Fix You



“Bollocks!” I opened my eyes the next morning to what sounded like a very pissed of Liam. “Yeah I see it Haz, what do you expect me to do about it?” I quickly threw on my jeans and my bra as whoever Haz was spoke on the other end of the phone, too quiet for me to hear. “I already told Paul I can’t just leave her! She saved my life Haz; I’m not going to just abandon her to Paris.” I slowly opened the door, making sure it didn’t creak as I saw Liam, shirtless yet again, sitting in front of his laptop looking pissed. I squinted my eyes to see what the computer said and blushed when I saw photo’s of when Liam had grabbed me in the park the other day. Had his hands really been that close to my breasts? I squinted even more to read the caption.

Ooh la la! 1D’s Liam Payne says goodbye Peazer, hello Paris!

Peazer, that was his ex… Oh no. They thought we were dating? I turned my attention back to Liam as he kept talking. “No we’re not actually a couple… Yes she’s very pretty, but come on mate; she doesn’t even know who she is… Exactly... Is shagging really the only thing you think of?...But you’re right, I can’t date someone like that… No, she’s just kind of like a stray cat or something… When she gets her memories back I’ll be home.” I felt myself tear up. I thought we were friends? I crept back into my room, trying to be quiet, but Liam must have heard be close the door. “Shit.” He muttered. “Haz I’ve got to go.” I listened as he walked over to my door. “Aimee, Aimee come on.”

“I’m just some stray cat?” I said throwing open the door and getting in his face. He grimaced.

“You heard that?”

“Of course I heard it.” I said, trying to stay strong when the only friend I could remember having had just admitted I was nothing but a burden. “So why are you even helping me?”

“Because you saved my life.”

“Apparently it wasn’t much of a life to save.” I snapped. I slammed the door in his face, fighting back tears as I slipped to the floor.

“Aimee, please. We’re friends-”

“Je vous hais.” (I hate you) I growled.

“Don’t do this Aimee, we’ve got to go find your memories so that-”

“So what? You can go back to being famous and forget all about me? Save yourself the trouble and just go home.”

“I’m not leaving.”

“Just GO!” I screamed. “You obviously can’t be bothered with someone like me.”

“That’s it.” I felt as he tried to open the door but I leaned against it. But the guy was way stronger than I was as he easily forced the door open and knelt down in front of me. I looked at the floor, so he tilted my chin up. “Aimee.” I kept my eyes on the carpet. “Look at me.” I sighed as my eyes drifted up to his. “I am not leaving until we find every single one of your memories. I already told you that.”

“Look, you don’t have to say that anymore. I said you can leave. So just leave.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“Really? Because it kind of sounded like you wanted to.” I snapped at him, shoving his hand away. “I’ll just go to the police station and find my apartment by myself. So have a nice life.”

“You see, I didn’t just promise you.”

“Who else did you promise?”

“Dr. Fleur.”

“Well what the doctor doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

“Well that’s too bad; because I don’t break promises, and I do want to stay. So get up, we’re going shopping.” I felt like a child as I stayed on the ground. “Aimee, I will use force.” I refused to move, so he just scooped me up into his arms and started walking towards the door.



“You’re not wearing a shirt.”

“Well then, let’s really give the paps something to run.”

“Put me down!”

“Not until you stop fighting me.” I stopped and looked up at him; his eyes were so intense that I felt butterflies in my stomach. “I am helping you and that if final. Can I set you down now without you running away?” I just slowly nodded, unable to take my eyes away from his as my feet softly hit the floor. “I’ll be right back.”
“D’accord.” (Okay) I whispered, forgetting the no French rule as he walked into his room. As soon as I couldn’t see the way his muscled danced under his skin I took a deep breath.

I pressed the back of my head into the door. Was he really doing this because he wanted to or because he felt like he had to? But, I’d offered him the chance to leave and he hadn’t taken it, so that meant he had to be a good guy, right? I quickly walked over to his laptop and flipped it open to see the story. I clicked on the link and it lead me to a slideshow of pictures of Liam and I in the mall, when he grabbed my hand, in the park, and even walking out of the restaurant together when he ruffled my hair. I quickly scanned the article, it was from last night.

