Sequel: Not Over You
Status: Work in progress

Somebody That I Used to Know

Chapter 2

I was pulled out of my dream and into reality by the sound of my home phone ringing through my house. I cracked my eyes opened and took in my surroundings. The morning light was streaming through my window. The phone continued to ring and it wasn’t until Lisa growled answer the phone that I rolled off of my mattress walked toward my bedroom door.

Walking down the hallway I rubbed my eyes until I entered the kitchen where the phone was sitting, reaching out one of my hands I yawned grabbing the device and placing it to my ear.

Good morning Sunshine!” I heard the chirpy tones of four boys’ chorus into my phone.

“Morning,” I mumbled as another yawn fell from my lips, “Can you call back at a descent time in the morning?” I asked as I turned and walked back down the hallway toward my room.

What do you mean it’s ten in the morning?” Harry’s deep voice asked.

“Like I said, a descent time,” I repeated closing my door. I walked over to my bed and collapsed onto my mattress gaining a groan from Lisa next to me.

Is there someone there with you?” Louis voice chirped, I could hear the curiosity in his tone.

“Yeah, it’s just Lisa… we had a movie night last night.”

I don’t believe you,” Louis shot back.

I groaned before leaning over and shoving Lisa, “Say hi.” I held the phone away from my ear so the boys could hear.

“Sod off!”

“See…” I placed the phone over my ear again.

Well she’s an Angry Bird in the morning,” Louis stated sassily into the device I laughed before shoving the girl next to me again.

“Louis called ya an Angry Bird.”

“He has no freaking idea how angry I am when I don’t get my nine hours sleep,” she snapped, Lisa was not a morning person.

“Listen guys gotta go otherwise Godzilla here is gonna rip my head off,” there was laughter on the other end of the phone before they said goodbye. Pulling the phone away from my ear I set it down on my bedside table and slid under my blankets darkness over taking me as soon as my head hit the pillow.


“Wakey-wakey Sleeping Beauties…”

“Vas Happen’ Girls?”

“Get up!”

“Harry’s here!”

I was jolted awake by my four boys jumping up and down on my bed as they yelled at the top of their lungs. I opened my eyes and looked at the four boys jumping around on my bed as if it was a trampoline.

“GET OFF! GET OUT! I NEED SLEEP!” I heard Lisa yell before she kicked knocking Liam, but instead off falling off the mattress he fell on top of her. “Ooof…” she groaned, a blush spread across Liams’ face before he quickly rolled off her. I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips. I was mid laugh when Lisa kicked me and sent me flying; I fell of the mattress taking the blanket with me as I landed on the carpeted floor with a quiet thud.

The boys burst out laughing, my laughter continued until all I could do was clap my hands.

“Bitch you took the blankets! Give ‘em back,” she scrambled over and ripped the blankets away from me, the cool air bitting my bare legs sending shivers across my skin. I took a deep breath and tried to calm the laughter in my chest. Slowly I got to my feet and looked at Lisa who had bundled the blankets around her like a cocoon. I grabbed my pillow and thumped it down on her head.

The boys laughed and ooo’d waiting to see what would happen next.

I didn’t have time to think before Lisa moved and her pillow came in contact with my face, I was shocked at the sudden impact that she got another hit in before I moved and made a swing at her hitting her in the stomach, then another at her knees that made her wobble on the spot.

“PILLOW FIGHT!” the boys cheered I could hear them hi-fiving each other. I looked at Lisa she smirked and gave me a knowing look. She jumped off the bed and the two of us began to circle in, Lisa went straight for Liam while I went for Harry. Zayn and Louis clicked as to what was going on and quickly hurried away from the two of us. I drew back the pillow and swung, it came in contact with the side of Harry’s face.

I laughed but suddenly stopped when I saw the look that spread across his face, “Oh it’s on…” he began, the way he said it made a shiver run up my spine, quickly I turned and ran back to the bed grabbing the pillows.

“Come at me bro!” I exclaimed while trying to juggle holding three pillows at once. He smiled cheekily before lunging for me a shriek fell from my lips before I jumped off the bed the pillows falling from my grasp and ran to the opposite side of the room. “Ha, missed me!”

“Not really,” I arched my eyebrows and before I knew it Louis had clamped his arms around me making it so I was unable to move.

“Lisa!” I cried laughter following after. I watched as the dark haired girl ran toward me swinging the pillow at Louis and hitting him on the head, his hold on me didn’t falter but laughter rang from his lips, Lisa hit him once more before a scream left her lips and she was yanked off the ground someone’s arms around her waist. I watched as she fought with Zayn’s hold but there was no prevail his hold was strong. I watched as Liam smiled and began to walk toward her flexing his fingers.

