Sequel: Not Over You
Status: Work in progress

Somebody That I Used to Know

Chapter 3


My eyes cracked open at the sudden sound of a cupboard door being slammed shut. I groaned before rolling over and slithering off my bed. Getting to my feet I wiped my eyes and ran my fingers through my matted hair. Slowly I began to creep down the hallway toward the kitchen where someone was busy banging around.

Walking into the kitchen I was surprised when I saw Harry standing over by the stove lighting up and oil a pan. I soft smile spread across my lips.

“Hey,” my voice was hoarse, scratchy from all the crying I had done. Harry lifted his head from the pan and turned to look at me his emerald eyes meeting my light blue ones.

“Hey you,” he smiled before walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. I exhaled and wrapped my arms around his middle as I rested my head against his firm chest. The two of us stood like that for a few moments before he pulled away from me and looked down at me his eyes locking with mine. “How’re you feeling?”

“Drained,” I answered honestly, he chuckled lightly before reaching up and wiping under my eyes. “Sorry, I probably look horrible,” I blushed bowing my head trying to hide my blotchy face.

“Well I will admit that you would look better without all this make-up on your face,” I could hear the lightness in his tone, a light giggle left my lips as I lifted my head to look at him he smiled lightly at me.

“What are you doing?” I asked his arms dropped from around me and he walked over to the counter where several bowls were scattered around with lettuce, tomato, and cheese in them and a tray of fresh mince that had only just been opened.

“I was going to make you something as a surprise.”

“Aw, thank you.” I smiled, “Guess I had better help.”

“No… you get out of here, I can do it… I’m not that incapable,” he laughed as he begun to usher me out.

“Are you sure, remember last time you tried to cook.”

“I’ve been practising,” he chuckled, “go on… out,” I giggled before walking out.

“How ‘bout you go have a shower and get changed?” he called from the kitchen. I smiled and called back a ‘yeah’ before beginning to walk down the hallway toward my bedroom. I entered my bedroom and walked over to my wardrobe pulling the doors open and scanning over the dresses that hung from multi-coloured hangers. Grabbing a floral printed gown I flung it over my shoulder and grabbed a pair of fresh underwear then made my way toward the bathroom.

I entered the bathroom and hurried over to start the water up, waiting until the water was steaming before stripping off and stepping in under the spraying water.

I stood under the water for at least quarter of an hour before I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked at my sopping hair, loose strands sticking to my cheeks while the rest fell down to my shoulders in a flaming mass of waves. I started at my reflection for a few moments before pulling away and drying myself off.

I stepped into my clean underwear then slipped my dress over my body, reaching behind me to zip it up. I wrapped my hair in the towel and returned to look into the mirror. I took in the way the sweetheart line accentuated my chest area making my boobs look bigger than they really are, the white material dotted with red flowers contrasted with the paleness of my skin. I shrugged my shoulders, removing the towel from my head and rubbing it through my hair to dry it quickly.

After a few minutes of brushing the knots out of my hair I turned and walked out of the bathroom, hitting the light as I exited. Walking down the hallway the smell of spices simmering filled my sense of smell and I smiled.

“Smells good,” I commented as I walked over to Harry who was slowly turning the mince over. I reached over and grabbed a small portion of the browned meat. “Bugger, bugger, bugger,” I exclaimed as I placed the steaming food into my mouth.

“Serves you right,” Harry stated a chuckle leaving his lips.

I furrowed my brows and puckered my lips before slapping him across the shoulder. “Prat,” I grumbled. A loud laugh escaped his lips as he turned his head to look at me his emerald eyes locking with mine. I stuck my tongue out at him before turning and walking over to my cupboards and pulling out two plates and setting them down on the table.

“Is there anything you want me to do?” I asked once I had set the plates down.

“No, just sit down,” turning I looked at him, his back was faced toward me, I shrugged my shoulders and obliged and sat down.

I sat there watching as Harry dished the meat into a bowl and turned the stove off before grabbing the ingredients and walking over toward the table setting them down, he did two trips before taking a seat himself.

Just as I was about to bite into my taco I was interrupted by rapid knocks echoing through the house. I looked at Harry who had just bitten into the taco, he shrugged his shoulders I got to my feet and wandered down the hallway.

The knocks rung out again this time harder, they made me jump at the sheer force. I hurried to the door before the person broke it down. Unlocking it I pulled it open and was met with a pair of blue eyes.

They weren’t their normal gentle blue, they were crazy, I could see the electricity in them.


“W’at the fuck do ya t’ink ya’re doin’?” he growled at me as he stormed into my hallway. I furrowed my brows and looked at him intently.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I haven’t done anything.”

“Oh really? T’en why did I just have Louis, Zayn, and Liam at my house?”

“I…” I began to speak but was cut off by the sound of Niall’s voice again.

“Why were t’ey at my house yellin’ at me, tellin’ me t’at I was an idiot? W’at did ya say?” he pushed.

“Nothing, I didn’t say anything…” I snapped.

His fist pounded down on the wall beside my face eliciting a whimper from my lips as I squeezed my eyes closed. “W’at did ya say?” he asked his voice low and deadly, his hot breath fanning across my face.

“I didn’t say anything…” I whispered my voice trembling.

His fist pounded against the wall again making me cower against the surface, a growl fell from his lips.

“Leave her alone!” I heard a deep voice echo down the hallway. I opened my eyes and looked at Niall who had pulled his eyes away from me. A scoff left his lips a smirk spreading across his face as he turned his attention back to me.

“Seriously?” he pulled away from me his lips curling in a smirk, “Really? Oh, this is rich, innit Lottie?” he chuckled as he looked at me then looked back at Harry.

“Niall leave,” Harry spoke; I looked Niall and watched as he flicked his eyes over to me before shrugging his shoulders flippantly turning and walking out the house.

Once the front door had slammed close I took in a shaky breath and slid down the wall burying my face in my hands as tears spilled onto my cheeks. I felt Harry’s arms encase around me as he drew me close to him.

“What’s happening to him? I have never seen him like this…” I sobbed looking up at Harry through watery eyes.

“I don’t know Lottie, I really don’t know,” he soothed as he ran his hands up and down my arms holding me close.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here is the new installment.
Might have gone a little OTP with Niall but there is a reason for it.
thank you to all my wonderful commenters and subscribers and recommenders you are all amazing

13 recommendations, 109 readers, 41 subscribers WOW THANK YOU ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE HERE HAVE A GIF OF CUTE NIALL!
