Fix You



I slowly opened my eyes the next morning and the first thing I felt was my side throbbing in pain. “Damn it.” I muttered. I slowly sat up and pulled up my shirt to see that my stitches were still bright red. I let out a long sigh and collapsed back onto the bed. There was no way I could walk around Paris all day if it hurt just to lay here. I heard a knock on my door and pressed my hands to my face. If what Haz had said yesterday about me wanting to keep Liam trapped here didn’t worry him, me putting off the search another day might.

“Aimee, are you awake?”

“Yeah, come in.” I sat up again as he opened the door and sat on the edge of my bed.

“How are you feeling?”

“Worse than last night.” I admitted, grabbing my side as another sharp pain ripped through me.

“That’s it, I’m calling Dr. Fleur.” He said, pulling out his phone. “Jesus this is all my fault.”

“No it’s not.” I assured him, setting my hand on his shoulder. He smiled at me.

“I guess I won’t be able to kiss you again for a while, I just… I can’t really control myself around you.” He admitted, turning pink. He pressed the speaker button as the doctor answered.


“Hey Doctor Fleur, it’s Liam.” He said, pressing his tongue into his cheek.

“Monsieur Payne! How is Aimee?”

“I’m good doctor, you’re on speaker.” I said.

“Have you remembered anything?” He asked.

“Not much, just that I play the piano and that I went to a funeral when I was little.”

“Well the fact that you’ve remembered anything is wonderful, now may I ask why you’ve called?” Liam and I both blushed, wondering how to explain this to the doctor.

“Well, Aimee’s been doing a lot of walking and yesterday… She fell and I grabbed her, but now her stitches are red and really hurting her.”

“Hmm. The stitches probably just pulled at the muscle, she’s got a lot of them in there. Aimee, on a scale of one to ten, how bad do your stitches hurt?”

“Probably a six or seven and I’ve just been sitting here.”

“I see. All right, I want you to stay put today, no walking, no moving anything heavier than a cup of coffee, do you understand? You need to rest.” I sighed, at least the doctor had my back on this one so Liam wouldn’t just think I was being obsessive.

“I think we can do that.” Liam said.

“Alright, call me tomorrow if she’s still not better.”

“Will do.” I said.

“Alright, have a nice day you two.” Then Liam hung up and smiled at me.

“I fell and you grabbed me huh? Nice cover.” I teased. Liam flushed.

“I wasn’t really ready to tell the doc that I pulled you on top of me while we were snogging.” I chuckled as Liam stood up. “All right, movie day it is then.” He scooped me up and set me back under the blankets, walking around to the other side and grabbing the remote. I looked past him to see the dark winter clouds outside and he turned off my lamp and switched on the T.V. “Now what do we have on demand?” He muttered as he flipped through a list of movies. “New Movies…En français…” Finally his face lit up. “Here we go, children and family films.” I chuckled as he looked at me, completely serious. “What? Maybe you’re one of those people who can’t stand scary movies.”

“That doesn’t mean I want to watch kid movies.”

“Maybe I want to watch kid movies.” He said. I quickly plucked the remote out of his hand, smiling. He sat up, placing his hands on either side of me and grinning wickedly.

“Give me the remote Aimee.” He said. I put the remote behind my back and smiled at him. “I don’t want to have to use force.” He said, his eyes twinkling like starlight.

“Ooh, I’m so scared.” I said, grinning at him as he leaned down even closer to me. He slowly moved one of his legs to the other side of me as he got so close that I could taste his breath.

“Aimee.” He warned again, grinning at me.

“I’m not watching kid’s movies all day.” I repeated.

“Well then I’ll have to use force.” He slipped one of his hands around my back and held the remote, trying to pull it away from me. I bit my lip, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my side as his lips brushed mine before he finally pressed them together, cradling my face with his free hand. I ran one of my hands through his hair as we both let go of the remote. God why was he so damn good at this? One of his hands slipped down from my face around to my back. He ripped back the blankets, laying me down and pressing his body to mine. That look in his eyes was making my heart thud painfully in my chest. He trailed his kisses down my neck, making me shiver. I traced my fingers down his chest as he started running one of his hands up my thigh, roughly pulling it around him and smashing his mouth back to mine. I broke from our lip lock to let out a small whimper of pain as he pulled my leg even tighter around him. He sighed and set my leg back down, rolling off me.

“I’m sorry.” We both said in perfect unison as we sat up. He chuckled and we looked at each other for a long time before I finally handed him the remote.

“Here, watch your kid’s movies.”

“We can watch something else if you want.” I smiled at him.

“If it makes you happy then I’m happy.” He chuckled.

“Let’s compromise. Here we go, cult classics. Let’s see, Fight Club, Donnie Darko, Jesus, they’re all kind of dark.”

“Let’s just watch kid movies.” I said, looking at him.

“I thought you didn’t want to watch kid movies?” He gave me that wicked grin again.

