Status: Sometimes I don't update this story very often, but I will do my best to update as often as possible with everything that is going on.

Steal My Soul

Chapter Eighteen

“Wait…Michael, THE archangel of God?” I gaped swinging my gaze back to the man with the bright blue eyes.

“Yes,” both he and Luc confirmed simultaneously. The two men glared at each other. By the murderous gleam in both of their eyes, I was honestly afraid of the two men battling each other right here and now.

“Why did I expect any different?” I sighed mumbling the words to myself.

“Look, Michael, it’s sweet that you think you can save my soul. Really it is, but you see there’s no saving my soul at this point. I had the opportunity to gain my soul back, but I—”

“You did? T-that’s not possible!” Michael exclaimed. “God gave only me the power to save your soul if you agreed to it.”

“Sorry to burst your little exclusive bubble, but Satan himself offered me the chance to regain my soul,” I confessed.

“Then it is a good thing you refused,” he snorted which caused Luc to stiffen in defense beside me.

“What does that mean?” he growled taking a threatening step forward. I reached out a hand to stop him not that I could really hold him back if he was truly determined to fight.

“You should know better than anyone,” Michael sneered raking that judgmental blue gaze over my fiancé in disgust. “Satan would never truly give Leighra her own soul back to her.”

“Don’t stand there and act like you know my father,” Luc spat. I could feel the muscles in his arm tighten beneath my hand as I visibly watched him control his need to kill the archangel.

Michael took an angry step towards Luc; the men stared each other down as they stood toe-to-toe with one another.

“I know your father better than anyone. Or do you forget that I was there when he betrayed the Lord and turned his back on his brethren?” the archangel quietly ground out through bared teeth.

“He only did what he felt was necessary! Your oh-so-perfect God turned his back on his creations—his children—first. My father—”

“Is that what he told you?” Michael barked out a hateful laugh. “How typical of Lucifer. His lies spread like a deadly disease killing those who believe them. For as long as I have known him, he has never once uttered the truth.”

“That is ENOUGH,” I shouted stepping between the two inhuman beings. My words had caught the attention of a few passers-by, but they were smart enough to not gawk for an extended amount of time.

I faced Michael, shoving him away from Luc. He stumbled back in surprise; those piercing blue eyes widening in innocence.

“Look, Michael, you said it yourself…my soul can only be saved by you if I allow it,” I emphasized. “And I’m not certain what kind of hint you need, but I’ll make this pretty easy for you to figure out.”

I stepped up to the archangel forcing him to tilt his head down in order to meet my gaze. I could see my round face reflected in those deep blue eyes; it was there I could see the fury blazing deep in my gaze as I glared up at him.

“I don’t need help…from the likes of you,” I quietly hissed so that only he could hear my words. Although, knowing Luc, he had probably heard me as well.

Michael’s lips flattened into a thin line while his nostrils flared in irritation at my words. Those had clearly not been the words he had wanted to hear. The corner of my mouth curled upwards in a satisfied smirk as I slowly backed away from the archangel until Luc laced his fingers through mine.

“This isn’t over,” Michael voiced, the words clearly directed at Luc even though he never broke eye contact with me.

He took a step back, those blue eyes falling to the ground before meeting mine once more only they had softened with kindness.

“I refuse to give up on you. Not yet. Call for me when your head is clearer and he’s not around. I’ll always be nearby waiting,” he lightly reassured me. Within the blink of an eye Michael had disappeared. Frantic that someone had seen, I scanned the area looking for any random college students who might be shell-shocked by what they’d just witnessed. How convenient for him that no one was around at the moment.

“So, you said you had a surprise for me?” I reminded Luc turning around to stare up at him with a wide smile.

The demon watched me through wide, pale blue eyes causing my smile to fade into a look of concern.

“Luc, are you alright? You look shell-shocked,” I nervously chuckled placing a gentle hand on his jawline. He jolted slightly at my touch covering my hand with his.

“I’m fine,” he reassured. “Um, but yeah your surprise is back at the apartment.”

“Okay,” I sweetly smiled beginning to walk in the direction of home. “So, do I get any hints?”

“Why didn’t you accept it?” Luc blurted out ignoring my question.


“His offer. Why didn’t you accept it?” He reiterated better clarifying his question.

My brows bunched together in confusion as I swung my gaze up to look at him.

“Are you seriously asking me that question?”

“I mean, I could understand you saying no to my father to, you know, stay on his good side and all, but why refuse Michael? He’s an angel of the highest power. He has almost a direct line to God so wh—”

“Because I can, Luc,” I interrupted him growing slightly frustrated with him. “And I didn’t refuse your father just to stay on his good side although that was partially a reason.”

“Look, Luc,” I exhaled stepping into his path in order to keep him from continuing forward. “If I really wanted my soul back that badly then I wouldn’t have refused your father’s offer. Even if I had accepted and he had been lying about my soul to kill me instead or whatever…it wouldn’t matter to me. This is the most exciting my life has ever been! Without you I would have never known any of this existed.”