Liam Payne, who was just broken up with by Peazer four days ago, has seemed to quickly moved on, and in the city of love no less! Payne was spotted with a stunning mystery brunette on several occasions and sources say the two are even sharing a room! But with two separate bedrooms of course. But a source reveals that it might just be for Payne’s image. “I came up to see check to check on [Payne] and the girl answered the door. She said he was sleeping and got really flushed. There’s only one reason a perfectly healthy young man would sleep an hour after getting a room with a beautiful young girl, and it’s not jet lag.”

I was going to murder that bellhop if it was the last thing I did.

Who is this mystery girl? As far as we know, no one! Not a single person has stepped forward to reveal the identity of the stunning Parisian who seems to be stuck to Payne’s arm like glue. But sources confirm that her accent is American, probably West Coast. If you know who this girl is, please let us here at People know! And as for why Payne isn’t on tour? The rest of the band claims he’s on mental leave after witnessing a horrible car crash. Looks like he’s on much more than mental leave-

“What are you doing?” I looked up to see Liam, shirted unfortunately, standing in front of me.

“I was just reading this story. Isn’t it the one you were reading earlier?”

“Oh, you mean the rubbish that the pap is throwing around? Yeah, I saw it.”

“It says that I’m probably from the West Coast, and they’re asking that if anyone knows me to come forward.” Liam’s eyes got huge at the idea of what this could mean.

“So the paps finally did something good for once. Well I’ll be damned.” He looked back at me. “But we’re not going to sit around waiting for them. Come on, we’ve got a long day.” He reached over and took my hands in his, pulling me off the couch. We both blushed as he pulled me right into him. Both of us stunned for a moment before we both took a step back.

“Sorry.” We said simultaneously. He cleared his throat and opened the door for me, grabbing the room key before we both got in the elevator.

“So we’re really going to get some heat about this since you’re wearing the same clothes from yesterday.” He said. We got down to the lobby only to see about a million lights start flashing. “Bollocks.” He turned to me. “Well, let’s find out if anyone knows you.” He led me out the door, putting his arm around me as we fought through all the reporters screaming his name and the flashing lights until we got to the edge of sidewalk. Liam grabbed my hand and we ran across the street and into the park. Liam still gripped my hand in his as we ran around trees, lovers, poets, and even hopped over a bench. I felt like I was in the damn Olympics. We just kept running until finally we couldn’t see them anymore.

We both doubled over, breathing heavily. This park was massive and we could see the other end from where we were, so we’d run across the whole thing. “This is why.” He said between deep breaths.

“Why what?”

“I hate being famous. All this rubbish is exactly why. I can’t even walk out of a damn hotel.” I sat down on the grass and motioned for Liam to sit down with me. He all but collapsed, looking at the gray sky that promised rain later today.

“So, how did you become famous?” I asked. “Did you and your band just play all the right gigs or something?” He chuckled.

“No, I was on this show called the X Factor. We all auditioned for it and were actually formed on the show.”

“How old were you?”



“I actually had auditioned two years earlier when I was fourteen, I actually made it pretty far, but one of the judges asked me to come back in two years.”

“Wow, you want to talk about serendipity.” I joked.

“No kidding. I can’t help but think what would have happened if just one of the guys hadn’t made it through, or if I’d gone through to the end when I was fourteen.”

“I guess it was fate.” I said smiling.

“Yeah, just like you being at the street corner five days ago.” He said, looking at me. I blushed as he started to lean towards me, and I wasn’t imagining it this time. Both of us had barely even started to close our eyes before a camera went off.

“Come on Liam, give her a kiss!” We looked over to see about twenty photographers coming towards us.

“God dammit.” He muttered, pulling me to my feet. “Let’s get out of here.” He pulled me back to my feet and hailed a cab to take us to the mall as the sky finally opened up and it started to rain.


Dammit. Dammit. Dammit! I pressed the back of my head into my seat. I shouldn’t have said that. I shouldn’t have tried to kiss her. I had just been dumped by Danielle, what a week ago? Yes, she had saved my life, and yes, she was stunningly beautiful, but I just couldn’t get Dani out of my head. Besides, the last thing I wanted all the pap dogs to say was that she was a rebound. I didn’t want her to have to live with that the rest of her life when she was anything but. I sighed as I thought back to Haz and I’s conversation.