“I… might have lied.” I admitted.

“All that fighting for nothing? I think you just wanted me to use force love.” I chuckled.

“You caught me.” I joked. He sighed.

“Too bad I hurt you again.” He muttered so quietly that I guessed his words weren’t for me. He quickly picked the first movie, I imagine desperate to get over the awkward silence that had filled my room. As a small fish was stolen from his dad I snuck a glance over at Liam. God why was he so handsome? He was lying down with just his head propped up on the pillows, one of his hands behind his head. I could see the smallest peek of his stomach and it made me turn pink, remembering when he’d landed naked on top of me and his stomach had been pressed so roughly against mine. And the grey sky outside my window behind him made his brown eyes sparkle even more as he watched as the father fish started on a huge adventure to find his son in the Great Barrier Reef. “Any of this seem familiar?” He asked about halfway through the film, looking over at me.

“No.” I admitted.

“You’ve never seen Finding Nemo?” I shook my head.

“Not that I can remember.” He smirked at me again.

“Are you even paying attention or are you still a little stunned from what a good kisser I am?” I blushed, he’d nailed it right on the head.

“I’m paying attention.” I lied.

“Okay, who’s that?” He asked, pointing to a blue fish with yellow stripes.

“A fish.” I said. He chuckled.

“A fish that has something in common with you.” He hinted.

“She speaks French?” I guessed. He laughed at me, plopping back down on the bed.

“No. She has short term memory loss.” I felt my face fall. Did he think I was faking this? That Haz was telling the truth and I was lying to keep him here?

“Oh.” I whispered. Liam immediately shot up and looked at me.

“Aimee, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that-”

“It’s fine.” I said, looking at him. “We both can’t remember anything. See? I get it, it’s funny.” He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

“If it’s funny then why do you look like you’re going to cry?”

Because I don’t want you to leave me.

“Because… I don’t know.” I lied.


“Let’s just watch the movie.” I said finally. He sighed and kept looking at me, but I didn’t want to talk anymore. I wanted to tell him so badly, beg him to stay here with me, that we should give up the search now, but I couldn’t. Because if it meant I couldn’t see Liam anymore, kiss him, hug him, just hear his soft snoring in the other room,

Then I didn’t want my memory back at all.

. . .


Aimee and I just sat there all day, watching movie after movie, ordering room service, and just sitting in silence. God I wanted to kiss her again, feel the way we so perfectly fit together, but it was like she was porcelain or something; so delicate that even the smallest touch and she would shatter. I looked over at her about halfway through Tangled to see her fighting back tears. God, she’d been like that ever since I made that stupid Dory comment.

Finally about half an hour into Ratatouille she fell asleep as a French woman sang softly as Linguini and the French chick kissed on her motorcycle. I ran my hands through my hair. Why couldn’t French love really be that simple? I turned off the telly and got up, tucking her in. I was about to leave when she weakly grabbed my hand.

“Liam.” She whispered. I turned back to see her brilliant eyes looking up at me. “Don’t go.” I blushed and leaned down, kissing her head softly.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I whispered. I turned off her lamp as I walked back around to the other side of the bed. I pulled off my jeans and my shirt, sliding in on the other side of her bed. She turned over and smiled sleepily at me, resting her head on my chest and wrapping her arm around my stomach. I blushed as I slowly wrapped my arm around her back, gently pulling her into me as she fell back asleep. I looked down at her, she looked like an angel when she slept.

Why did I have to leave her? I wanted nothing more than to never leave this bed, never leave Paris, and never leave her. I never wanted her to get her memories back, because what if she had a boyfriend or a fiancée? I didn’t think I could bear to see her with someone else. I kissed the top of her head. I knew now more than ever that I was in love with Aimee, but this was the only place we could be together. I pressed my lips together, trying not to cry at the thought of having to eventually get on that plane and say goodbye.

Besides, there was no way we were going to be able to be a couple, what if she was a serial killer? Or a fugitive running from the law? I didn’t care one damn bit, but I didn’t want the press to just dismiss her as my rebound to get over Danielle, which I knew is what she would always be to the world, even if we got married, everyone would just say ‘oh, he’s just using her.’ They would never see the smart, beautiful, funny girl that I knew. They would see a gold digger, a tramp who was latching onto me for my money.

And as badly as I wanted to keep her here, with me, I could never force her to live in the dark for the rest of her life. And what if one day she remembered her entire life and never forgave me for not letting her get it back so much sooner? I could never do that to her. I looked down at her, feeling her soft, warm breath against my chest and sighed. No matter how much I loved her I was eventually going to have to let her go.

It was what was best for her.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek and quickly wiped it away. I was going to make sure she was as happy as humanly possible for however long we had left. I would never make her upset ever again. I pressed my face into the top of her head, breathing in her scent as I finally fell asleep.

. . .

