Behind Those Scratches

Words UnSpoken

I learned from that very uneventful first day of school, that I had two classes that included Seth Zerrer. Both of those classes were filled with whispers of the mysterious Seth Zerrer; he was like a celebrity. At lunch he was the topic at the table I sat at, in the bathrooms he was the new name scribbled onto the bathroom stalls, and at the end of the day he was the biggest gossip. I remind you that this happened in only one day, and on the first day of school at that.

I drove home that day my mind trying to escape the stupid words of gossip of Seth Zerrer. Rumors had gone around about how he had no face, how that it was just a mask under that hood, and if you took it off there would be nothing, but air under it. The things that high-schoolers came up with these days. There were also rumors going around about his family, about how he could be the offspring of Satan, and that his mother was an ugly hag. There was one positive rumor though. They said that Seth was a celebrity that was in hiding from the press, and that he was just trying to get through high-school. None of the rumors made actual sense though.

I arrived home the minute my little brother was being dropped off by the bus. Daniel was a boy of few words, so when he stepped through the front door, that I was holding open for him, he only nodded his head to me. When I really thought about it though, my whole family was of few words. No one really spoke unless they really had too. Words were almost meaningless in my family. That night, my mother and father were going out on a date, so it was just Danny and I at home.

When I went back to school the next day Seth Zerrer was almost the only topic talked about. School lunches, and horrible teachers were still being discussed by a few students. I had acting again and we would be discussing all the acts we would have to do that year to pass Mr. Alan's class. Seth Zerrer was there before anyone, excluding the teacher. He had a different hoodie on today, it was a light brown color. He still sported old jeans, and a pair of worn out black sneakers. His scraped up backpack lay on the table. He had a notebook opened up to the first page, waiting to be written in, and a number two pencil with a green eraser cap laying beside the notebook.

I sat down in the chair beside him, setting the messenger bag I've been using since freshman year next to his backpack. I took out my own notebook, and purple mechanical pencil. Compared to Seth my arrangement looked like a mess. The final bell rang a couple minutes later, signaling that class was starting. All the students that had come in before the bell, and the few tardies that had come in after the bell, all glanced at our table, their glances always being focused on Seth.

"Okay class, today we are gonna start off with getting to know the people around you." Mr. Alan said, clapping his hands together, which echoed through the silent room.

"So at your tables, each person must answer these questions: your name, your age, why you took this class, and one thing you think the other people at your table should know about you." Alan counted the questions off with his fingers.

"Get to it, I'll give you about 15, 20 minutes to get it done." Once he was done talking everyone started conversing at their table.

I glanced over at Seth, I had no idea what to do. He just sat there for moments, before he picked up his pencil, leaned forward and wrote something on his notebook. When done he slowly slid the notebook over to me. I looked at the scribbled words on the notebook.

1) Seth Zerrer I took my own pencil and quickly scrawled my name below his. I slid the notebook back, and we continued this way until we were at the last question, I looked over my answer for the last question and all the other questions before I finally slid the notebook back to Seth.

1) Seth Zerrer
Allison Province

2) 18

3) School credits
Seemed interesting

I patiently waited for Seth to pass back the notebook so we could finish this little Q&A. But I never got the notebook back.

"None of the rumors are true." I heard a deep voice say from my right. At first I was surprised and wasn't even sure if it was Seth who had spoken. Soon the shock of actually hearing Seth Zerrer speak passed.

"I know." I said simply, before Mr. Alan started going off again about the acts of the class. I never got to answer question number four.