Fix You



I pulled back as Aimee looked at me with her huge brown eyes. “Liam…” She whispered. I was waiting for her to kiss me back, but she just sighed, running one of her hands through her hair. “I thought you couldn’t date someone like me?”

“That was before-” I stopped before I said ‘Danielle called’

“Before what? Liam, what if I’m a serial killer or something? What if I’m a thief or a con artist? You need someone who’s perfect and chances are I’m not.”

“You are to me.” I whispered, looking into her eyes. She got teary eyed.

“We don’t even know who I am.”

“I don’t care.” I insisted. She just shook her head and started back down the stairs. “Aimee please!” But she refused to listen as she just continued down, stopping about halfway and grabbing her side. I raced down to her, frantic that she might have pulled her stitches or something. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, my stitches hurt, that’s all.” She swallowed as a look of pain overtook her face.

“Let me carry you.”

“Liam it’s fine, just give me a second.” I just scooped her up again, loving the way she fit in my arms. She looked up at me and blushed as I carried her back up the stairs, setting her down on a bench where I was sure hundreds of people had proposed. I knelt down in front of her.

“Now you have to listen to me.”

“Liam, we both know that this can’t work. When I remember who I am you’re going to have to leave. We can’t be together if I’m halfway across the world.”

“Paris isn’t-”

“I’m American, remember? I think.” She sighed and pressed her face into her hands. I sat next to her, running my hand up and down her back as she started to cry. “Why can’t I remember?” She whispered. I kissed her temple and she looked up at me, blushing wildly.

“It’s going to be okay.” I pulled her into my arms and hugged her. She was hesitant at first but slowly slipped her arms around me and held me close.

“I’m glad I have you.” She finally said. “But I don’t want to get too close when you’re just going to leave me.” I pulled back and looked into her eyes.

“What if I don’t leave?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You have a tour to go back to and fans and friends. You have a life Liam. Don’t give that up.” Her eyes were breaking my heart. “Not for me.” I pressed my forehead to hers until other couples started coming up and we left, me helping her back to the hotel.

When we got inside our room she grabbed her side again, gripping my shoulder. “Why is it hurting this bad?” She wondered.

“Maybe your drugs finally wore off.”

“Must be.”

“Are you going to be okay?” She nodded weakly, but I helped her into her room and set her down on her bed. “Let me see.” I said. She turned bright red.


“Aimee, if something’s wrong I need to know if I have to call the hospital again.” She sighed.

“Turn around.” I blushed and looked at the wall as I heard her get up and her dress hit the ground. I felt my heart start pounding and the front of my jeans got tight at the thought of her in just her knickers. She must have put something else on before she finally sighed. “Okay.”

I sat her back down on the bed, pulling up the front of her shirt to see her stitches. I blushed as I saw her bare stomach and noticed her breathing quicken. I ran my fingers over her stitches, they seemed fine, they weren’t red or bleeding or anything. I looked at the other side, they were fine too. I softly touched the stitches on the other side and felt the front of my jeans get painfully tight when I heard her hold back a groan. I flushed as I pulled her shirt back down. “Everything looks fine. Maybe it’s just from all the walking.”

“I guess.” She said. Her face was bright red.

“I’ll get you some Tylenol.” I said. She just quickly nodded as I ducked into the other room and walked back in with the small bottle, handing her two pills.

“Thank you.” She said. I tucked her in and smiled at her.

“Feel better.”

“Goodnight.” I turned off her light.

“Goodnight Aimee.” I quickly shut the door and opened up the front of my pants since things were getting painfully cramped down there. I ran my hands through my hair. That one little groan was probably one of the sexiest noises I’d ever heard in my life. I felt my heart hammering against my ribs. Why was she doing this to me? Why was it every time I was around her I felt like my heart was in free fall? Did I really want to stay here in Paris with her forever? I blushed at the thought of her arching her back, groaning my name as I pressed my lips to hers. Running my fingers up her bare back and pulling us together.

I had to stop this. Aimee was right; when she finally got her memory back I was going to have to go back to my real life. No more days with her, just ghosts of Dani and tours and the boys. I knew that I did want to go back to it all, but with her by my side. I wanted to take her to a charity ball. I wanted to dance with her and hold her close. I wanted to show her off to the world and sing to her and lay down with her every night. I knew I was falling for this girl, and that’s what terrified me.

