The Reckless and the Brave.

The Reckless and the Brave.

You could almost hear the fangirls screaming as the timer reached thirty seconds. Alex clasped Jack's hand in his , unable to hold back his nerves. 'Stop panicking, guys, nobody's opinion on you is going to change.'' Rian said in his usual reassuring tone.
'Besides' Zack cut in with a mischievous smile, 'it's what we've all been waiting for.'
Jack nuzzled his face into Alex's chest as the clock ticked down to ten seconds. 'If we get dropped, I'm going to shove a fucking cap in your ass.' He said with a nervous laugh. Alex stroked his hair reassuringly. The timer was at three seconds. Alex beckoned Rian and Zack over and they threw themselves on the couch. The red box flickered away to show a miniature player. It started automatically. In the tiny screen, Jack and Alex were sitting together on a small couch, they're bodies pressed as close as possible. Jack's arm was slung loosely around Alex's shoulders. Alex began to speak.
'Hello, we are one half of All Time Low, I'm Alex-'
'and I'm Jack, and this is The Reckless and The Brave.'
The song began, accompanied by videos of the band on tour and partying, like Lost in Stereo. The tune was a classic All Time Low song, pop punk with a twist. It was one of the best they'd written. Finally, the song ended, but the video ran on. It flicked back to Alex and Jack on the couch. 'If you're wondering where Rian and Zack are-' Alex began
'They're dead. We killed them for their money and Cassadee.' Jack cut in with a grin. Rian's laugh was audible on the tape. Alex shot Jack a quick smirk before he continued.
'They're not here because they didn't want in on our sex party.' Alex leaned in, put his hands carefully on Jack's jaw and tilted his face upwards. He placed his lips carefully on Jack's, and Jack pressed into him. The video cut off.
Alex closed the tab and clicked on to twitter. 'Did you guys like our single?' he typed in. The fans were going crazy, each one spurting out their own unique opinion. Alex couldn't care less, neither could Jack. They snuggled into each other. He could die happy in this moment.