Fix You



After lunch Liam insisted that we start the search for whatever room this key fit, but we didn’t even know where to start. I looked over at him. The nurse had said to me in the hospital that he hadn’t really slept in three days because he wanted to be awake when I came to. I looked over at him as he thought out loud of how to get a list of all the apartment buildings that used deadbolts.

“Maybe we can go to the library and-”

“Liam.” I said.


“Maybe we should go to a hotel. I can start the research while you sleep.”

“But I’m not even tired.” He said. But I could tell by how glassy his eyes were that he was lying.

“Connerie.” (bullshit)

“You’re really going to have to stop with the French.” He teased. “Besides, like I said, I’m not even tired mum.”

“Funny. And maybe you should learn some French, it wouldn’t kill you.”

“But I have you for that.” He said, grinning at me. I blushed when I saw his beautiful smile again, but quickly cleared my head.

“You’re going to get some sleep. The nurses told me everything.”

“They didn’t photograph my ass did they?” We both started laughing as I shook my head.

“Not that I know of.” He sighed.

“Alright, I don’t suppose a nap could hurt.” He said. He and I walked to the hotel that he said he’d been staying at with his band. I went in first and he came in a good ten minutes later, trying to hide his face until he got up to the front desk with me.

“Welcome back monsieur Payne.” The woman said. “Would you and your friend here like the same room?”

“Actually, could we get a room with two separate bedrooms please? And preferably a wifi connection.” She smiled at him.

“But of course. Room 3500, our top floor suite. I’ll have a bellhop bring up your things.”

“Thanks.” He said, taking the small key card and lead me to the elevator. He slipped the key into the slot that said ‘3500’ and the elevator started moving. I smiled and he turned to me. “What?”

“The top floor suite huh? Aren’t you fancy?” He chuckled.

“Well when you can more than afford it, why not?”


“See, that one I know.” He said. I chuckled as the elevator dinged, letting us out on the top floor. I gasped as Liam opened the door and we stepped inside. This room was massive, then again, it did take up the entire top floor. It was like something out of a story book as I looked up at the chandelier and touched one of the giant plush chairs. I heard a laugh and looked over at Liam.


“Nothing, you just look like you’ve never seem a suite before.”

“Maybe I haven’t.” I said. “Maybe I’m poor or something.” He smiled at me.

“Well then, you get first pick of the bedrooms.” I smiled as I went through one of the giant oak doors I gasped as I saw a beautiful bed, my own personal bathroom, and a giant widow with a perfect view of Paris. I could even see the Eiffel Tower!

“I pick this one!” I said.

“You don’t even want to look at the other one?” He said.

“Nope.” He shrugged.

“Alright, I’m going to sleep. Don’t go too crazy.”

“No promises.” I said. He laughed and walked over, ruffling my hair. I looked back up at him. I still was finding it hard to believe someone as famous as him was taking the time to help some poor little lost girl like me. I smiled and hugged him, loving the way we fit together. He was a bit surprised, but slowly hugged me back. “Liam, thank you.”

“No, thank you.” He said. “You saved my life.”

“Really?” I teased, pulling back and looking at him. “I didn’t know that.”

“Ah shove off.” He said, smiling at me. I couldn’t help but feel my heart speed up when I realized his hands were still loosely around me. He must have seen me blush, because he quickly dropped his hands and scratched the back of his head. “Well, I’d better get to sleep. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.”

“R-right.” I said. “Off to bed with you.” I said, shooing him out of my room. He walked out and I shut the door, turning bright red. I plopped down on my bed and groaned. Why did I have to make him so uncomfortable? He had just been hugging me, that was all. Besides, he’d just broken up with his girlfriend of two years, I doubted that he wanted to really do anything. Especially not with some girl like me who didn’t even know who she was. I sat there for a while before I heard a knock on the small door that opened to the room. I got up and answered to a small bellhop, who brought in Liam’s bags.

“May I ask where monsieur Payne is? I want to make sure these are his.”

“Oh, he’s asleep. Would you like me to wake him up?” I asked. The bellhop raised his eyebrows at me and I blushed. He quickly handed me a laptop and set down Liam’s bags.

“That’s fine. I’m sure he’s quite exausted; just have him check when he wakes up mademoiselle.” I thanked him, still bright red. He smiled and stepped back into the elevator, grinning wickedly.

“Shit.” I muttered. That would probably be everywhere tomorrow. I should wake up Liam and warn him. I set down the laptop and walked over to his room. “Liam?” I knocked quietly on the door and pushed it open only for my face to turn even redder. Liam was out like a light, lying on top of the blankets in just his boxers. Jesus, he was flawless, his six pack was perfectly defined and his boxers were riding dangerously low enough that I could see almost his entire v line. I felt my stomach get tight as I couldn’t help but picture what was under that piece of fabric. I shut the door, pressing myself to the other side of it.

Holy God.