“So, you and the American are official huh? An actual couple?” I could just see Haz smirking on the other end of the phone.

“No we’re not actually a couple.”

“Why not? She’s way prettier than Danielle; she’s stunning, AND she saved your life, she’s like a real life guardian angel.”

“Yes she’s very pretty, but come on mate; she doesn’t even know who she is.”

“Yeah, I guess she might be a serial killer or a crazy person or something.”

“Exactly.” I said. The last thing I wanted was for her to remember her love for blood and kill me.

“But she might also be a nympho French porn star who knows how to do things that will leave you unable to move for a week from the sheer bliss.” I rolled my eyes.

“Is shagging really the only thing you think of?” He chuckled at me.

“You know that’s what you want her to be, but I see your point. You can’t date someone if you don’t know if she’s like an escaped convict or something. It’s a shame though; I probably would if she saved my life-”

“But you’re right; I can’t date someone like that.

“So is she like a little sister or something then?”

“No, she’s just kind of like a stray cat or something.”

“Ouch. Well, when are you going to come home? If she’s an American maybe we can just take her on tour and see what city she-”

“When she gets her memories back I’ll be home.” I said, knowing exactly why Haz would want her on tour with us. I heard a creak and turned to see Aimee shut the door, tears in her eyes. “Shit. Haz I’ve got to go.”

“What did she just drop her robe or something? How big are her-” I quickly hung up, not even bothering with a response as I ran over to try and console Aimee.

I sighed. Haz was right, I couldn’t risk dating someone who might be a serial killer and slit my throat while I slept. I looked over at her as she watched the rain. She didn’t look like a homicidal maniac, but neither had Ted Bundy. We both were quiet as we finally made it to the mall, the back entrance of the mall that is. I looked over at Aimee, who seemed mesmerized by the rain trickling down the window.

“Aimee.” She looked over at me. “We’re here.” She just nodded as we both got out of the car. God it was so cold I was surprised this wasn’t snow. The first thing I’d have to get her was a coat. That shirt looked like it wasn’t helping at all. I unzipped my sweatshirt and wrapped it around her. She looked up at me, her eyes wide. Then she just stopped. “Aimee?” I waved my hand in front of her face, but her eyes were a million miles away. I turned around and didn’t see anything. “Aimee?” I snapped and she finally looked at me.

“I just remembered something.” She said.

“What?!” I said, pulling her out of the rain and under the ledge of the roof so she’d stopped getting soaked. “What did you remember?”

“A man, he was a lot older than me, but he looked just like me, but he had blue eyes and black hair. It was raining like this and he put his coat over my shoulders. I looked down and it was dragging on the ground. I looked back up and he smiled as we walked into the Paris concert hall.”

“A man, do you think it was your father?”

“I don’t know.” She admitted. “He was about to say something, but then you snapped and it went away.”


“It’s fine.” She said sadly.

“Well, at least that means things will come back. That’s good.”

“Yeah.” She said with a small smile. “Not all hope is lost.”

We spent the rest of the day shopping. I did have to buy the girl an entire wardrobe. I had gotten us both scarves and hats first thing, so we didn’t have any more trouble with the paps. Finally about six hours later we were all set to go back home. Aimee had changed in the bathroom so that no one would recognize her from yesterday.

She didn’t remember anything else, but a concert hall, that was a clue. Maybe she was a musician? I’d had all her clothes sent back to the hotel so as not to arouse suspicion of her being a gold digger. Everything was going smoothly until she dragged me into Victoria’s Secret.

“Why can’t I just give you my card?” I asked, red faced.

“Because you’re famous. And even if you weren’t, I’m not going to pass as an eighteen year old British boy.”

“Good point.” I just sort of stood awkwardly against the back wall while she picked out panties and bras. But she figured out not to ask me what I liked after I turned beet red when she’d held up a pair of white, lacy knickers. I cleared my throat as she finally walked back over to me. “Please tell me you’re done.” I said, running one of my hands through my hair. She smiled.

“You’re adorable.” She said, patting my head. “And yes, we can go now.” She chuckled at me as we walked over to the register and the woman behind the counter smiled wickedly at us.

“Ah monsieur Payne.” She smiled at Aimee. “And you must be the beautiful mademoiselle we’ve all been hearing about.”

