Sequel: Not Over You
Status: Work in progress

Somebody That I Used to Know

Chapter 1




I’m sorry, please check your number and try again.

Frustrated I threw my phone at my wall, the flimsy device broke into several pieces before falling to the lino floor. I ran my fingers through my ginger hair and looked down at the magazine spread that was open in front of me.

What is he doing?

The several thumbnail paparazzi snaps were all the same, Niall Horan walking out of a nightclub, a bottle of alcohol in one hand while the other is slung around some whispy broad who is giggling into the camera, or a freeze-frame of the blonde haired, blue eyed musician throwing a punch at a bouncer as he is being dragged out.

I closed the magazine and stormed over to the home phone hanging off my wall, seeing as it was obvious that my mobile wouldn’t be working for me. I ripped the device off the wall and punched the numbers in.




his Irish accent spoke through the phone thick with sleep. I sighed, a mixture of relief and frustration. “Hello” he spoke again.


“What ta fuck do you want?” he growled into the phone, annoyance bubbled inside me and tried to remain calm.

“What are you doing?” I asked my eyes drifting over to the magazine that was open on the kitchen counter.

“What does it matter? You don’t get to question anyt’ing I do anymore… we’re not toget’er remember?”

I took a deep breath and spoke, “Doesn’t mean I don’t care.”

A bitter laugh echoed in my ear from the other line, I gripped the phone harder my skin tightening over my knuckles. “Whatever.”

I couldn’t hold it in anymore, his last burst of attitude made me snap and I had to tell him what I thought, “You forget Mister Horan that you were the one who broke up with me, you were the one who ended this, who left without a real reason, cutting yourself from me! So don’t you dare make this out to be my fault!”

“You did not’ing, not’ing, to stop me from walking out that door.”

“You didn’t give me a chance! You and your stubbornness just up and left me without giving me a chance to wrap my mind around what was actually happening. One minute you’re saying you love me and the next you are packing your bags and leaving saying that you can’t do this, it’s too hard.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about Charlotte.”

“No? I am pretty sure I do. I distinctly remember you leaving my house, slamming the door, breaking my heart and then weeks later I find photos of a drunk you in the newest issue of Famous with your arms around some blonde bimbo acting as if nothing has happened… but you know maybe you are right, maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about, maybe you had a good reason to punch that bouncer, or a good reason to ram your tongue down another girls throat!” I took a deep breath and tried to rid the tears that were filling my eyes as my nose tingled painfully and my chest constricted with sobs, “You walk around as if nothing happened between us, as if I was just simply another notch in your belt and you want to know something, two people can play thing game, if you want to continue going out and getting completely shit faced go ahead. Goodbye Niall!”

With that I slammed the phone back on the hanger and slid down the wall, drawing my legs to my chest and letting the cries that I had been holding in out. I buried my face into my knees and cried, my body trembling violently.

As I sat there weeping I heard the doorbell chime through the house.

I took deep breaths and tried to stop the sobs and listen; there was another chime through the house. It was important. Slowly I pushed myself upward my back sliding against the wall as I rose to my feet. I swiped the moisture away from my eyes and walked down the short hallway. Stopping when I passed the mirror to readjust myself, I ran my fingers through my hair and over my cheeks removing the mascara that had streaked my face.

I opened the door and sighed when I saw my friend Lisa standing on the front doorstep, she had a box of chocolate and a heap of movies.

“I knew you’d see it,” she stated simply before walking forward and wrapping her arms around me. I buried my face into her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her mid-section; cries fell from my lips wetting the material of her black batman shirt.

“Come on, let’s go stuff ourselves with chocolate and yell at sappy romance movies,” she soothed; I pulled away from her and wiped my eyes a bitter laugh falling from my lips.

“What would I do without you Lisa?” I asked as turned and the two of us walked into the house together.

“I dunno, I’m sure you’d be fine.”

“Psh, doubt it! You are amazing,” she laughed a loud echoing sound tilting her head back, black strands of hair flinging back behind her.

“Come on beautiful girl, what one are we watching first?” she asked as she held up the three DVD’s she had held in her hands, New Moon, This Means War and Step Up.

“Step Up as if I would need to tell you that I mean Channing Tatum… hello,” she laughed walking over to the DVD player and pressed open waiting for the tray to slide open. Quickly she placed the disc in and closed it before hurrying over to me and sitting down.

“You ready for this?” she asked as she hurried to open the box of chocolate.

“You have no idea,” I muttered before turning the screen on and hitting play. I picked a piece of chocolate up out of the box and settled down resting my head on Lisa’s shoulder. The two of us sitting in silence and watching Channing Tatum and his sexiness take up our television screens.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here is a new little story I got an idea for, yes it is another Niall Horan fic.

I plan on writing a Louis fic and Zayn fic soon.

Anyway please comment, subscribe and tell me what you think

Cheers XX