“Are you mad?” he gaped down at me. “You had the chance to salvage your soul and break out of this deal, but you refused both my father and Michael’s offer to lead a more exciting life?”

“No, Luc, you’re hearing me all wrong,” I snapped in frustration. How could I tell him it was because I wanted to be with him without sounding like I was in love with him? How could I let him know I’d rather have him in my life than a pure soul?

“Then tell me how I should hear you.”

“What I’m trying to say is…” I took a deep breath drawing in all of my courage. I searched those icy blue eyes that were filled with so much anguish.

“Luc…if the devil himself wasn’t able to convince me to take my soul back…what makes you think that an archangel of God could do what your father couldn’t?”

“I’m just afraid that over time he will persuade you to save your soul and join him in Heaven,” Luc confessed quietly glancing away.

“Angels are so last season. Demons are the trend right now,” I teased. I couldn’t help but wonder where all of this worry was coming from. Had he made a bet with someone that he could keep my soul? Or was it because Luc, the eldest son of Satan, was actually beginning to have feelings for me?

“Seriously, Leighra, Michael has a great way of swaying someone over to his side. I’ve seen him steal back many a souls from a demon especially me,” he grumbled.

“From what I could see, Michael has a bad attitude and behaves like a self-absorbed daddy’s boy,” I noted with a snort.

“Well that, too,” Luc smiled.

“Trust in me, please,” I begged of him.

“I just think that maybe…you should…take his advice and talk to him when your head is clearer. I can’t believe I just said that,” he shuddered.

I took a few steps back in shock. “First you get angry with me for thinking I only stayed with you for an “exciting adventure” and now you’re telling me I should have gone with Michael?”

“No! Not go with him exactly…just…” Luc sighed dragging a hand down his face. For the first time that day I noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the five o’clock shadow dusting his jawline.

“I just want you to look at all your options. Talk to him and see what he is willing to give you along with saving your soul. I don’t want you to regret declining his offer and staying with me. Not when you could possibly end up with a better, happier life than the one you’d end up having with me.”

“You don’t think I’d be happy with you?” I softly questioned as I felt my heart slowly breaking.

Luc moved to rest his hands on my shoulders to comfort me, but I shook him off.

“I’m not saying that completely. I just want you to consider all your options before becoming the future wife of Satan.”

“Lily looks like she has it pretty well as Satan’s wife,” I angrily pointed out.

“Yes, well, she is also a demon who was already accustomed to life in Hell. You, however, are not and I want you to be completely happy with your life.”

“I’m happy with it now,” I stressed trying to get him to see that I didn’t want to share my life with anyone else except him.

“But how do you know that you’re completely happy?”

“I can’t believe I’m hearing this!” I laughed with absolutely zero amusement. “If you want me to say yes to Michael and ride off into the sunset with him on the back of a white horse the just SAY IT.”

“How about we just go back to the apartment and I show you—”

“No. I’ll go back to the apartment. Alone. You…you just go away. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should wait until my head is clear before making a decision that ultimately alters my entire life,” I snapped pivoting on my heel to stalk back to the apartment.


“Go. Home,” I snapped back over my shoulder trying the best I could to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. I thought that after his proposal things would begin to look up. That archangel had only showed his face for less than thirty minutes and look what had become of us.

I continued walking forward adjusting the straps of my backpack on my shoulder. After a few moments of silence I took a chance and glanced back over my shoulder…only to see no one there. Luc had really left like I had told him to. I whirled back around pulling my jacket closer around my trembling body. Whether it was trembling from the cool autumn breeze or from disappointment and anger, I wasn’t sure. In all honesty though, I secretly had wished for Luc to come after me anyways. I wanted him to ignore my protests to stay away and wrap me in his arms anyways. Maybe both of us just needed to clear our heads after the appearance of the archangel.

As I reached the apartments, I climbed the stairs still drowning in my own self-pitying thoughts. When I glanced up at the door to make sure it was the correct number, I noticed an envelope taped to the door. Was it another list of chores from Natalie again? She would occasionally do that since I rarely found the notes she left around the house. Quirking a brow in question, I ripped the envelope off the door and took out the folded piece of paper. A small silver key slid from the folded crevice of the paper into my hand. It appeared to be the key to a car. I opened the letter.


I apologize for being absent for the past couple weeks. I’ve just been trying to think of the perfect gift to give to you to thank you for accepting this demon’s proposal of marriage. Finally, after much digging around, I discovered that one thing I know will make your heart soar with happiness. After you read this, meet me in the parking lot behind the apartments. I promise you won’t be disappointed.


Underneath those beautifully scrawled words was another short paragraph that appeared to be hurriedly scribbled along the bottom. My heart broke in two at the words I read.

Leighra, I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. That is the last thing on my mind. I know I told you to keep an open mind and consider your options, but please…don’t leave me.

