A Collection of Short Stories

Do You Trust Me?

“But nothing has been going right for quite some time now! How do you expect me to hold on when the whole world is against us?! We’re falling apart, do you not realize that?” she screamed at the top of her lungs. She could feel the tears in her eyes, and she did her best to keep them away. She was not weak. Or at least, she wouldn’t admit it.

He sighed as she said those words. He knew they haven’t been on good terms lately. Considering that this wasn’t their first fight this week and it was only Tuesday doesn’t bring much hope either. Still, he replied calmly, making sure he keeps his temper. “I know the odds haven’t been in our favor these days. And I know that we’re not on the top of the world right now. I know that, but please just hold on for me. I love you and we’ll get through this.”

“How can you promise me that? We’ve been at each other’s throat for months now! You can’t just tell me we’ll get through this. I love you, but I’m getting tired of all the fights. I’m tired of the screams, the people, of everything,” she said as tears streamed down her face. She was tired of all of this. She wished it would just stop.

“You think you’re the only one? I get tired, too! But getting tired doesn’t mean giving up. And I’m not giving up on you. You make me feel different, and I never ever want to let you go,” he said, walking towards her. He loved this girl and he was determined to make her stay - even if it cost a thousand roses or a million ducks. “We can do this. Isn’t love worth fighting for? I’m going to fight for you. Are you willing to fight for me? For us?”

She was taken aback by his reply. She was left speechless because of his reply. “Y- Y- yes. I’m willing to fight for you,” she replied in between sobs. “I’m willing to fight for us. I love you and the only thing I don’t want more than these fights is losing you. Please don’t go. I’m sorry I almost gave up. I’m sorry.”

He took her in his arms as she cried and whispered in her ear. “I’m here, and I love you. Don’t ever forget that. Do you trust me?”

“Yes, I do,” she replied as she wiped her tears away, knowing that tomorrow is going to be a better day.