A Collection of Short Stories

They Don't Come Around Often

“Hi,” he said awkwardly as he thrust flowers in her direction. “Thank you for coming here today, really. I didn’t really expect you to come, but somehow I knew you would because you always keep your word and I’m just really happy you’re here and I have something really important to tell you but before that you should take a seat because-“

“You’re talking too fast. That didn’t even make sense to me,” she replied, cutting him off.

He could see the impatience in her eyes, knowing that she’s getting tired of him. He knew that she didn’t want him anymore. Even after going out of his way just so he could talk after class like they used to, she was still angry at him.

“Well? You’re taking a while. What are you thinking of?” she said with a such a tone that made it obvious she didn’t want to be here in this moment.

“I’m sorry,” he replied. As soon as he said those words, there was already a change in the atmosphere between them. Maybe for the better, he thought. “I’m sorry. I was a jerk and I really let my temper run away with me and it was completely inappropriate. I understand now that you don’t deserve that kind of treatment. I just wanted to say I’m sorry and I would break up with me, too.”

She sighed a huge sigh of relief, grateful that the moment didn’t turn out as awkward as she expected. She knew he was waiting for an explanation - something that would make him understand why she left.

“I left you because I knew it would be better. I know it doesn’t look a lot better now, not for you and me. But I know, someday, it’ll turn out all right. I wasn’t ready to submit and you weren’t ready to lead. We were so wrong and we were so young. If I could do it all over again, I swear I’d take back all the times I hurt you.”

“I … I understand that. And I respect your decision and. . I just don’t know what to do. I miss you so much, C,” he said with so much sadness in his eyes.

“I miss you too, but we can’t go on pretending there was nothing ever wrong with the both of us,” she said as her final words. With that, she left knowing that things will never be the same again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two years ago because of Simon.