Sequel: Not Over You
Status: Work in progress

Somebody That I Used to Know

Chapter 7

So that’s what’s happened since you last wrote.
I miss you Charlie, I’m sorry I haven’t written for a few months but I have been too busy, I plan on coming home soon, I need some of the Summer sun, I’m becoming really pale.
Anyways write back when you can.
Love you
Lottie xx

I placed my pen down on desk and wiped my eyes, tears stained the paper, I sniffled and pulled myself together before folding the pieces of paper in half and sliding them into a pale blue envelope. Licking the sides I sealed it and jumped up grabbing one of my many handbags and chucked it in there before grabbing a large coat throwing it over my shoulders and buttoning it up quickly.

Grabbing my purse I slipped it into my handbag and began to walk down the hallway, the TV was on at a low volume both Mum and Dad snuggled up on the couch their eyes closed as they listened to the voices on the show.

Smiling lightly I shook my head before continuing down the passage to the front door. Opening the door I jumped at the person who stood on my door step.

“Hey… I was just gonna knock.”

“Really?” I began, “I thought you were just going to stand there and be creepy,” I smiled at the brunette who stood in front of me dressed in a pair of black skinny leg jeans and a white shirt. He sighed and rolled his eyes before speaking. A soft chuckle left his lips as he looked at me.

“So where are you heading to?”

“Just the Post Office, wanna come for a wander?”

Nodding his head I smiled before turning and closing the door behind me, adjusting my bag on my shoulder I began to walk down the front steps.
Cars sped past the two of us, the clouds were grey and heavy with rain, it was only a matter of time before the burst and water fell heavily, I prayed that it was when I was home in the warm buried under my blankets. Harry and I walked in silence before I broke it.

“So how did recording go?”

“Shit,” the word tumbled from his lips, his tone was sharp. I turned my head to look back at him he was looking down at the cracks in the pavement. I arched one of my brows before speaking.

“Why? What happened?”

“Niall didn’t rock up,” I stopped walking and turned back to look at Harry who was still walking looking at the pavement an angry look on his face. He was kicking the loose stones by his feet; his attention was on that that he didn’t realise I had stopped until he almost walked into me.“Woah!”

“What do you mean he didn’t rock up?” I shot looking intently into Harry’s green irises; my hands had begun to shake.

What’s going on?

Niall never misses a recording.

“He just didn’t show…” he trailed off shrugging his shoulders flippantly.

“Did you find out why?” I pushed; Harry shook his head kicking at the pavement.

“Nuh, wouldn’t answer his bloody phone,” lifting his eyes he looked at me again anger flashed through them, I clenched at the strap of my bag a million thoughts going through my mind.
“Lottie, everything is fine, he probably just had a late one.”

“Mmh…” I hummed my hands still clenching the strap of my bag, I gnawed on the inside of my cheek as I turned and began to walk toward the post office. As I walked along I felt Harry’s hand clasp mine.

His large hand enveloped mine; I sighed and laced my fingers with his, our palms touching, the warmth from his hand travelling past my wrist and up my arm, a comforting warmth travelling around my body and I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.
The two of us continued to walk along and it was as if everything that was weighing down on me lifted and I was able to breathe again, but even in that there was a little voice in the back of my mind reminding me of Niall, I shook my head and tried to rid it from me, perhaps Harry was right, maybe he had just had a late one and had slept through his alarm.

As the two of us walked along Harry pulled me to a stop just out the front of a pet store, I turned and cooed at the small puppies that were tumbling around in their class cages. There were six Labrador puppies, three gold ones two black ones and a chocolate coloured one.

“They are adorable,” I began reaching out one of my hands and touching the glass smiling as three of them jumped up their paws tapping on the smooth surface. As I scanned over the six it was there in the corner of the cage I noticed it.

A Blue Heeler puppy.

“Oh my God!” I nearly screamed when I saw it curled up in a ball, its ears still floppy yet to stiffen. “Harry look,” I pointed to the back corner and looked at him, I watched as he took his eyes away from the Labrador puppies and looked at the lonesome Heeler in the back. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Uh… I suppose…” I scoffed and rolled my eyes.



