Status: Update every Sunday unless i suffer from serious writer's block!


Chapter 5


Chapter 5.

Opening my eyes was a tough task to do. My left eye was swollen and it hurt like bitch. When I did managed to open them I found myself in an unfamiliar room.
I panicked!
Where was I?
I tried to sit up but of course I couldn't! I mean yesterday I had gotten the living shit beaten out of me.
My stomach ached and my head felt like it was on fire.
God what the hell did I do to deserve all of this shit?
“Frankie?”i heard someone ask but I wasn't able to see who it was as my body hurt like hell and I couldn't move to see who it was.
“Are you awake?”the voice asked again and soon enough my answer to whom the voice belonged to was answered when Gerard appeared in front of me.
“Gee”i whimpered pain shooting all over my body.
“Are you in pain?”he asked,his voice full of worry?
I nodded slightly and he left the room to get me something that would help.
The whole time he was gone I was trying to figure out how on earth did he found me but nothing would come up.
“Here,these will soothe the pain for a while.”Gee said and handed me two painkillers. I know I shouldn't take more than one but right now I don't give a damn.
I swallowed the pills and Gerard helped me sit up a bit and handed me a glass of water.
His eyes met mine and we fell into a comfortable silence for a while but questions of different kind filled my mind and I couldn't help but voice them.
“Gee?”i started.
“How did you find me?”i asked. I really wanted to know cause I couldn't remember a thing.
Gerard looked at me with a confused look and raised his eyebrow.
“You don't remember?”he asked confused.
I shook my head no and he sighed.
“Frankie you called me.”he said looking straight into my eyes like he was trying to find out if I really did not remember.
“I did?”i asked surprisingly. How could I not remember that?
“Do you seriously not remember anything at all?”Gee asked again like he did not hear right.
“No,nothing after I crawled out of the house.”i said trying as hard as I could to remember.
He sighed and zoned out for a bit. Probably trying to figure out what was happening.
“Frankie can you just tell me what happened before you called me? Who did this to you?”he asked and pointed at my bruised face and body.
I frowned at the though of what had happened a few hours before. My own father had beaten the shit out of me.
I wasn't entirely sure if I wanted Gee to know about my dad.
I hesitated and looked down at my hands which suddenly seemed like the most fascinating thing in the world.
“Frankie...”he started and lifted my chin making me look him into the eyes.
“You can trust me. I know it's difficult cause we just met but like I told you before I feel like I have known you my whole life and I mean every word of it.”Gerard said making my insides melt.
He really cared about me!
“ did this.”i whispered.
“What? Frankie please speak louder I did not hear you.”
Gerard pleaded me and tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.
“My dad did this to me. He was drunk again and he was angry that I went over to see my grandma so he did what he always does. Only this time it was worse Gee. It hurt so much.”i cried out and collapsed into his embrace.
Gerard hugged me tightly as I buried my face in the crook of his neck and cried uncontrollably.
I know I am suck a pansy but I just couldn't bottle it up.
I had to let it all out in order for me not to drive myself insane.
“Shhh Frankie. Everything is gonna be okay. You are safe now.”Gee said trying to comfort me. His words soothing and relaxing.
I took a deep breath and pulled away.
I wiped my tears away and giggled.
“God I'm such a loser. From the moment we've met I have done anything but crying.”i said and sighed.
“Well,crying is a good way to let it all out and after what you've been through,it's acceptable.”he said and wiped a single tear that was left on my cheek with his thumb and smile down at me.
I smiled at him too.
“Frankie how long has this been going on?”he asked curiously but his voice was full of sadness and...pity,something that I loathed.
“Ever since my mom passed away. He wasn't like that before. He didn't even drink but when we lost her it's like he became a whole different person. A monster.”i said and rested my head back to the pillow.
Even thought I had just woken up I felt exhausted.
“Oh Frankie. I'm so sorry that you went through all that.”Gee said and frowned.
“It's not your fault. Anyway,how did you find me after I called you. I don't remember giving you my address did I give it you you when I called you?”i asked curiously.
Gerard shook his head at me.
“No,when you called me the only thing that you said was ask for help. I got panicked when you did not say anything else so I got out,got into the car and called the hospital. I asked for your grandma who gave me the address and I got there as fast as I could only to find you unconscious on the porch of your house. Your face was covered in blood and so were you clothes. I got so worried and I didn't know what to do. So I brought you here to my house and cleaned your face a bit.”he said leaving me speechless in front of him.
“How long was I out for?”i asked.
“Um that would be...uh let me think...not much just for three hours.”he said and smiled a bit.
My smile turned into a yawn and my eyes closed for a bit.
“You tired huh?”Gee asked and chuckled.
“Like hell.”
“Well,get some sleep and we will figure out everything tomorrow.”he said and I shot him a puzzled look.
“Figure out what?”
“Well,one If you will go to school or not and two if you are gonna stay here or some other place safe cause I am not letting you go back there.”Gee said.
I was about to open up my mouth and argue but he place his finger on my lips.
“No,i said we will figure it out tomorrow. Now sleep you need to rest.”he said,got up,kissed me on the forehead and left.
I was shocked by all that he had said but mostly from his last action.
Not long after he was gone my eyes closed and I went out like a light dreaming about Gee.
♠ ♠ ♠
hi guys!!!!
Sorry this chapter is so small and more of a filler actually but,i promise you it gets better from here!
Please comment and let me know what you think.
I love all of you.

Love you all,