“Liam… Liam… wake up mate.” I slowly opened my eyes to see a pair of bright blue ones. I blinked a few times as my vision became less blurry to see blonde hair and…

“Niall?!” I asked, shooting up. He wrapped me in a huge hug.

“Nice to see you too!” He said. I grinned. “Liam’s up!” He yelled into the other room. I looked over to see Haz, Zayn, and Louis’ head peek into the doorway before they all attacked me.

“Liam!” Louis said, hugging me so tightly that I was having trouble breathing.

“There you are mate!” Zayn said.

“What the Hell are you doing here? What about the tour and-”

“Paul suspended it. It’s not the same without you.” Haz said, standing at the foot of Aimee’s bed.

“And he sent us to help find Aimee’s memory!” Niall said.

“Aimee!” I said, shooting up and looking for her, but she wasn’t next to me.

“What?” She leaned in the doorway, smiling and eating a bowl of cereal.

“God I thought they’d crushed you.” I said, throwing back my blanket and wrapping her in a one armed hug.

“No, I heard people cooing in the apartment and I got up to see what was going on, figuring I’d let you sleep-” She started, but Zayn cut in, pulling her away from me and slinging his arm around her.

“Because you were so exhausted from shagging her for a week straight.” He said. Aimee and I turned bright red.

“Except not.” I said.

“Then explain why you were cuddling Liam.” Lou teased, walking over and ruffling my hair. I looked over at Aimee, red faced. I wasn’t going to tell them that she’d asked me not to leave her.

“We were watching some movies and I must have fallen asleep.” I said.

“In your knickers?” Haz demanded.

“Yep.” I lied.

“Oh stop giving him the third degree.” Niall said, throwing his arms around Aimee and I and pulling us into a massive hug, smashing our faces into his chest.

“Careful.” I said, pulling his hand off her and seeing if she was in pain, but she seemed fine.

“Liam, I’m alright.” She said. “I feel much better.”

“He just doesn’t want Niall to sing to you.” Louis said, pulling her away from me and walking her into the living room. “Because Niall’s voice is so sexy that your knickers would hit the floor and you might just leap on him.” Niall and Zayn followed the two of them. I was about to go too, But Haz’s voice stopped me.

“Have you found out anything else?” He asked. I turned to him, he looked so tired. I guess since I was gone he’d tried to take over as the dad of the band. It looked like it was really taking a toll on his sleeping.

“No. The night before last I…” I pressed my lips together. “She almost pulled her stitches, so we didn’t leave the apartment yesterday.”

“Liam…” He sighed. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt again mate.” He said finally.

“I know.”

“You are going to have to leave her eventually.”

“I know.” I whispered again.

“Liam! Help!”

“Oh calm down love, this is how everyone says hello is Paris, right?” I rolled my eyes as Haz and I walked into see Niall giving Aimee a huge kiss on the cheek.

“Liam?” She begged. I chuckled as I quickly picked up Aimee in my arms, playing keep away with Niall.

“Hey! No hogging her Liam! Come on mate!” He whined. Zayn was laughing so hard I thought he was going to pass out as Aimee wrapped her arms around my neck. But all I saw was her eyes as she laughed and Niall pulled her out of my arms, setting her on the ground and smashing her face into his chest in a hug. “Mine.” He said simply.

“Mph.” Aimee choked out, her words drowned out by Niall’s body.

“So, we’re staying here with you guys, right?” Zayn asked, flopping down on the couch.

“What?” I asked.

“Paul said to stay with you guys to make sure you don’t get too sidetracked.” Lou said, grinning wickedly at me. I felt my face get warm.

“You are one cheeky bastard.” I said, shoving him.

“Oh come on Liam, you’ve got three bedrooms in here. Four of you count the couches.” Zayn argued. “I mean some of us will have to double up-”

“I’ve got dibs on Aimee!” Niall joked, pulling her even tighter into his chest.

“I don’t think so Niall.” I said, finally pulling her back into the safety of my arms. She was laughing hysterically and I couldn’t help but smile. She had a beautiful laugh.

“I’ll room with Liam.” Haz said. “Aimee gets her room, Zayn and Lou get the third bedroom and Niall get’s the couch.”

“What?” Niall whined.

“We can rotate or something. Besides, Haz won’t need the whole bed should Liam decide to room with Aimee one night.” Zayn said, grinning at Aimee and I.

“Right, we can figure out that later, for now we’ve got a lot of apartments to search.” Haz said. I chuckled; he was good at being in charge. A little bit of a dick, sure. But he was getting stuff done. “Liam, Aimee, go get dressed.” I sighed as I ruffled Aimee’s hair again, both of us walking back to our rooms to start the search for her memory once again. I sighed as I got into the shower, with the rest of the guys here there wasn’t going to be any more putting things off. We were going to finally find her memory.

I just prayed that somehow we wouldn’t.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted to get at least one more chapter up before I started school,
I'll try to maybe get out another one soon
but no promises
thank you all for the love and support
it means the world to me

