Status: Work In Progress

Posing With You

Prologue: Of Epic Proportions


It was time.

Her every move was fast, precise and left no room for mistakes. After all, too much was already at stake.

Slender fingers deftly picked up the gun and its accompanying cartridge on the table. A quick glance verified that there were only three bullets left. But it was enough.

In fact, it was more than enough.


The weapon slid smoothly into its holster and was then covered as she slipped into a form-fitting overcoat. The thick material of the coat was just enough to hide the outline of the gun against her hip, but it was all for pretenses, really.

She reached for the handbag sitting on the bed before giving the room a customary glance. Everything was as it should be, and nothing was out of place.

At least, not yet.


Her eyes fell upon the framed photograph of a black-haired youth and just for an instant, her heart constricted. If all went well today, then he

Exhaling sharply, she flicked the lights off and exited the room, shutting the door firmly behind her. The muffled thump resounded in the empty hallway, a tone of finality in its depth.

From now on, there was no turning back and she would just have to trust that the plan was not going to fail.

Her boots clicked sharply against the marble surface of the ground as she walked down the hallway, hazel eyes firmly fixed ahead. There was only the future in front of her and no room for the past. None at all.


It had taken her longer than she had thought to reach their meeting place, but it couldn’t be helped. She had to shake off the numerous trackers following her and ended up taking detours after detours.

It all went according to plan, though.

She had factored this into her estimations and it was now the reason why she was here, in the middle of the night, alone but not vulnerable. Never vulnerable.

She was patient; she could wait.


The silent purr of a car pulling up broke the otherwise tranquility of the night but she had spotted his car long ago. Even the most experienced of drivers could not recklessly speed through the twists and turns of a mountain pass in the pitch black of the night without using some light.

He was cutting it close, she noted but said nothing as her door was opened. The action admitted a gust of chilly air into her car but she only looked at the male beside her, eyebrow arched in silent question.

His barely perceptive nod confirmed her suspicion and she leaned over to grab her handbag before stepping out of her car.

She straightened and glanced at him, allowing the artificial light inside her car to spill onto the grass. It was the only source of light there was; he had already cut off his engine and was leaning against the driver’s door.

“Five,” he elaborated, his deep voice amplified by the quietness.

She smirked. So they thought she was more important, did they? “Eight,” she replied.


He was late.

Hazel clashed with sapphire and she frowned.

It was unlike him to be late, in fact, he was always early. So for him to be late…

Warm arms embraced her and she suddenly realised that he was more agitated than he let on. His footsteps had been silent, courtesy of their training, but she herself had been too immersed in her thoughts to have noticed him approach.

She relaxed in his hold and slid her arms around his back, breathing in his familiar scent.

However innocent his gesture was, cold harsh reality washed over her as she identified the object underneath his jacket.

He was also carrying his gun.


She roughly pulled away from him, something akin to betrayal flashing in her eyes. What they were about to do…the crime they were about to commit; was that not enough for him? Not enough evidence of her loyalty, of her love?

Her face smoothed over and when she spoke, her voice was clipped. “I will complete my assignment.”

He watched as she distanced herself, both mentally and physically, his arms limp at his side. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Although his voice was low, his words still carried to her ears. “I can’t lose you.”

You’re all I have.

The words, though unspoken hung in the air.

In the distance, the sound of a car driving up the mountain reached their ears.


They watched as the sports car screeched to a stop before them. It was a few seconds before the driver exited the vehicle.

She had already withdrawn her gun and pointed it straight at him before his feet had even touched the ground.

In that instant, with the wind whipping her hair around her face—harshly, cruelly, unforgivingly—and his expression a myriad of shock, betrayal and resignation, she would forever remember the haunted look in his eyes.

But she could not afford to second-doubt herself now. What they were doing, or more accurately, what she was about to do was right, the only choice and there was no ifs or buts.

Nothing else mattered. Not even the fact that it was his cousin they were about to kill. Her friend, saviour…and lover?

Her hand never wavered as she pulled the trigger.
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Here's a new story I'm writing. I've had the idea for some time time! Any thoughts, suggestions, criticisms?