I walked back into my room, quickly stripping down to my boxers and plopping down on my bed, letting out a long sigh. I tried to figure out what it was about her that was driving me so wild, but I couldn’t. It was just everything, her laugh, her smile, and pushing me out of the way of a car had helped I was sure. I turned out the light and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

“Liam.” I opened my eyes to see Aimee sitting next to me. I sat up and looked at her as the sunlight faded in, giving the whole room a romantic glow.

“Good morning.” I said. She bit her lip and I blushed when I realized I was just in boxers. “Let me put some pants on-” But she put her hand on me chest and laid me back down.

“Easy there Brit, maybe I like you like this.” I felt my heart speed up as she looked at me seductively from under her lashes. I felt the front of my boxers start to rise and blushed, trying to cover it, but Aimee’s hand beat me there. I let out a small groan as she smiled. “Someone’s excited to see me.” She said, running her fingers over me so lightly I could have sworn they weren’t even there.

“Aimee.” I growled her name and grabbed her, flipping her over so I was laying over her. She just kept smiling as she slipped off her tee shirt and I finally got to see her incredible chest. I covered the newly found skin with my mouth, making her moan as I continued with my perfectly placed kisses, licks, and even small nips.

“Liam.” She groaned, just like last night. I pressed my lips to hers and ripped off her knickers as she pulled down my boxers, shoving me into her and making us both break from our lip lock to gasp. She slipped her hands around to my back, digging her nails into my skin as I kept moving, pressing my lips to her throat as she moaned my name.

“Liam!” I grabbed her hips and pulled us even closer together. “Liam!” I hit her magic spot and watched as her eyes got huge. “OH GOD LIAM!”

“LIAM!” I opened my eyes to see a very red Aimee, looking at the wall. I opened my eyes and realized I was rock hard. I quickly pulled the blanket over me, flushing. If Aimee hadn’t had seen it the other night, she definitely had now. I quickly sat up, trying to hide my erection the best I could as she stood, wide eyed, looking at the wall.

“What did you need?” I choked out. I didn’t even think she could speak. “Aimee?”

“I heard you calling my name, well, moaning, so I thought you were sick or something, but now I know why.” I saw her shiver as she sidestepped to the door, keeping her eyes locked on the wall. “I’m going to get dressed.” She said, and then she disappeared through the door, shutting it behind her.

“Fuck.” I muttered. Now she probably thought I was some kind of horny dog. I looked down at the Payneaconda. “Thanks a lot.” I grumbled as I pulled back the blankets and hopped into the shower. I smacked the back of my head into the wall over and over. I should have locked the damn door. I got out and quickly dressed, walking out into the living room to see Aimee looking at the list of apartments. I sighed, no more putting off the search.

“We… we should go.” I said. She just nodded, red faced, and got up, grabbing the key and shoving it in her pocket as she handed me the list, her eyes glued to the floor. “I… I’m sorry-”

“Let’s just forget it happened.” She quickly interrupted. “Please.”

“Is your side feeling better?” I asked. She turned even redder and nodded. “Good.” I said, looking at the wall. We made our way through the paps and to a cab; I wasn’t going to make Aimee walk with her stitches acting up. We sat as far apart as the seat would let us, looking out opposite windows as we headed to the first address in our apartment hunt. And even with everything that had happened this morning and last night, all I could think of,

Was how badly I didn’t want us to find it.

. . .


Oh my God.

I couldn’t stop blushing or get the image of Liam’s… well you know, out of my head. I swallowed nervously. Every time I looked at him all I could see was him writing in his bed, softly moaning my name. Did… did he really dream of us sleeping together? I thought of when he checked my stitches, his fingers had felt so good against my skin that I hadn’t wanted him to stop.

I thought to when he’d kissed me last night. It was like something out of a fairy tale. I knew he’d probably been hurt at how coldly I’d shut him down, but I wasn’t going to get my heart broken when he had to leave me. I couldn’t help but look over and glance at him and blushed when I saw he was looking at me too. We both turned bright red and looked out the window as we pulled up to the first address.

These apartments looked way to nice for me to live in, but we would never know unless we checked. Liam and I stood a good distance apart as we walked into the main office and a short blonde woman smiled at us.

“Bonjour, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?” (Hello, how are you today?)

“Nous sommes bien merci, mais ça vous dérange si on parle anglais? Mon ami ne parle pas beaucoup français.” (We're good thank you, but do you mind if we speak English? My friend doesn't speak much French) I blushed as I remembered him telling me I was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. He knew how to say that.

“Of course.” The woman said, breaking me from my memory. “So are you two looking to buy an apartment together?”