“No, no, no, no, no Liam Payne don’t you dare!” she cried as she fought against Zayn’s hold, I flicked my eyes over and watched as Harry walked toward me a cheeky smile spread across his face.

“You better not be thinking what I think you’re thinking,” his grin simply widened and I knew I was done for.

Tickle fight!

I fought against Louis but it was too late. Laughter escaped both mine and Lisa’s lips as we were attacked. I thrashed against Louis as the two began to tickle me. I turned my attention over to Lisa who was being attacked by both Liam and Zayn. Tears were streaming down her face from laughing to hard.

“Alright, alright you win, you win,” I gasped.

“Yeah you win, game over.” Lisa replied gasping through her laughter.

The boys pulled away from me and I took a deep breath wrapping my arms around my side where the boys had just been tickling, I turned and looked at Lisa who had collapsed on the ground taking in deep breaths. I walked over to her kicking her lightly.

“Come on, let’s go get food I’m hungry.” She groaned before rolling over and pushing herself into a kneeling position then pushing herself so she was standing. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and the two of us walked out of the room toward the kitchen.

“You boys coming?” there was a fumble of sounds before the boys pushed past us and ran down the hallway toward the kitchen. Lisa and I laughed as we watched them shove each other.

We walked into the kitchen to find that the four boys had scattered themselves around the small room, Zayn and Harry were seated on the bench top while Louis and Liam were over near the cupboards. Lisa and I looked at each other before I walked over to the cupboards.

“Open Sesame,” I spoke and Louis reached up opening the cupboard door for me, I giggle before reaching in and grabbing two bowls, turning I walked back to Lisa who had already grabbed the box of cereal.

As Lisa and I stood munching on out milkless cereal Liam’s phone began to ring the sound of Maroon 5’s Payphone echoing through the cramped kitchen. He fished the phone out of his pocket and spoke. I stood trying not to listen into the conversation, Lisa’s eyes locked with mine and she knew who he was talking to. I shook my head slightly and continued to eat.

“ARSEHOLE!” she yelled I shot her a death glare.

“Lisa!” I hissed, “Shut up!”

“NIALL JAMES HORAN IS A SELFISH WANKER!” she yelled making sure that it would leak through the phone, I placed my bowl on the bench and grabbed her arm yanking her out of the kitchen and into the hall. Leaving the four boys standing confused as Liam mumbled a goodbye to Niall.

“What the hell! You know the guys don’t know yet,” I hissed.

“Well they do now ay, maybe they can knock some sense it to the idiot… Lottie… the guys is a prat! He breaks up with you then a week later he’s in a double page spread with his arms around a blonde bimbo while they make-out feverishly.”

“I know what I saw, but we broke up… you even said it… I can’t go around acting all poor-bugger-me. I need to move on with my life.”

“But you can’t hide the fact that you want to yell at him, scream at him, hit him, hell I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted to see his head on a silver platter.”

“Yes I want to do all that but what is that going to do? Hmmm? Nothing, it won’t do anything; I could yell and scream until my lungs give out but it won’t change a thing. He still won’t listen to anything I say.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I tried yesterday!” I shot hotly, I saw the way Lisa’s features froze and she faltered trying to find something to say.

“Is that why you were crying?”

I took a deep breath and looked at the wall, tingles in my nose started and tears formed in my eyes as I remembered everything he said to me yesterday.

“Lottie,” Lisa pushed, her voice was hard. I took a deep breath and tried to swallow the tears that were forming in my eyes. “Lottie, please, this is cutting you up… let them help, you know they can, they can get through to him,”

I shook my head turning to look at my best friend in front of me, “no.”


“No,” I wasn’t sure if I was trying to convince my friend or myself. I swiped at my eyes and looked at Lisa who stood in the hallway; her arms were crossed across her chest, her black hair falling messily down her past her shoulders. “It won’t help; he’s made up his mind… our relationship’s too hard.”
With that the tears I had tried to swallow spilled over and ran down my cheeks, I felt my chest constrict painfully and I felt as if I was choking. I felt someone’s arms snake around my waist from behind me pull me against their chest.

“Why didn’t you tell us Lottie?” Harry’s deep voice murmured against my hair as he held me close.

“Because you didn’t need to know…” I whispered afraid that if I raised my voice anymore I would breakdown into sobs, saying that I grabbed his hands and untangled myself from him and walked down the hallway toward my room.

Just when I thought things might have been getting a little better.

I walked over to my bed and crawled in wrapping the blankets around me and letting my tears fall, I
gripped my pillow to my chest and let all the tears and pain I had been holding in out, waiting for it to end.

It had only been a week; it can only get better from here.

♠ ♠ ♠
Here is the second installment thank you to those who have subscribed and recommended you are all awesome :)
Please leave a comment and tell me what you think
Here have Louis everyone