Sequel: Not Over You
Status: Work in progress

Somebody That I Used to Know

Chapter 5

I was gently stirred from the darkness as the warm sun heated my skin as it filtered through the open curtains. I cracked my eyes open and rolled over a light moan falling from my lips as I stretched my cramped body out. Rolling over on my mattress I saw Harry was seated in the old rocking chair. His head angled at an awkward position. I slowly crept out of my warm haven a tip-toed over to the sleeping male.

Reaching out one of my hands I gently shook his shoulder, slowly his eyes fluttered open and in the morning light I saw his green eyes shine. I went to say something but I didn’t have the chance before he had risen to his feet and pulled me into a tight bear hug.

The two of us stood like that for a few moments before he pulled away from me and spoke in a whisper.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” I smiled sleepily and nodded my head, “I’m sorry for yesterday, I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you… I should have known you still weren’t over him,” I shook my head and whispered.

“It’s alright Harry,” I loved the way his lips turned up and a wide smile spread across his face. I pulled my arms away from his body and placed them at my side. “Did you get much sleep?” he shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his shoes.

“I got enough.” I quirked my brow at him making a chuckle fall from his lips, “Seriously Lottie, I’m fine… you’re the one we should be worrying about.” My smile faltered and I looked down at my bandaged hands. Curling my hands I felt the cuts stretch, they weren’t overly painful but there was a slight sting.

“You don’t need to worry, I’m fine,” I stated looking up into his green eyes. I saw the way they hardened, “honestly Harry, it was just once.”

He sighed and his body slumped forward slightly, “I just…” he began reaching out one his large hands and tucked stray strands of hair behind my ear, as he gently ran his hand down the side of my face cupping my cheek, “I don’t want to see you like that ever again.” My heart began to race and knots formed in my stomach at the sound of his voice, full of emotion, and the way his eyes glistened with tears. “You scared me Charlotte…” he went to say more but instead of words a strangled noise left his mouth and a tear rolled down his cheek.

“Oh my… Harry,” I breathed reaching up on tippy-toes and wrapping my arms around his neck, he buried his face into the crook of my neck, warm tears splashed onto the skin of my neck and sobs echoed in my ears. I drew him as close as I could, swallowing hard to fight the tears that were filling my eyes. His arms encased my middle and he squeezed me tight to his body.

“Promise….” He sobbed, “promise me you won’t…”

“I won’t do it again, I promise.” I finished for him, I felt him smile lightly against my skin I squeezed him tightly and waited for his tears to stop.
Once his sobs had finished and his breathing had returned to normal I pulled away from him, he smiled weakly as he wiped the tears from his face.

“Sorry,” he chuckled weakly. I shook my head.

“Don’t be,” I reached out one of my bandaged hands and grabbed his, “if anyone should be sorry it should me,” I confessed as I gently ran my thumb over the back of his hand. I stepped backward pulling him with me, only letting go of his hand so that I could move along on the mattress. I patted the spot next to me.

He smiled before kicking his shoes off and lying down next to me. He lay on his side so that his eyes were locking with mine; I reached out one of my hands and wiped the moisture underneath his eyes away. I pulled my hand away and looked at him. Loose curls framed his face; slightly dark bags sat under his eyes, freckles dusted his nose and cheeks lightly. His large hand clasped mine, his long fingers locking with mine; a light smile graced his features before his eyes fluttered closed.

I lay next to him until I heard his light snores before I unwound my fingers from his and slowly got to my feet. I walked out of the room pulling the door closed gently behind me. I walked down the hallway toward my room. As I got closer I heard snores through the slightly open door, I gently pushed on it and nearly laughed out loud at the scene in front of me.
Laying on my bed wrapped up in each other’s arms was Liam and Lisa, I wanted to run over and jump on the two sleeping figures but thought better of it. Instead I walked over to my wardrobe and quietly pulled the door open. Grabbing out a shirt, a pair of jeans and fresh underwear before turning and walking out.

Walking down the hallway I made it into the bathroom, closing the door I stripped myself of my pyjamas and quickly changed into my outfit. Looking at myself into the mirror I ran my hands through my flaming hair. The bandages on my hands making me shudder at the sight of them.

How could I have been so stupid?

Quickly I dropped my hands and turned walking out of the bathroom and down the hallway toward the kitchen.