“Look, if you could be sort of discreet about this I would really appreciate it.” I said as Aimee and my faces had a war to see who could become a brighter shade of red.

“Oh of course monsieur Payne, those paparazzi won’t get a word from me. Who am I to destroy Parisian love? There’s nothing else like it.” I didn’t think I could possibly turn any redder, but somehow I did.

“It’s not like that.” Aimee insisted, beating me to it. Why did she look sad? “We’re just friends.”

“Because a guy friend takes his female friend shopping at Victoria’s Secret.” The cashier joked. “It’s fine. Your secret is safe with me. Where would you like me to send these?” I gave her the name of our hotel and quickly paid for everything, leading Aimee out of the store.

“Well that was uncomfortable.” She said, chuckling nervously.

“Just a bit.” I agreed. “Come on, let’s get some lunch and go home.”

We were quiet the rest of the night, both of us eating our dinner in silence. Finally we both decided it was time to get ready for bed. I hopped in the shower and pressed my head to the wall. God if that Victoria’s Secret lady talked I would never hear the end of this. It would be ‘Pretty Woman’ this and ‘gold digger’ that for the rest of Aimee’s life. I sighed as I stepped out. Then I bit my lip, thinking about what Haz had said. If she was an American, then maybe taking her on tour to the states would be a good idea. I’d have to beat Haz and Niall off with a stick, but it could help. Maybe we could find her family. I smiled at the idea of Aimee and her family being reunited.

“Liam?” I heard the panic in her voice and quickly wrapped a towel around my waist. Maybe she’d remembered something else! I threw open the door only to run into something and crash into the floor. I opened my eyes to see a very wide eyed Aimee under me. I blushed when I saw her pajamas were just a long tee and some of the knickers I’d gotten her today. I started to get up until I realized it my towel had fallen off. I turned bright red, unable to move as her long legs on either side of me got goose bumps. I was so stunned that I couldn’t really think of what to do as I just stared into her brilliant eyes. If I moved there was a chance I’d flash my manhood at her, but ever second I just laid there, unable to pull myself away from her soft, warm skin, the more uncomfortable this was getting.

She might also be a nympho French porn star who knows how to do things that will leave you unable to move for a week from the sheer bliss.

I turned even redder as I heard Haz’s words echo in my head. Aimee’s knickers were the only thing that was keeping us from shagging right now. “C-Close your eyes.” I said. She just nodded; squeezing them shut as I quickly shot up and wrapped my towel around my waist again, making sure it was going to stay before I helped her to her feet, her eyes still glued shut. “You can open your eyes.”

“Go put clothes on first.” She ordered, covering her eyes with one of her hands. I obeyed, running into my room and throwing on my boxers and a tee before walking back out to see her in the exact same position.

“You can really open your eyes now.” She peeked through one of her fingers, making sure I was clothed before she took her hands away and stared at the wall, her face still bright red. “Did you… see anything?” She turned even redder.

“Just kind of a little flash, but not really.” She said.

“Sorry about that. You sounded panicked so I rushed out here and…” I turned red again. “Well you know.”

“Yeah.” She said, swallowing nervously.

“So, what did you need?”

“I remembered something else.”

“What?” I asked, looking at her. She turned back at me.

“My dad is dead. Well, the man we assumed was my dad. I remember going to his funeral.”


“Anyway. I just thought you should know. I’m going to go to bed now and try to forget what just happened.”

“Right.” I smiled awkwardly at her. “Goodnight.

“Goodnight.” Then she scurried off and shut her door. I walked back into my room and collapsed on my bed, turning out the light. All I could think of was how soft Aimee’s skin was, how fast she had made my heart race…

No Liam, come on mate. You just sort of fell on the poor girl, there was nothing romantic about it. I pressed my hands to my face. I knew it was wrong, that I shouldn’t be feeling like this about a girl I knew nothing about, but all I could think of was how badly I wanted to go back to the floor and press my lips to hers and let nature take its course. But that’s not me. You have to understand here, I’m not even remotely like that.

So why was she doing this to me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh la la is right!
Next chapter should be up way sooner
but for now...
Thanks to all my subscribers and reccomenders
and commenters
you all are lovely!
And thank you

Aimee mall
Aimee pajamas