Status: Active.

Crucible: The Accomplice

Something Sinister

When it was over, I met Oliver at their signing. He pulled me over behind the table and idly talked while he met, hugged, and signed things for fans.

“So, how was it?” He asked. I just grinned. “Great, I had no idea what was going on though” I told him.

He laughed. Then a girl wearing practically nothing came up to him.

“Is she your girlfriend?” She asked immediately, giving me a glare. I just glared right back at her.

I saw out of the corner of my eye, Oliver’s face got really red.

“N-no, she’s not” He said. I was a little curious why he was so flustered about it.

“Oh, good” She said, dropping her glare immediately, “Can I have a hug?”

Without hesitation, he nodded and leaned forward for a hug. It became obvious to just about everyone that she was pushing her boobs on her. He just looked a little uncomfortable and out of place, but I assumed this happened a lot.

“I’m glad she’s not your girlfriend. She’s no where near pretty enough for you” She looked me up and down before walking away. That pushed me a little over the edge.

“Hey bitch, put on some clothes before insulting people. Haven’t you heard? Insults don’t count when they come from a whore” I said indignantly.

She whipped around to face me. “Strong words from a mediocre girl with no redeeming features” She said viciously.

My hand dropped to my side, ready to pull the knife that had been safely clipped there. Then someone stepped in front of me and grabbed my hand.

“Not here” Oliver said. I pulled my hand away and stalked out. How dare that bitch say that about me?

Ten minutes later, Oliver came out after me. I was just sitting out against the wall, trying t contain my thirst for blood.

“You know I was was right” He said, sitting beside me. I knew he was, but didn’t want to admit it.

“How dare she?” I murmured. Then he did an odd thing.

He hugged me.

“None of it was true” He said in my ear, “You’re much better than some slag that just wants me for my fame.”

I nodded.

“Do you get that a lot, Oliver?” I asked. He just shrugged.

“Why do you keep calling me Oliver? Just call me Oli like everyone else” He said. Until then, I hadn’t even realized that everyone else called him by a nickname.

“I don’t think it’s right to call someone by a nickname if they haven’t told you it’s alright” I told him indifferently.

“Fine then, you can call me Oli” He told me. I smiled.

“What about a nickname for me?” I asked. He put his hand to his face, thinking.

“How about Lia?” He suggested. I grinned and agreed. “Lia it is.”

He stood up then, holding out a hand to help me up. After he got me to my feet, he said “So Lia, how about we look for a proper victim?”

“Or two” I said casually. His smile turned sinister. “Good idea” He said.


We stood around in the shadows for a little while, waiting for some people to get out. I took this time to scope out potential targets.

A lot of them were in groups of more than two, making it really difficult.

Then I noticed the girl from earlier. Standing with her was a boy who looked younger, but their faces looked similar.

I nudged Oli and he looked over to them.

“They might be related” I said quietly. He nodded. “You think you could lure them over behind the venue?” I asked him.

He thought for a minute, and then nodded. I trusted it to him and went back behind it, hiding in the darkness around the corner.

“Oi, you two” I heard Oli call and then footsteps. “How would you like to come and spend a little time with me?” I heard him purr, obviously talking to the girl.

“But I can’t leave him...” She said, trying to sound sexy at the same time.

“I suppose he can come and hang out with the guys for awhile” He replied. I heard her happily say yes, and then multiple pairs of feet walked towards me.

I saw Oli first go past me, and then the other two. Oli dropped behind them a bit, both of them being so excited they didn’t even notice.

I gave him a questioning look from the dark, and he pulled out a knife from under his shirt, something I hadn’t even realized he had.

I twirled my finger and pointed to myself, trying to tell him to follow my lead. He just nodded, so I assumed he knew what I meant.

I flipped my knife open and moved up behind the girl, he did the same to the guy.

All at once, Oli only several seconds behind me after figuring out how I did it, me threw our hands over their mouths and put the blade against the jugular.

They went absolutely still from shock.

“Struggle at all and we will kill you without hesitation” I growled just loud enough for both of them to hear me.

I dragged the girl over to the side, Oli following my lead, and pushed her down. I sat myself on her back, not wanting her to see my face yet.

My bag with fresh rags was already sitting in against the wall, I having put it there earlier.

I grabbed it and pulled out a few rags, throwing some to Oli. He had seen everything I had done after this and immediately went to it.

I stuffed a rag in her mouth, knowing she’d scream if she got the chance, and then tied her hands before finally turning her over painfully onto her hands.

Her eyes were tearing up, but then got angry when she saw my face. She started to struggle some and I just put my knife to her neck harder.

“Oh, surprised? Weren’t expecting such a mediocre girl to have such a dirty secret” I said mockingly.

Beside me, Oli held the boy down with his knee to his ribs. Obviously, Oli would be able to control someone easier than me.

“You couldn’t have know that you were insulting a famous serial killer” I said in a little sing-song voice. Oli laughed a little.

“I’m just her apprentice, sorry” He said as if he were actually sorry.

“Do you know who I am? Oh, let me give you a hint” I said before putting my knife to my own face and ghosting it over the sides of my mouth, careful not to cut myself.

Immediately, she knew what was going on and started shaking her head rapidly and thrusting her body around. I put my knife back to her neck, causing her to rapidly go still.

“I need to teach him my ways, and you will be my test subject” I told her quietly. By now, she was crying. Just like the others. Just like her.

Then I turned to Oli. “If you want to make the signature on him for me while he’s awake, you can. I’m going to play with her some” I told him. He nodded and then went to work. I heard the boy screaming under the rag as Oli played with his pretty face. As long as it looked close enough to mine, which wasn’t hard to do, everything would be fine.

Remembering my anatomy and where to not cut, I slowly sliced off pieces of her skin. The upper arm. The sides. Her stomach. I even shredded her legs some. Her face was a mess.

Then I cut down the skin on her chest, pulling the skin apart to see to rib cage some.
At that point, I figured she’d had enough.

“I can’t stand whores” I hissed in her ear, Oli’s presence completely forgotten, “Cry, you disgusting whore.”

I hooked my knife under each side of her face and sliced through the thin skin quickly. But instead of leaving it like normal, I pulled the skin down around her neck.

I could see her losing consciousness and couldn’t let her do that before I kill her.

Quickly, I sliced her stomach open deep and left it.

She laid still. She wasn’t completely dead, but within a minute or two she would be.

Oli sliced his prize open and got off him to stand beside me. When we were sure they were dead, we pulled the rags away, cleaned our knives, and I burned them right beside the body.

I turned to Oli and smiled. “How was your first lesson?” I asked wryly.

“Very educational” He told me, ginning back.

This was the start of something perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
That was really..dark. I have such a twisted mind. But it's either this, or be a serial killer. I think this is more logical.

I was too lazy to find a picture for the break, so they're just going to be that little x thing on this, okay?

Oh, and I want to say something completely unrelated to this chapter. A huge thanks to NervousHolyGhost for that comment about my break up. It makes me feel like my readers actually love me. I've needed something to keep moving on and get over this, and that really helped. So thank you. So much. You are officially my favorite reader.

Anyway, I probably won't update again until maybe Tuesday at the latest.

So, until then my lovelies c: