Faith of Wings

In a parallel universe, all animals are sentient. Horses hold themselves in the highest regard, and with good reason: they're fast, large, and have the most heart out of any animal. They've taken over most of the planet, with legs as strong as steel and hearts filled with their own selfish desires. All is not lost however, where there is a community; there is Faith.

Young horses, orphaned either through neglect or forces outside their control are raised in the loving care of the Church. Here young Tibirass has resided since she was but a mere hour old. Together, with her long furred equine friend Klaus, she's caused untold amounts of chaos. That ended the day she found out the truth and she angrily cast the Church out of her life.

The Angel Sasstiel was once charged with a most sacred duty; personal bodyguard of the Archangel Michael. During the last Great War between the Angels and their Demonic counterparts, the Archangel fell at the hands of those shadow creatures. Stricken with grief and sick over her failing, Sasstiel banished herself from Heaven's loving embrass - unworthy of her home.

Unworthy of going back, until she met one spirited young mare who just might be the answer Sasstiel was looking for.