Sequel: Carnival
Status: Completed


The First Week

(Myca's Point of View)

Its been a week since I've been put on suicide watch at Arkham Asylum. Dr. Crane has been nice to me, but he frightens the other inmates to death. He keeps me in a separate wing to be away from the men on this ward. He says you can't be too careful.

I get visitors almost everyday since I've been in here. Mainly from my cousin Eddy. He comes by to tell me how the family is. My parents visited only once and it was to tell me that they never want to see me again and to never come back home if and when I'm released from here. Oh well, good riddance. Eddy said I can stay with him though, just until I get back on my feet. He knows what my parents are like. So he understands that they're a bunch of hard asses.

Today, Dr. Crane is coming to visit me to see how I'm adjusting to my new surroundings. He'll probably ask a load of dumb questions relating to the crime and my suicide attempt that followed. Try and get a better understanding, I believe.

I look at the time and it's almost five o'clock. Meaning, Dr. Crane will be here any second. When I finished that sentence in my head, I heard the familiar sound of the chamber door unlocking, closing, and re locking. I see Dr. Crane's fake look of concern, almost like he pities me.

"Good evening, Miss Vlasca. How are you doing?"

"Shitty, Crane. Do you have a cigarette?" He just stares at his clipboard and keeps writing.

"No, I'm afraid I don't. I came to see you today to talk about the incident. You never stated why you did it. In fact, you went along as if nothing happened. Why?"

"Because it was no one's business. I don't even need to be in here. I'm innocent and I'm not insane!"

"Then, why did you try cutting your wrists after the robbery?" I said nothing. Just laid down on my cot.

"Precisely. You did it because you had something to do with the robbery, but you didn't want to get caught. Is that correct?"

"No. My family has a history of mental illness."

"But you said you weren't insane and now you're saying you are? You can't seem to get your story straight, can you?"

"Is this an interrogation?"

"No, I'm just asking questions. So, its protocol that we keep you here at least a month before you can be released."

"A month?" Dr. Crane took off his glasses in annoyance.

"Yes, Miss Vlasca. Given the severity of your crime and what actions you decided to take afterwards, we have no choice. The only way to get you out would be if your parents were to fight in court, but they've decided to let you stay here for as long as it takes."

"They don't even want me back anyway. They hate me."

"You're their daughter. I'm sure they don't hate you. They're just shocked. Its common for parents to react that way when they see that their daughter is put away for trying to kill herself after she committed a crime."

"Thats not true. They actually hate me. They pretty much disowned me when they visited yesterday."

"What did they tell you?"

"They told me to never come back, that I would only upset my little brother. They said I was ungrateful, that they put a roof over my head and clothes on my back and thats how I repaid them."

"They both said this?"

"My dad did most of the talking. My mom just cried and cried and cried."

(Jonathan's Point of View)

"How did they tell you to not come back?" She then proceeded to grab my hand and pretended to look very distraught, mocking her mother.

"'Myca, we think its for the best and for the good of our family if you just stay here or find some other place to live.' Thats what my mom said, but this is what my dad said; 'In other words, don't fucking come back!' Thats how they explained it to me." She then let go of my hand and laid back down.

"Do you have any relatives that you can stay with when you are released?"

"I have my cousin, Eddy."

"I need his full name."


"We need all the information you know about him, starting with his name."

"Edmund Waverly." I recognized the last name immediately.

"I knew his older brother."

"I know. He was in your asylum for three years."

"I'm deeply sorry about David. We thought he was making excellent progress."

"Can we please stop talking about Dave?" Her voice was sounded angry and cracked.

"I think our time here is up. I'll be back same time tomorrow. Good day, Miss Vlasca."

"You too, Dr. Crane."

I walk to my office and sat down in my chair. I look at the scattered papers about Myca Vlasca on my desk and stare at her picture. She has light brown hair and pale green eyes. She looked miserable in her ID photo. I wonder what made her look so miserable.

I pick up my phone and call the woman at the front desk downstairs.

"Good evening, Dr. Crane."

"Good evening, has Carmine Falcone arrived yet?"

"Yes sir, he's waiting in the lobby as we speak."

"Great. Send him into my office please."

About five minutes later Falcone walks in the door and sits down.

"So why did you call me in here, Crane?"

"Because I need you to get rid of someone that could be a problem in the operation."


"Edmund Waverly."
♠ ♠ ♠
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