Sequel: Not Over You
Status: Work in progress

Somebody That I Used to Know

Chapter 12

I lay snuggled up to Niall’s side his arm was wrapped around my shoulder, the two of us swallowed into a comfortable silence. I looked around the room taking in the surroundings, the pasty coloured walls, large faced clock mounted on the wall above the bed. There was a bouquet of flowers on his bedside table. I smiled looking down I saw the tube connected to the drip that was protruding from his hand. I watched as the liquid trailed down the plastic and into his vein.

Shifting my head and looking up I saw that Niall’s eyes were fluttering closed, slowly I began to move and his arm instantly tightened around my shoulder as he pulled me close again.

“Don’t go…” he whispered. His voice was so low; he was struggling to keep his eyes open; I gently pressed my lips against his forehead and snuggled down burrowing my head into the crook of his neck, his arm around me was tight and his other snaked around my waist. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes.

“Hey, do you remember the first time I saw you?” I could hear the laughter in his voice; I groaned and buried my face deeper into his neck.

“I’ve been trying to forget that day so hard,” light laughter rippled from his lips as he gave me a squeeze.


“Because it was one of the most embarrassing days of my life,” the heat that formed in my cheeks burned and I squeezed my eyes closed trying to rid my mind of the day.
“I thought it was cute.”

“Only you would think that,” I pointed out before speaking again, “it was terrible, I swear I have never been more embarrassed.” Chuckling he pulled me closer and kissed my cheek sweetly.

“What was so embarrassing about it?” he asked teasing me. I pulled away and slapped his shoulder this caused his contagious laughter to fall from his lips and I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.

“Where to begin?” I asked.

“Perhaps the beginning,” his cheeky grin spread across his face and there was a slight glint in his eyes. I sighed and shook my head, he loved the story of how we met but I hated it, I had done it for a dare, and my friends were evil, when I saw evil I simply mean they loved to embarrass me more then anything.

“You only love this story because you saw my bra,” I pointed out. He giggled before speaking.

“And if I remember correctly they were a lovely red silk and black lace pair.”

“How the hell do you remember that!” I gasped, “all I remember is my severe embarrassment, the fact that I flashed you was enough let alone trying to remember the colour of my bra.”

“I’m a guy, a teenage guy might I remind you, when a stunning bird flashes me her boobs it’s hard not to forget what coloured bras they were wearing.” I scoffed rolling my eyes and watching as he tilted back his head and laughed. I poked his side and he groaned through his laughter. A satisfied smile spread across my face at his sudden discomfort.

“You deserved that,” he pouted at me and I simply laughed before rolling off the mattress and getting to my feet.

“Where are you going?”

“To get something to drink, I’ll be back,” with that I walked out of the room and was greeted by a pair of emerald green irises. I smiled and walked over to the drink fountain, scanning the cans of drink I inserted my money and hit the button, a can of coke dropped, bending down I grabbed it and straightened up spinning around.

“Do you love him?” the question caught me off guard and I choked as I locked eyes with Harry anger and hurt flashed through them.


“Do you love him?”

“Harry, this isn’t the place and this isn’t the time,” I whispered sharply looking around the area where the other three males were sitting, Lisa had turned and was looking at the two of us.

“Lottie answer me, do you love him!’ his last two words were harsh and a growl resounded in his throat. I stared intently at him, I knew he wouldn’t give up until he got his answer. Flicking my eyes over to Lisa I saw the way she was on full alert, quickly I grabbed Harry’s hand and led him down the hallway walking past the old woman and out into the bitter air.

“What’s got into you all of a sudden?” I shot as I spun around.

“What’s got into me? Lottie what’s got into you, all of a sudden you are being all lovey-dovey with Niall after everything he did to you, you’re acting as if his actions meant nothing and are excusable. He hurt you, are you just going to forget that, forget all the pain he put you through.”

“Doesn’t everyone deserve a second chance?” I asked looking at Harry.

“Not him… he doesn’t deserve it! And what about us, what about what we had the kiss we shared did that mean anything or was that just something to get your mind off the reality of everything?”

“Excuse me!” I nearly yelled, “That’s a bit harsh considering you don’t know the reason why he left me…”

“Oh please…” Harry cut in a bitter laugh falling from his lips as he took a step backward and tilted his head back before looking at me again and speaking, “enlighten me… why did he leave you?”

“He left me because of everything that was happening, the hate I was receiving, the fact that rumours were starting about the two of us, he was trying to protect me.”

“What kind of idiot does that? Leaves the person he loves because of hate and the fact that rumours were starting. What man leaves his girl when things start to get a little difficult?”

“Obviously not you!” I screamed this cut him down to size and he stopped talking, “You probably don’t understand because you have never had a relationship deep enough, you have probably never had to watch someone you love slowly fade due to the toxic words that are thrown at her, words such as a money seeking whore, a fake plastic bitch, gold digger,” I cursed myself mentally for the tremble in my words and the tears that had began to form in my eyes. “FUCK!” I yelled spinning away and wiping my eyes. There was silence between us, when I knew I was able to speak without a tremor in my voice I began again. “As for your first question…” I stepped toward a seething Harry, his eyes were glassy with tears and his lips were drawn in a thin line. “Yes I love Niall, I always have and I always probably will.”

“You know what you are Lottie, you’re a fucking tease!” his words slapped me in the face and tears formed in my eyes again but I swallowed deeply and kept strong eye contact with him. “You are a fucking bitch who leads guys on…”

“OI!” I heard Lisa’s voice behind Harry but it was distant.

“And just let me tell you that if Niall goes into a relapse and everything turns to shit and you need someone to make you feel better you can get fucked because I won’t be there to be a shoulder to cry on.”

That was it.

With that Harry pulled away from me and turned walking toward his car, I watched as he disappeared tears spilling onto my cheek and my breathing became shallow.

“Lottie, Lottie, Charlotte!” Lisa was by my side in a heartbeat her arms wrapped around me in an embrace. “ARSEHOLE!” she yelled at the disappearing figure.

“I want to go home,” I whispered weakly.

“Alright, I’ll take you,” with that she led me to her car and I slowly climbed in.

The car ride home was silent.
♠ ♠ ♠
the next chapter here it is :)

Drama, Drama, Drama.

Anyway thank you to those who read, recommended and subscribed and a special shout out to:
Dream With Me Always
Infinity and Beyond;

you guys are amazing keep up the good work :) *hugs all round*