Sequel: Not Over You
Status: Work in progress

Somebody That I Used to Know

Chapter 8

I walked up the steps toward the front door Eddie had fallen asleep in my arms, Harry followed behind me, I fumbled around in my bag while nursing the snoring puppy in the crook of my arm. Feeling the cold metal against my fingers I grasped them and pulled them out of my bag.
They fell from my fingers onto the pavement, and I groaned as I went to bend down and grab them but large hands scooped up them, I straightened my upper half and chuckled looking up into Harry’s green eyes.

“Thanks,” I smiled reaching out my hand and grasping the object from his hand he smiled lightly and nodded his head.


“Seriously Harry, thank you for everything,” he smiled lightly and nodded his head.

“It’s not a trouble; I wanna help in any way possible.”

“Well the puppy was a good start,” I laughed causing him to chuckle and reach out scratching Eddie’s scalp, Eddie crack his eyes open and reached out his paws circling Harry’s hand and bringing his fingers to his mouth nipping.

“I’m glad you like him.”

“You really didn’t have to get him for me; I would have survived without him.”

“I know, but I thought he would be something to cuddle, plus he is pretty cute,” I smiled down at Eddie whose paws were still wrapped around Harry’s index finger and smiled.

“He is, isn’t he?”

“Not as cute as the girl who is standing in front of me,” I crinkled my nose and went to retaliate with a witty comment, lifting my eyes the remark stuck in my throat at the closeness of Harry’s face to mine, his breath fanned across my cheeks and my heart stuttered, one of his large hands cupped the back of my neck and he stepped closer closing the gap between us.
Just when our lips were about to touch the door swung open and I turned my head coming eye to eye with my Mother, I stepped away from Harry and cleared my throat awkwardly. My Mother’s eyes scanned between Harry and I, a look of suspicion and confusion printed on her face.

“Well, I’ll see you later Lottie,” I looked at Harry and nodded my head awkwardly a blush deep on both our cheeks, I watched out of the corner of my eye as he turned and walked down the front steps down the path and out the front gate. Once he had disappeared I turned slowly and hesitantly looked at my mum who stood in the door frame. Folding her arms across her chest a serious look spread across her face.

“What was that?”

“Nothing…” I mumbled shaking my head and pushing past her; she caught my arm and gently pulled me to a stop.

“Charlotte Marie…” she paused her eyes were hard and I knew that she wanted the truth, “What’s going on?” her tone was soft and her harder exterior broke and the gentleness returned to her eyes. “Why are you kissing that boy when you’re dating someone else?”

A bitter laugh left my lips as I shook my head. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the magazine off the counter and handed it to my Mum who walked silently behind.

“Centrefold,” Mum’s brows furrowed together and I watched as she flipped to the middle of the magazine, she scanned the images taking them all in before her mouth fell open slightly at the last few; she dropped the magazine and pulled me into a tight hug.

No words were exchanged between the two of us I just relished in the warmth and comfort of my mother’s arms around me and the softness of Eddie’s fur on my arm as he nestled close to me, pain shot through my eyes, and they began to water, I sniffled and bit my lip, I wasn’t going to cry.

I don’t know how long Mum and I stood like that before Dad appeared in the doorway a confused look formed on his face. I looked up at him through blurred vision. Swallowing hard I forced a watery smile, it was then that he saw the open magazine on the ground near Mum’s feet. Bending down he grasped the paper in his hand and looked at the images. His eyes scanned quickly and I saw the way his features hardened and a fire ignited in his light eyes.

“Is this…?” his voice struggled to stay calm and quite. Gently I nodded my head broke into tears. I swore mentally at myself, I wasn’t supposed to be crying, he didn’t deserve my tears. It was then that I felt my Dad’s arms envelope around both me and Mum, he kissed the top of my head and I buried my face into the crook of Mum’s neck.

A light giggle left my lips when Eddie began to lick my collarbone, his rough tongue tickling my skin. I pulled away from Mum and Dad and pulled Eddie away so that he was looking at me his smoky grey eyes locking with mine. Yapping he leant forward and locked his teeth around my nose gently nipping before pulling away and yapping again.

“When did you get a puppy?” Dad asked clearly puzzled.

“Harry bought him for me.” I smiled nuzzling Eddie’s damp nose.

“Harry… is he the one with a mop on his head?”

“DAD!” I laughed shakily a smile stretching across my face. Mum giggled and reached out scratching Eddie’s head. Dad chortled as he ran one of his large hands over the pups head.

“What? It’s just an observation.”

I shook my head and wiped my eyes with my free hand.

“Squirt,” Dad cooed as he wiped my tear stained face, his large calloused hand brushing over my smooth skin.

“So…” Mum began a twinkle in her eyes, “This Harry boy… was he the one you were about to lock lips with on the front porch?”

“Uh…” I hesitated not sure if I wanted to tell her, “Yeah…” I gave in, a mischievous smirk spread across her face.

“Well he’s rather attractive… I mean he’s not your father but still very attractive.”

“Mum!” I whined.

“What… I am still female and I can still tell if a guy is ‘hot’” I laughed at the look Dad gave Mum. He looked at her as if she had grown another head. “What?” she asked innocently.
Dad leant forward and whispered in her ear, a yelp escaped her lips and a blush spread across her face Dad snickered a smirk tainting his features. I laughed at Mum and how the two of them were acting like two teenagers before placing a kiss on her cheek and hugging Dad then walking into my room.

I placed Eddie on my bed and lay down on my mattress as he jumped on my and yapped before nestling his head on my chest, I looked down at him and smiled as he looked at me a smile on his little face. I ran my hand through the fur on his head and closed my eyes.


I must have drifted off because I was cracking my eyes open to the sound of my mobile ringing, I extracted my phone from the bag on my bedside table and answered the call.

“Hello?” my voice was groggy with sleep.

“Hello Lottie.”

“Hey Liam, what’s up?” I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

“It’s Niall,” I bolted up right at the tone of his voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
bah, bah, BAAAHHH!
Okay so I am not a hundred percent I like this chapter but oh well. Please tell me what you think of the update
and I want to a special thank you to
Crosby'sBabyGirl for their constant reviewing thank you so much means a lot.
thank you to others who have read, reviewed, recommended and subscribed you are amazing.
Adorable snowflake