“No.” Liam said. He pulled the key out of my pocket, making me blush as I felt his fingers against my thigh. “We want to know if you guys use keys like this to your deadbolts.” He handed the key to the woman, both of us red in the face. I heard him swallow nervously as she looked over the key, completely oblivious to our state. She sighed sadly.

“I’m sorry, our deadbolt keys are silver. This isn’t from these apartments.”

“Do you know who it might be from?” I asked, showing her our list.

“Why do you need to know?” She asked, eyeing us suspiciously.

“She lost her memory.” Liam said, pointing to me. “We’re hoping if we can find her apartment it might come back.” She obviously didn’t believe us.

“Well I don’t know what other apartments use this. I’m sorry.” I sighed as we walked out and I crossed the address off the list. “One down, five hundred sixty-two to go.”

“Aimee.” I looked up at him and blushed again as I remembered finding him. “I’m sorry you saw that this morning. I should have locked the door.”

“I told you, I just want to forget it happened.” I said, my face on fire.

“If you don’t talk about it it’s not going to go away.” He teased weakly.

“It’s fine. I should have knocked, it just sounded like you were sick or something.” I folded my arms tightly around myself, trying to forget how sexy it’d been hearing Liam moan my name like that. I tried to forget how last night I’d wanted his fingers to just grab me and pull us together. I wanted to kiss him again, feel his skin against mine, hear him moan my name like that over and over. I took a deep breath. “We should go.” I said, my face was so red I thought I was going to pass out.

“Aimee…” He looked like he was going to say something but eventually just sighed. “You’re right, we should go.” We hopped back into the taxi and headed to the next address.

The next fourteen places were all like the first one; ‘no this isn’t from here, why do you need to know?’ And not a single one believing I’d really lost my memory. One lady even threatened to call the police on us, screaming angrily in French as Liam and I ran out the door. Liam and I finally decided to break from the hunt to get lunch at a small café. He walked over to the counter and started ordering, but when I heard someone hit a piano key I stopped.

I swiveled my head and looked over to see a small piano sitting in the corner. I felt like a moth to the flame as I walked over to it, running my hand over the worn out keys. I slowly sat down, this felt so familiar, so right. I placed my hands softly over the keys and my fingers started moving on their own, playing a soft, slow melody. It was Hallelujah. I remembered. Suddenly I was sitting in a concert hall and playing this same song while a man softly sang the sad song into the microphone. I could hear a voice, but it was the voice I’d heard that woke me up.


I blinked and I was back in the café, my fingers refusing to stop as Liam sat down next to me, watching me play with wide eyes. I looked over at him, smiling. I could play the piano, I remembered how! I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I kept playing, a grin spreading over Liam’s face as I filled the small shop with the song. Finally I played the last key and looked over at Liam.

“I was in a concert hall playing this. I remembered.” I smiled and hugged him, he gripped me back as we both just smiled. I finally had remembered something worthwhile. When I was playing the piano it was like I’d never forgotten anything, I was just a girl who needed to play a song.

“Aimee.” He pulled back and looked at me and I felt my heart pounding as I softly pressed my lips to his. He was a little surprised, but I didn’t care. I could have never gotten this far without him. I knew he was going to have to leave me eventually, but right now, we were together. He kissed me back and I felt my heart skip a beat. I felt the fireworks from last night as he cradled my face with one of his hands. I felt like lightning was running through me, until a bright flash broke us apart. We both looked to see a photographer running down the street. “Fuck.” Liam muttered. We both sighed.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered.

“No, it’s fine. Trust me, well worth it.” He smiled as the woman called out our order and we sat down in the back booth again, eating our lunch. “So you remember a concert hall? Maybe you’re a concert pianist.”

“Maybe.” I said, resting my head on one of my hands, looking at Liam. “God, when I was playing it was just… I knew who I was for that one moment, it wasn’t like before, I could feel the memories in my head and…” I stopped. “That probably sounds really stupid.”

“No, it doesn’t.” He said, taking my hand in his. There was a flicker of sadness on his face, but then he smiled again. “This means we’re one step closer to finding out who you are.” I didn’t want to say it, but I knew I had to.

“Liam… what if… what if I…” Don’t want to remember? I sighed, I couldn’t say it out loud. He would just think that I wanted to keep him in Paris for the rest of his life. I knew that sooner or later I was going to have to let him go, but I wanted him to stay so badly that it almost hurt, and that terrified me. I knew that I was falling for Liam, but he was going to have to go back to being famous and forget all about me. I gripped his hand even tighter.

And I never wanted to let go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh goodness.
What will happen now?
Will they both just admit they want to stay with each other?
stay tuned to find out!