I felt my heartbeat stop for a moment, if I had thought he was gorgeous before, now he was out of this world. I heard him groan softly. “Aimee, is that you?” He asked groggily. I think he got up, but I couldn’t move. I’d forgotten I was still leaning against the door and fell into him when he opened it. He instinctively grabbed me, his fingers grazing my stomach as he pulled me back up. I spun around, still in his arms.

“I- I’m so sorry.” He’d put his shirt and pants back on as he looked at me.

“We’re you spying on me?” He teased, dropping his hands as I took a step back.

“N-no! I just… the bellhop came and il a demandé où vous étiez and I said vous dormiez-” I couldn’t even understand myself as I tried to explain what was going on. Finally Liam pressed one of his hands over my mouth. His brown eyes were locked on mine and I felt myself start to blush again.

“Now when I move my hand, you’re going to take a deep breath and explain what the bloody hell is going on, in English. Just English.” He pulled his hand away and I took a deep breath.

“The bellhop came up with your things. He wanted you to check to make sure they were yours, but I said you were asleep and he just smiled and… I think he thinks we…” Liam blushed, his cheeks pink. “Anyway I came in to tell you in case he goes to the press so you wouldn’t be mad at me… but you know… you were kind of half naked and I freaked out a little bit and just slammed the door.” His face turned a shade of red to rival mine. “That was the end.” He let out a long sigh.


“Yeah. Sorry about that, my bad.”

“Well, we got two bedrooms, so the paps probably won’t run it.” Then he smiled at me. “You were that stunned to see me shirtless?”

“Shut up.”

“What are you going to do if you accidentally walk in on me naked?”

“That’s not going to happen.” I said simply. He smirked at me.

“You never know Aimee. Maybe one day I’ll just accidently drop my towel and-” I shoved him softly.

“You’re sick.”

“The sick guy you saved love.” He ruffled my hair. “So, how far have you gotten on the key?”

“Well I just got your laptop, so… nowhere.”

“Too busy daydreaming about me?”

“Funny. Just keep your pants on please.” He grinned at me. “I’m… going to go look for that key now.” I said, trying to look at something else besides his stunning smile.

“Well, I’m already up, so I’ll help.” I sat down on the couch and Liam plopped down next to me, close enough that our legs were just barely touching and making me blush again. He took his laptop from me and opened it. His face got sad as he typed in his password. I could only guess it had something to do with his ex. My suspicions were confirmed when his wallpaper popped up of him hugging a stunning brunette woman. “Forgot to change that.” He muttered, quickly deleting the photo so the background was black.

“What was her name?” I asked.

“Danielle, Danielle Peazer.”

“She’s beautiful.” He sighed.

“Yeah, she is.”

“But you know, she’s also an idiot for breaking up with a sweet guy like you.” He turned to me and smiled.


“Anytime.” He pulled up the internet and smiled.

“Now, let’s find that key.”

Six painstaking hours of research later we finally had a list of all the apartment complexes in Paris that had deadbolts. All five hundred and sixty-three of them, along with addresses and phone numbers. We’d given them all numbers and placed them on a print out map of the city, breaking them up into sections of thirty. I sighed.

“This is going to take a while.” I said.

“Come on Aimee, don’t be like that. If we check thirty hotels a day it’ll only take us…” He bit his lip, thinking. “About nineteen days.”


“Besides, that’s if it’s the very last complex on the list. For all we know it’s the first one.”

“Nineteen days is a long time.” I said.

“Aimee.” I looked up at him, his eyes were so intense that it made me blush. “I don’t care how long it takes. I’m not leaving until you remember everything. I promise.”

“Liam…” I whispered. God why did he have to be so perfect? Our moment was broken by Liam’s stomach growling.

“God, I need to stop forgetting to eat.” He teased, standing up. “What do you want? I’ll order room service.”

“Well considering you probably won’t be able to read the room service log, maybe I should do it.” I joked, standing up and taking the book from him. Sure enough it was entirely in French. He pointed to the first thing on the list.

“What’s this?”

“Chicken alfredo.”

“Perfect. You got a problem with that?”

“Not that I know of.” I admitted.

“Oh… right.” He quickly called down and ordered us dinner while I sat back down and looked at the map. Hopefully at my apartment we’d find my wallet, that would probably tell us everything. And maybe a landline with messages, photo albums, something that would trigger my memory to come back to me. “Alright, thank you very much.” I turned to see Liam hang up, smiling. “Should be up in about ten minutes, now where were we?”

“Talking about how hopeless this is.” I said, playing with the key on the table. “The doctor said my memory might never come back.”

“What’s it like?” Liam asked quietly.

“What’s what like?”

“Not being able to remember anything? I mean, do you just remember waking up and seeing me?”

“Pretty much. I keep trying, but it just makes my head hurt, besides, there are some images, but it’s almost like they’re really blown up so I can’t tell what they are. Other than that it’s just darkness and…” I looked up at him. “And you.” He blushed.

“So, you heard me when you were asleep?”

“Yeah, like I said, it’s what woke me up. Then I looked over and saw you and figured it must have been your voice I heard.” He smiled.

