Fix You



Aimee smiled at me as the guys cheered, well, Zayn and Lou cheered. Harry was stone faced and Niall was pretending to cry. She blushed. “Every time we kiss, I swear.” She muttered, running one of her hands through her hair. I chewed on my bottom lip and leaned over, whispering in her ear and making her shiver.

“Well, if your stitches started acting up we might have a few hours to ourselves.” Her eyes got huge as she turned and even brighter shade of red. She turned back to me as I pulled her into my chest and she immediately grabbed her side, trying to force back a smile as the guys all ran down.

“Aimee, are you alright?” Niall asked. She shook her head.

“My stitches are really acting up, probably don’t like me dancing.”

“Well, let’s head home then.” Lou started, a bit disappointed, but Aimee looked up at him, trying desperately to fake pain.

“No, you guys have fun; I’ll just go back to the hotel and go to bed.” She insisted.

“You can’t go alone.” Zayn said.

“I’ll take her home.” I said simply. “The doctor told me how to take care of her stitches so I can make sure everything’s alright.” Harry looked at me skeptically, not believing a word that was coming out of my mouth, but the others bought it.

“Alright, feel better Aimee!” Zayn and Lou said, giving her big hugs. Niall gave her a kiss on the cheek and smirked at her.

“I’m sure Dr. Liam will take very good care of you love.” He said. She and I both flushed as Haz sighed and ruffled her hair.

“Feel better.” He said simply as she and I turned to each other and I helped her out the door. We had to put on a show after all. When we got outside I quickly hailed a cab as a devilish smirk enveloped her face.

“That was almost too easy.” She said. I shrugged.

“They don’t know anything about your injury, so they’re giving us the benefit of the doubt. All but Haz that is.” I said as we climbed into the small car and Aimee gave him directions back to the hotel. She had to lean over to talk to him and I blushed as I saw how that dress so perfectly hugged her curves. I awkwardly cleared my throat as she sat back down and smiled sheepishly at me.

It seemed like a long eternity before we finally reached the hotel and we carefully made our way back to the room. Luckily there was no pap due to the lateness of the hour, but I didn’t want to ever see that bloody bellhop again. As the lift opened and I quickly stepped inside, we both just looked at each other and turned red. “Well…” I said, the lift door shutting behind her as we got to the room. “Should we… should we just go at it then?”

“I think we should go into my room first, so that the boys won’t just…” She swallowed nervously. “See us.”

“R-right.” I stammered, my heart thudding in my chest. We both walked over to her room and I quickly shut the door. We looked at each other for a moment longer before I gently reached out and pulled her close to me. She pressed her lips to mine as I ran my hands down to her hips, guiding her towards her bed. We were both a little nervous as I gently scooped her up, setting her down on the comforter. I was sure she could hear my heart hammering away at my ribs as I reached behind her and slipped down the zipper on her dress.

She turned bright red as I slowly climbed over her, pulling off my jacket, my shirt soon joining it on the carpet. I pressed my lips to Aimee’s and I ran my hands down her arms to her hips and back up to the top of her dress. I pulled back; looking at her to make sure she wanted to do this. I’d be damned if I went further than she wanted and made her uncomfortable, no matter how good it may feel. She just leaned up; pressing our lips back together as I slowly slipped her dress off her and tossed it aside. I flushed as I saw her in just her strapless bra and knickers. One’s that I’d remembered her getting by the way. I ran my fingers softly over the lace and smiled as she shivered at the contact.

I pressed my lips hungrily to her neck, never wanting the impossibly soft skin to be apart from my mouth. “Liam.” She whimpered. I smiled and gave her a small love bite on the collarbone. She choked back a moan, writhing underneath me. I chuckled, pressing my lips back to her neck. I shuddered when she started slipping her hands down my chest towards my jeans. I had to bite back a groan myself as she quickly unbuttoned them and slid them down. I quickly kicked my jeans to the floor and slid my hands around to her back. It was time to see that magnificent chest I’d been dreaming about. I pressed my lips back to hers as her hands locked into my hair. I slowly ran my hands down her soft skin to her perfect backside, giving it a small squeeze which caused her to gasp. I grinned stupidly at her.

