Status: Active.

Crucible: The Accomplice

The Art

When they finally went off, I went outside. I needed to scope out a victim for the night.

People were clearing out fast, and then I noticed a girl standing by herself away from people. She looked like she was waiting.


I generally targets people were were on their own. It was easier that way.

I walked up behind her, being as silent as possible. I surveyed her, noticing she didn't have much muscle. She wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight.

Pulling my knife and silently flipped it open, I stepped up behind her and put my hand over her mouth and my knife to her throat in one swift, simultaneous motion.

She started to panic, struggling against me.

"Stop struggling and I won't slit your throat right here and now" I hissed into her ear. She immediately went rigid.

I pulled her away from the open area back behind the building. There was an alley way between it and another building. I had noticed it earlier and made sure to remember.

I kept my knife to her throat and whispered in her ear, "You scream, and your blood with coat these walls."

My threat held her, for when I took my hand away, she just whimpered.

I pulled a rag out of my bag and tied up her hands, making sure it was impossible for her to pull them loose. Then used another to stuff in her mouth to keep her quiet. I couldn't have her screaming and alerting someone to what was happening back here.

I usually took these things and burned them when I was done. It was insurance that nothing would be found of them.

I forced her onto the ground and sat myself on her stomach. Since I was a relatively small girl, that's all I could do to ever keep a hold over someone.

The absolute terror in her eyes pleased me as I leaned closer to her face, gently caressing her cheeks with my blade.

"Now, now, now. I wonder what would happen if I cut this pretty face of yours?" I said cheerily.

She tried to scream, but only a guttural noise making it through. She writhed underneath me, trying to get away. I was having a hard time keeping her there, but that didn't stop me.

I just smiled, "Usually, I like to play with my victims first. But you're too much of a handful" I told her, giving a playfully disappointed face, "Plus, you're not all that pretty."

Then I noticed the tears streaming down her face. A wicked grin stretched across my features.

"Yes, cry you whore, cry" I chimed.

She stared shaking, and with good reason.

Finally, I hooked my knife in the crease of her mouth. Her eyes widened.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"Well that's a shame. If you had, I would have waited until after to do this" I gave her a pouty look before dragging my knife into her flesh and across her face to her ear.

She screamed in pain underneath the rag, her blood pouring down to mix with her tears.

"You could have avoided this" I told her before hooking my blade into the other side and doing the exact same thing.

It was my signature. The only reason the cops could track me. Because no one else left this kind of bloody card behind.

She finally stopped moving around, accepting that she couldn't do anything. I assume she was also losing the energy to move.

I leaned down to her, lightly whispering "I'm the Glasgow Cutter, but you won't need to remember that." As a last measure, I leaned in and kissed her lips before pulling away and standing over her.

She hardly moved now, but I knew I needed to finish her off before whoever was supposed to pick her up, realized she wasn't there.

I flipped my knife around in my hand before plunging it into her stomach. I procceded to drag the blade across her, letting her innards spill onto the ground. I just grinned maliciously.

She lurched and whimpered more, but eventually got silent.

I knew that would do the trick.

As I was wiping the blood off my knife onto her clothes and collecting my rags, I heard footsteps. I whirled around, knife ready to protect my identity.

"It's you" I heard an accented voice say.

When he finally came into more light, I realized who it was.

It was the front man for that last band that played.
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Updated 2 of 3.