“Because I look like an angel?” I shoved him softly.

“No, because you were the only person there.”

“You don’t have to lie to me.” He teased.

“Too bad I’m not lying. Besides, I doubt angels are international pop stars.”

“You never know, this is the second time my life has been saved.” He said quietly.

“What do you mean?” He looked at me, pressing his lips together.

“I was born three weeks early to my mum and technically was dead. But somehow doctors brought me back. My mum said it’s because someone was watching out for me. But I was really sickly as a kid. I was in and out of the hospital all the time. That’s actually when the doctors found out that one of my kidneys didn’t work because it was all scared and deformed. I had tests done all the time until I was about four and every morning and night I had to get thirty-two different shots to help with the pain.”


“Yeah. And then there was you.” He smiled at me, but I couldn’t help sigh.

“Too bad I can’t remember anything about saving you.” I said.

“That’s probably for the best, I can’t imagine getting mowed down by a car felt too good.”

“Mowed down?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m surprised you made it.” He admitted. “Someone must be watching out for you too.”

“Yes there is. His name is Liam Payne.” I said, smiling softly. He blushed and looked at me for a long time. Just as I could have sworn he started leaning towards me there was a sharp knock at the door and he shot up. He walked over and opened the door to the same bellhop I’d seen earlier. He smiled as he wheeled in a small table walking into the dining room as Liam and I followed, drawn by the smell of the delicious food. He quickly set the table and grinned at us again.

“Bon appétit.” He said, giving me the same wicked smirk. “Ah, before I go, monsieur Payne, those are your bags, non?”

“Yeah, thanks mate.” He said, smiling and giving him a tip.

“Merci, and enjoy.” He ducked out, leaving us alone as I looked at the huge dining room.

“This can’t all be for us.” I said, looking at the long wooden table and about a dozen chairs.

“Yep, welcome to the life of luxury, now sit down and eat with me.” I smiled as I sat down next to him and we inhaled our food, barely choking out conversation. Finally we’d both cleaned our plates and I smiled.

“Yeah, definitely like that.” I said, grinning.

“Well I hope you aren’t allergic and break out in hives or something.” He joked.

“Because that would be sexy as Hell.” I joked.

“Oh yeah, I’d love to see how the pap spins that one.” We both started laughing as Liam picked up the plates and opened the door, setting them just outside. I let out a long yawn and he smiled. “Three days of sleeping and you’re still tired?”

“I think I ate too much food.” He chuckled at me and pulled out his phone.

“Well it is three am. Sleep might be a very good idea. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.” I nodded. He walked over to his bags and opened one, pulling out a tee shirt and tossing it to me. “Here, you can sleep in this if you want. I guess I’ll have to take you shopping.”

“Liam, you don’t have to do that.” I insisted.

“Well, as much as I would love watching you strut about in my clothes, I don’t think the paps would be too thrilled.”

“Good point.” He gave me that knockout smile again as he stood up and gave me a small hug.

“Goodnight Aimee.”

“Goodnight… mon ange.”

“What does that mean?” I grinned.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” I walked off to my bedroom and smiled as I shut the door. I quickly hopped into the shower, loving how good the water felt on my skin as I stayed in there for at least twenty minutes. Finally I drug myself out and threw on my panties and Liam’s shirt, it barely covered my underwear. Then again, Liam is only maybe two or three inches taller than me. I put my hair in a quick braid and tied it with one of the rubber bands that the hotel had put in the bathroom. Talk about the good life.

I stepped out of the bathroom only to hear a small noise that sounded like a squeak. I turned to see a bright red Liam shut the door. “SORRY!” He hollered from the other side. I turned bright red as I quickly pulled on my pants and stuck my head out the door to see a very flushed Liam.

“W-what did you need?” I asked.

“I… I don’t remember.” He admitted. I chuckled sadly. “Oh my God, Aimee, I’m so sorry-”

“It’s fine, you didn’t mean anything by it. I hope.” He smiled weakly. “Well, I guess now we’re even.”

“Not unless you take of my shirt.” He joked weakly.

“Oh, do you want it back?” I joked, reaching like I was going to take it off.

“N-no.” He stammered.

“Oh, so I’m not pretty enough for you to see me topless?” I said, loving how flustered I was making him.

“No, I’m sure your chest is lovely, I just…”

“Liam it’s fine. I’m messing with you.” I said, finally breaking and laughing at how red his face was.

“You suck.”

“But you love it.” He smiled at me.

“Oh! I remembered what I needed to talk to you about.”


“Google translate helped me figure out what ange is.” I smiled. “And if anyone here is an angel love, it’s you.” I blushed as he kissed my forehead. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” I said, blushing. I closed the door and smiled. I hopped into bed and closed my eyes, slowly falling into a much needed sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
too cute for words.
Thank you to all my new suscribers, you guys are the reson I do this
and the recs are lovely too

Aimee's room
Liam's room
Living room
Dining room