“What can I say?” I whispered into her ear, surprised at how husky my voice sounded. “I’m an ass man.” She giggled at me as I ran my hands back up and in one, swift motion unclipped her bra. But I wasn’t going to slide it off her just yet. I traced my lips down her throat and her ribs, slowly pulling down her bra so I could kiss further and further. I swallowed nervously as I finally tossed it aside and sat up, taking in her perfect breasts. I simply gasped quietly.

“What?” She asked, completely red faced. I looked back into her eyes, those warm brown eyes that I could never quite seem to look away from.

“Nothing.” I promised, leaning back up and pressing my forehead to hers. I locked our eyes together. “I just can’t believe how beautiful you are.” She flushed even more, but finally smiled.

“I can’t believe how lucky I am to know a guy like you Liam.” She whispered.

“Well, you don’t have a lot else to go off of.” I teased. We laughed as I pressed our lips back together, running my hands down her chest and causing her to whimper. I felt my stomach tighten at the idea of Aimee and I actually making love. I’d have to be gentle, not wanting to pull her stitches. I pulled back, looking into her perfect eyes that had stolen my heart.

I knew now more than ever that I was in love with her. I was going to find a way to stay with her, I had to. I refused to ever leave her, even if it meant giving up my career. I would do it too, all for Aimee. I slowly moved my hands down her stomach and to the elastic of her knickers. I looked at her again, I wouldn’t do this if she didn’t want to, but she blushed and simply nodded, pressing our lips back together desperately as I started to pull them down. “Aimee.” I whispered. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

“Oh God, you’re in love with Harry aren’t you?” She teased, trying to hide her nervousness. I chuckled before I looked back into her eyes.

“Aimee, I-”

“Aimee!” I shot up at the sound of Harry’s voice. “You forgot your jacket at the pub!”

“Where’s Liam?” Louis asked out in the hallway. Shit, it sounded like all four of them were back. I looked back at Aimee and quickly kissed her.

“To be continued.” I whispered as I quickly leapt up and got dressed, handing her her bra as she changed into her pajamas. “So, you just pretend to be asleep and I was checking on you, sound like a plan?”

“Sure does.” She answered, pulling on a tee and crawling under the covers. I turned off the light and walked out, motioning for the guys to be quiet.

“Keep it down lads, Aimee’s asleep.” They all looked at me for a while before giant smirks took over their faces.

“Nice cover story Liam.” Zayn said. “But next time you may want to calm your hair down first.” I blushed as I quickly brushed down my hair, which was sticking out in every direction. Niall immediately went into Aimee’s room and leapt onto her bed.

“Nice try miss innocent!” He hollered. She screamed and I walked in, flipping on the light and quickly pulling Niall off of her. She sat up and smiled at me, having heard the whole conversation I assumed. I chuckled as I walked over and sat on the edge of her bed, just looking at her as Niall left.

“Hey Liam?”


“What…” She blushed. “What were you going to say?” I flushed and looked at the carpet.

“I…I was going to tell you that…” I swallowed all my fears and looked back up at her, getting lost in her beautiful eyes. “I love you.”

. . .


I just stared at Liam in complete shock. “What?” I whispered.

“I love you.” He repeated. I couldn’t even speak, but I felt my eyes well up with tears.

“Liam… you don’t even know me.”

“Your nickname is Aimee; you’re from America but live in Paris. You can speak stunning French and don’t mind translating for me. You saved my life by risking your own. You are the most beautiful, amazing girl I’ve ever met in my life. And I love you. That’s all I need to know.”

“Liam…” I leaned over and pressed my lips to his.

“Aww.” We both whipped our heads around to see Louis, Zayn and Niall standing in the doorway, grinning stupidly. “We can go find another pub if you little love birds want some time alone.” Louis said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I flushed and looked at the ground.

“I think we’re alright lads.” Liam blurted, obviously a little embarrassed for his friends to witness such a private moment. Louis smiled and shut the door.

“We’ll see you two tomorrow then!” He said. “Nighty night.” Liam flushed and walked over to the door, but realized they had locked us in.

“Bollocks.” He muttered, pressing his forehead to the wood. I got up and walked over, wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my head into his back. Truth be told I didn’t want him to leave, but I assumed his intentions were to tell me he loved me and bolt. He turned around and held me, being careful of my stitches of course. I rested my head against his chest as we stayed like that for a long time. I felt my heartbeat speed up as I looked up at him.

“I love you too.” I whispered. His eyes grew huge.