A small, unidentifiable sound emitted from between my lips as tears ran salty trails down my face. He must have written this after our fight after I had told him to go home. Instead, he had come here to write onto this letter. My eyes slid over to the nearly weightless key that rested in the palm of my hand. This must have been the surprise he wanted to show me after my last class. The backpack dropped to the floor with a thud as I flew down the steps and raced to the back parking lot of the apartments where guests were supposed to park.

I rounded the corner of the building, stopping in my tracks when I saw the sight before me. My hands flew up to cover my mouth not that I could produce a sound anyways. I was at a complete loss of words; my knees wobbled beneath the weight of my body causing me to nearly collapse to the ground.

“Leighra,” his British voice softly called out from behind me. I whipped around as tears streamed down my face more than likely ruining my mascara, but I didn’t care. He was standing in front of me once more like he had never even left. The one person I wanted to live my life with; it was why I had said yes. It hadn’t been because it was what we agreed to, but because I knew I’d live a happy life with him.

“Luc,” I choked out futilely wiping away the never-ending river of tears.

“I’m not sure if you’re crying because you are happy to see me or because you like your surprise,” Luc nervously chuckled rubbing a palm along the back of his neck.

A short burst of laughter sounded through my sniffling. “Both,” I smiled.

“I thought you had gone back home like I ordered you to do,” I admitted softly.

“Of course not,” Luc smirked shaking his head. He cautiously approached me afraid I would rebuff him like I had just moments before. He wrapped me up in his warm embrace and hugged me tight against his chest.

“I would never just leave you. Not when it was clear you needed me,” he breathed against my cheek before he placed a gentle kiss against my forehead.

“Now go admire your new car,” he smiled before gripping my shoulders and pivoting me around to stare in awe at my new car once more.

“A ’67 Chevy Impala,” I breathed excitedly.

“Black,” he tacked on.

“And with four doors,” I giggled racing over to my beautiful new mode of transportation. No more having to borrow Natalie’s car and feel like I have to owe her something in return each time I do. No more having to act like I’m driving Miss Daisy down the highway when in her car.

I lightly brushed my fingertips over the polished hood that brilliantly cast my reflection back at me. I never thought this day would come. My breath caught in my throat from the immense happiness that flooded my body.

“How…?” I asked turning to Luc who had followed me over to the car.

He shrugged those broad shoulders at my unfinished question.

“I have my ways,” he cryptically answered; a devilish grin spreading across his face.

“You know what? I don’t even care.”

I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him like I would never let go. He cradled the back of my head in one of his hands while the other arm snaked around my waist.

“Thank you, Luc. It’s absolutely perfect,” I sighed happily against his chest. His laughter rumbled deep within his chest. I squeezed my eyes shut willing that lifeless heart of his to beat once more.

“I still want you to consider all your options, Leighra. That hasn’t changed,” he admitted his fingers interweaving themselves into the dark curls of my hair.

“Fine, I will,” I grumbled. I shifted out of his arms just enough to make contact with a pair of startling silver-blue eyes that shone with tenderness.

“In return…I promise to never leave you,” I whispered pressing a warm kiss to his lips.

“Good because don’t forget…I have your soul,” he teased tapping a finger to the tip of my nose playfully making me giggle.

I found myself becoming lost as I sank deep into those pair of pale blue orbs. It was during times like these that I found it hard to remember Lucifer was the son of Satan when all I could see him as was a man. A man that I fell harder and harder for each time he showed me the human side of his nature. Something he had been doing a lot more lately. What had caused this extraordinary change in him? Not that I was complaining. I was becoming so spellbound by those eyes that I became completely wrapped up in the moment.

“Luc, I think I…” Love you, I finished quietly in my head.

“You think you what?” he prompted me to finish. What if those words scare him away? What if he doesn’t really feel the same and he’s only being nice to me to keep me on his side? There’s no way I could confess to him first without hearing those words leave his lips first.

I pulled free of his embrace and ran over to the driver’s side door of the Impala with the key still in my hand.

“I think I…want to go for a drive in my new car! C’mon!” I urged feeling my heart lighten when a full blown smile lit up Luc’s face. Good, he didn’t suspect anything about what I might have said.

“Alright, just don’t drive like you do in Natalie’s car,” he joked sliding into the passenger seat of the car. I rolled my eyes.

“It’s not like you’ll die,” I reminded him sliding behind the wheel of the car.

“No, but you might. I can’t put a soul inside a dead body,” he pointed out.

“Dully noted,” I said igniting the engine. The roar of the engine sent shivers down my spine. Luc leaned forward to switch on the radio. My eyes slid over to the demon as I recognized the song that began to play: ‘Carry On Wayward Son’ by Kansas.

Luc lifted his hands in mock surrender. “I swear to my father this was not even slightly planned.”

All I could do was laugh and sing along as I peeled the Impala out of the parking lot.
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