I walked through the lounge room where I saw Zayn curled up on the lounge chair while Louis was spread like a starfish on the floor with a blanket covering the bottom half of his body. I giggled and continued to walk into the kitchen.

Entering I walked over to the bread basket and pulled out a loaf of bread undoing the clip and placing two in as I hit the switch on the kettle. As I stood in the kitchen I heard a phone ring, I looked around and saw that it was Liam’s, I debated whether to answer it or simply take it to him. Instead I let the device ring out. As soon as it rang out it was only seconds before it started to ring again. I fidgeted with my hands trying not to leap and answer the phone it took all my strength. When it rang for the third time I grabbed it and walked it into my room where Liam and Lisa were still spooning.

I chucked the phone on the bed and watched as the two of them slowly opened their eyes, “Morning love birds… answer your phone it’s annoying me,” with that I turned and walked out of the room and back to the kitchen passing a dazed and confused Louis.

“Morning Louis,” he groaned before flopping back onto the carpet and closing his eyes. I laughed and walked into the kitchen pouring myself a cup of tea and picking up my breakfast. There was a thunderous noise down the hallway and I furrowed my brows.

“Harry get up! NOW we need to go…” I heard Liam bang on the door before he hurried down into the lounge room. I poked my head around and watched as he roused the other two. “Up, get up now! We need to go… recording… we’re gonna be late… hurry up guys.” He hurried around the room chucking items of clothing at the boys. Zayn groaned loudly when a shoe hit his head and his dark eyes cracked open. Louis slowly pulled himself into a sitting position before a shirt was thrown at him hitting him in the face.

“Man, calm down.” Louis mumbled as he pulled the shirt over his head and slowly pulled himself into a standing position grabbing the blanket and chucking it over Zayn. Zayn grabbed it and buried his head underneath it.

“Calm down, we have half an hour to get to the studio… Zayn… really?” Liam huffed as he grabbed the blanket yanking it from Zayn’s grasp, the dark haired male growled and snapped into a sitting position slipping into his shoes. “HARRY MOVE IT!”

“I’M RIGHT HERE!” Harry yelled back sassily making Liam snap around.

“DO YOU GUYS NEED TO YELL?” the boys whipped around and looked at Lisa who had staggered down the hallway, a baggy shirt covering her body, it was only then that I realised Liam wasn’t wearing a shirt just a jacket.

“Nice shirt Lisa,” I stated cheekily she smiled tightly before sticking her finger up at me, I laughed and watched as Liam walked over and pressed his lips to hers. As he pulled away I saw a dazed look on her face as well as a dreamy smile spread across her face. With that he turned and hurried out of my house rousing the boys more to get moving, Louis and Zayn groaned but complied walking out behind him, Harry followed them but as he walked toward the door he turned and scooped me into a tight hug before pressing a light kiss to my cheek.

“See ya later Lottie,” he smiled and followed the boys out of the house. As soon as I heard the door closed I turned my attention to Lisa who had begun to creep back to my room.

“Uh-uh, no way…” I hurried over to her and grabbed her arm pulling her down onto the couch, “What happened?”

A light blushed tinged her cheeks and she lightly bit her bottom lip that was stretched into a smile, “Nothing.”

“Horse radish! Lisa what happened, you’re wearing his shirt and he kissed you!

“Alright, yes we admitted our feelings, but it was kinda…” she trailed off a dreamy look on her face and a light giggle leaving her lips.

“Please don’t tell me you two had sex in my bed.”

“What! No, no I’m not that mean… no we just cuddled that’s it… he was really sweet, he helped me last night… he held me all night and didn’t try anything… he just held me as I cried.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered looking down at my hands that were holding hers. “I never meant to hurt you Lisa, I honestly never meant to scare you.”
She clasped my hands in hers and I looked up at her, “As long as you promise not to do it again I will forgive you… I wasn’t the only one you scared… Harry was in tears when he saw what happened.”

“I know… I know believe me I know… I promise all of you that I will get better, pinky promise,” I looked up at her and held out my small finger, she smiled warmly before wrapping hers with mine. The two of us giggled before falling back on the couch.

“So wanna watch a movie?”

“You read my mind,” she smiled. I got up and grabbed the collection of movies she had bought over. I held up this means war and she nodded her head as I placed it into the machine and turned the TV on. Settling down next to her and hitting play
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here is the next chapter.
please leave a review. thank you to all you wonderful people who read, recommend and review you are all amazing.
have Harry