A Collection of Short Stories

Tranquility and Pain

It had been three days since Sarah had once again stepped foot in camp. In that given span of time, she had different encounters and meetings with familiar and unrecognizable Roman and Greek demigods - some of them, she was happy to see; the others, she loathed to even think about. It startled even Sarah to realize that she actually liked some people around here. However, she wouldn’t go around admitting that she actually liked people. She was known as feisty; her words brutal and her mouth sharp. Sarah was known as a problem child (but then again, which demigod didn’t have their own sets of problems to deal with?) - and she wasn’t planning to come around and change that.

However, when the people are gone and the noise settles down, there was always that one thing that remained: pain. As if pain on its own wasn’t enough, the silence after the other campers have gone back to their cabins makes sure that the pain would always be loud and clear for Sarah to feel. She was quite sure that the pain was caused by the rejection she was brought up with as a child and was certain that the pain was and would always be there no matter how hard she tried. The pain lessened at times she would throw a sarcastic comment or disobey one of the cabin prefects, but when the thrill of doing those things have dissolved, pain found its way to come back even greater.

It was a roller coaster ride - one that she hated to be on, but couldn’t find a way to get off. It was a battle between love and hate; it was a decision she had to make. Would she choose to love herself instead of dwelling on the rejection her parents brought upon her, or would she choose to hate everybody else as she let the anger stir inside of her?