth thought. What time is it? His own voice rang through his head. This was probably the first question that popped out among many more that would later on surface to the top. The curtains in the room were closed, as if they had purposely wanted to hide the answer from Seth. There was no clock around the room in order for Seth to answer his question either.

Seth tried to sit up, but a tangle of tubes and wires that was all over his body discouraged him. It was only then did he realize that there was a tube up his nose, and one stuck in his wrist as well. A weird formation of circular-shaped things was on his chest. Each circle was then connected to a either a wire or a tube. More wires, more tubes. He was in a hospital, now he knew. Anger and confusion started to boil up as the realization dawned upon him,

He wanted to scream, to call somebody for help. He wasn’t supposed to be here; he was getting married tomorrow – a hospital isn’t the proper place to be. Seth wanted to cause a ruckus, to drag attention to himself. He needed somebody to release him from this prison that those who called themselves doctors and nurses created. He tried to let out a shriek, but only a muffled noise came out. Seth couldn’t even bring himself the strength to shout.

He was too tired. He was too weak.