“He is one of the best looking Heelers.”

“I don’t even know what they’re meant to look like.”

“That!” I laughed as I tapped the glass making the pups’ ear twitch. “AH he’s gorgeous!” I squealed causing the male beside me to chuckle.

“You get excited over these dogs don’t you?”

“I sure do, my Grandma and Grandpa had two then we had three… but since moving we had to give them to my Grandma and now she has five.”

“Wow, that’s a lot of dogs.”

“She loves them.”

“So fill me in what does a good Heeler look like?” he asked using my lingo. I smiled and tugged on his hand pulling him to his feet and walking into the pet store and up to the counter.

“Hello,” a young girl spoke over the counter greeting me.

“Hi, uhm… I was wondering would I be able to hold the Cattle Dog pup that’s in the window?”
There was silence for a few moments as she realised who I was standing next to, “uh…” she stuttered, “sure, s-sure,” I watched as she fumbled with a key and walked over to the cage. I knelt down and tapped the glass making it’s ears twitch again. The door opened and the Labrador puppies hurried over but not before I scooped the odd animal out.

Slowly it’s eyes cracked open and a yawn fell from its mouth, I couldn’t help the Aw that left my lips as I ran my fingers across it’s coat.

“He’s a beautiful pup isn’t he?” the girl asked, I flicked up and looked at her name badge, Felicity.

“Yeah he is Felicity.” I flicked my eyes to Harry and spoke, “Come here you.” Harry jumped slightly before moving his feet toward me. Kneeling down on the ground I placed the pup on the carpet and he stood on wobbling legs. “This…” I began as I rubbed the pups legs to get the stance right even though he had it basically correct as soon as he stood, “is how they are supposed to stand…”

“How do you know that?” Felicity breathed behind me.

“My parents used to show them, they taught me a few things.” I smiled as I scratched behind the dog’s ears. It yapped before lunging on me, it began licking my arm and nipping playfully at the material of my shirt.

“Seems like he likes you there Lottie,” Harry smiled as he crouched down and ran his hand over the puppies head. The pup yapped and turned to him lunging on him his little body landing on his lap as it nipped at his hand. I laughed before grabbing the small canine.

“Come on buddy, you have to go back,” at the last word he began to wine and my heart broke, “No… no don’t do that… that’s not fair… No!” I turned and looked at Harry. “Make it stop,” I feigned heartbreak. Harry chuckled before turning to look at the blonde haired assistant.

“How much is he?”

“Five hundred pounds.”

My eyes widened at the amount, I knew they were dear but that’s a hell of a lot, I looked down at the puppy in my arms and ran my fingers over his chest before bending down to place him back.

“I’ll take him,” I choked and looked up at the green eyed teenager.


“He likes you…”

“No, you’re not getting him for me… you’re paying you have him.”

“No… you love him, I can see it, plus you can pay me back.”

“How?” I asked my voice higher than normal.

“I’ll think of someway,” he winked before extracting his wallet and walking to the counter, I looked at the puppy before shaking my head and taking him in my arms.

“He’s mad, absolutely bonkers Boy,” I smiled when he yapped and nudged my hand.


As the two of us exited out of the pet store a swarm of paparazzi had formed around and were snapping a thousand photos a minute, Harry walked in front of me one of his arms around me protectively. We pushed past the crowd and I could only imagine what would be printed on the magazines and papers tomorrow.

Puppy Love
Niall Horan’s girlfriend found at local pet store with other band mate Harry Styles.

I shook my head and continued down the street reaching the Post Office I placed the Puppy in Harry’s arms over to a box posting the letter then turned back walking toward him.

“So…” he began as he handed the animal back to me. “What are you going to call him?”

“Hmm…. I was thinking Eddie, he looks like and Eddie.” I turned and looked at him a cocky smile spreading across his face.

“Not after you…” I sighed “after Crash and Eddie from Ice Age.”

“Sure, sure…” he muttered as the two of us began to walk back home. I sighed making him laugh.

“Cocky prick,” I mumbled.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Chapter, please tell me what you think, I wanna hear it.

Eddie looks something likethis