“I love you too Liam Payne.” I knew I did. It was the only thing I was sure about anymore. He had always been there for me. He’d risked everything he had to make sure I got my memory back. I loved him with everything I had and I was done hiding it. He looked at me for a long time before he reached over and flipped off the lights, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me over to the bed. He laid me down gently and I willed my heart to stop thudding so painfully as he quickly stripped down to his boxers, lying over me. He reached down and slipped my long shirt off over my head and quickly removed my bra. He leaned down and pressed his full, perfect lips to mine making my heart race even faster. He moved his kisses down to my neck and he tucked his fingers under the waistband of my panties and slowly, almost painfully slowly, pulled them down and off.

My head was spinning and I felt completely exposed as I ran my fingers down his sculpted chest to the elastic on his boxers as he pressed his lips into my neck, trying to drown out his groan as my fingers ran over his skin. I slowly slipped them off, feeling him shudder at my touch. I thought my heart was going to explode as he pulled his head back up to look into my eyes. We were both terrified, I didn’t know if this was going to hurt and I’m sure Liam wasn’t exactly eager to put me through any unnecessary discomfort. But I wanted to be with him, as close to him as humanly possible before he left me. “Are you… are you sure about this? I don’t know if…” He trailed off, looking so deeply into my eyes that I was sure he could see my soul.

“Yes.” I said simply.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He said, pressing our foreheads together so all I saw were his warm eyes.

“Please Liam.” I asked. He sighed as He ran his hands down my body until he got a firm hold in my hips. He gently pushed my legs further apart as my heart started beating so loudly I was sure he could hear it. He smashed his mouth back to mine as he pulled us gently together. I had to bite my lip so hard that I tasted blood to keep from screaming his name at the top of my lungs. He saw my face and immediately stopped, looking terrified.

“Are you okay?” He asked. I nodded. “Aimee, if you don’t want to do this-”

“Liam, shut up.” And then I pulled his lips back to mine. If I thought he was a good kisser, than he was a God when it came to making love. His hands moved from my hips to my back, pulling me closer to him. I shivered when our bare skin touched, blushing wildly as he tried to be gentle. I had to admit, it was a bit uncomfortable with my stitches being pulled back and forth, but I didn’t even care. I slid my hands up his chest and to his back, clinging to him and trying to bring us even closer together.

We were both trying to be quiet, knowing that the rest of the boys were just on the other side of the door, but when Liam hit that magic place it took everything I had not to scream his name until my voice went hoarse. He saw my expressing and a devilish grin lit up his face as he angled himself to hit it over and over, swallowing my moans with his mouth. I thought my heart was going to explode from beating so fast as his lips moved back down to my chest, covering it with kisses and small love bites. I closed my eyes, desperate not to make a sound, but he was making it near impossible. I would have to think of a way to get him back for torturing me like this as his hands moved down my stomach and back to my hips as he stopped worrying about being gentle with me.

I grabbed his head, pulling his lips back to mine to keep myself quiet as I felt the end drawing near. Liam could sense how close I was and moved his lips to my neck, his hands dancing over my breasts. I covered my mouth, knowing that it was going to hit any second now. Finally I felt the wave of bliss wash over me as I arched my back, digging my toes into the mattress and gripping Liam’s arm with my free hand. A small moan managed to sneak through my fingers as Liam kept moving, his lips covering my body. Finally he leaned up, growling into my ear.

“I love you Aimee.”

“I love you too.” I whispered. Then he hit the moon, opening his mouth, I assumed to let out another low growl. I quickly pressed our lips back together, catching his groan with my lips. He pulled us apart and wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. Both of us were panting like dogs and I just prayed that the other boys couldn’t hear us, that was the last thing I needed. Besides, I felt like Harry didn’t like the idea of Liam and I and didn’t want him to get upset and take Liam away from me. I buried my head in his soft skin, breathing in his scent and listening to his racing heart.

“Are you okay?” He asked. “You aren’t in any pain are you?” I shook my head. I could feel my stitches throbbing a bit, but it had been completely worth it. I let my eyes slip closed, intertwining my body with Liam’s as I finally fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
It took them ten chapters,
but they finally admitted they love each other.
(About freaking time.)
But how can Liam leave her now?
What will happen when Aimee finally gets her memory back?
Only time will tell

Aimee club
Aimee pajamas