Sequel: Carnival
Status: Completed



(Jonathan's Point of View)

I walk inside the apartment with two of Falcone's men to help get rid of the evidence. I shine the flashlight on the multiple stuffed rabbits on the armchair in the corner.

"Get rid of all traces."

"We'll have to torch the place," one of the men said.

"Alright." The goons poured gasoline and half drunk vodka all over the floor and furniture.

I notice that the window was open. One of these idiots probably left it open. I look outside to make sure no one was staring in here and to check to see if no one had gotten in.

Suddenly, I hear glass breaking in the bathroom. I walk toward the sound, but no one was there. I put on my Scarecrow mask because there was obviously an intruder and I want to surprise them. I peek out from behind the bathroom door to see who the trespasser might be. One of the men lit his lighter to get a better view. A black figure came out from behind him, twisted his arm causing him to drop the lighter. This figure knocked him unconscious. I sprang into action and gave this man a dose of fear. I recognize this black figure from the tabloids. He's The Batman.

The terrifying Batman was now on the ground, panicking. His eyes were wide with fear.

"Having trouble?" I step closer to him. I grab the bottle and spilled the vodka all over him.

"Take a seat. Have a drink." I take great joy in his cowardice.

"You look like a man who takes himself too seriously." I pick up the lighter and lit it.

"Do you want my opinion? You need to lighten up," I said as I throw the lighter onto him and he was engulfed in flames. I laugh to myself.

'He wasn't the only one who needed to lighten up. You've been so down about Myca, I was starting to get worried about you.'

"Theres no need to be worried. I'll be looking for her as soon as I'm done here."

(Myca's Point of View)

"Miss Crane. I'm sorry I have to run out and pick up Master Wayne. Will you be alright here by yourself?"

"I'll be okay. Thank you for your concern." Alfred was already off before he could say anything else.

I deeply miss Jon now. Bruce was very kind to allow me to stay here, but I don't think I can stay any longer. As soon as Bruce and Alfred get home, I'm going back to Jon. I know he's a bastard for what he did, but I still can't keep away. I pick up the phone and try to call Jon. I hope he's home so I could tell him how sorry I am.

Ring Ring Ring Ring

"Hello. You have reached Jonathan Crane. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible."

I just hang up the phone. I cry in the pillow, wanting Jon to be here with me. I hate him, and yet I can't function without him. Without him, there would be no Executioner. We wouldn't have tortured Jon's high school bully, Griggs. Without him, I would probably be dead. If the police hadn't found me, I probably would've bled to death. But, did he have to kill Eddy?

I look at the alarm clock on the nightstand, it was almost six o'clock in the morning. Jon was probably sleeping or he was out being The Scarecrow. I can't sleep. The bed is too cold without someone else with me. It was almost impossible for me to find warmth. The sun was just coming up over the horizon.

(Jonathan's Point of View)

I come home from an all nighter to find that I have a missed call. I don't recognize the number, so I discard it and head to bed.

I spent all night looking for Myca, but I have no clue where she would've gone. I didn't know where to start. As I calculate where I'll look next, I remembered the Falcone is being transferred this morning.

I hop in the shower, dried my hair, got dressed, combed my hair, ate something, grabbed my briefcase, and I was off. I walk to Arkham and was greeted the same way I always was by the woman at the front desk and all the staff. I walk to the woman at the front desk and asked if Falcone had been transferred yet. She tells me he has and tells me what room he will be staying in.

I take the elevator to the second floor and walked all the way down the long corridor. I opened Falcone's cell door and all I heard was screaming. At least that filled me with a little joy.

"I see the dose from the other day hasn't worn off yet. Thats because I enhanced the potency of the toxin. It lasts longer. Do you see what happens to you when you threaten The Scarecrow," I said while pulling out the mask out of my briefcase.

I put it on my head and glare at the snibbling ex mob boss. My heart flutters at the sight of his fear.

"You see, Mr. Falcone, I don't like bullies, not one little bit. So as soon as one starts pushing me around, I get even. Just because you think you're stronger than me, doesn't mean you make the demands. I own you now. So get comfortable, because you'll be in here for a long time." Falcone continues to cry and whimper. If only Myca were here to see this. She would've been delighted along with me. I take the mask off and went back to being Dr. Jonathan Crane.

"I'll be back to check on you later. One of the nurses will bring you your medication as well as breakfast." I pick up my briefcase and walked out of the room, locking the door behind me. I press my ear against the door to hear Falcone saying;

"Scarecrow..... Scarecrow...Scarecrow." I smirk and walked back to the elevator to go home.

(Myca's Point of View)

I hear Alfred and Bruce coming in through the door. I walk out to tell Bruce that I'll be leaving soon, but I see the Bruce doesn't look so well.

"Oh my God. Is he going to be okay?"

"He'll be fine. He just needs rest. Thats all. I'm going to take him to bed, then I'll make some breakfast. Did you enjoy the meal last night, Miss," he asked on the way to Bruce's room.

"Yes, I was delicious. I can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal." Alfred placed Bruce into bed and covered him in sheets and blankets.

"Tell you what. Why don't you get ready and we'll talk more in the kitchen?"

"Sounds good. Thank you." Alfred nodded his head and sat in a chair next to Bruce. I know that Alfred and Bruce are very close, so I thought it was kind of sweet.

I started to imagine myself taking care of Jon if he were sick. I would not leave his bedside for a second.

I walk into the guest room and shut the door. I look into my suitcase and I decided to wear a plain black shirt and black skinny jeans. I walk into the bathroom and put a thin layer of eyeliner on the top lid only. I put on my black cardigan with a Five Finger Death Punch patch on the back. I put on my converses and headed down to the kitchen.

I needed somebody to talk to and Alfred seems like an understanding person. I open the door into the kitchen and Alfred is already making what looks like pancakes.

"Have a seat. The pancakes are almost ready."

"Thank you."

"So, is there there something you wanted to talk about?"

"I just wanted to talk about stuff. Nothing in particular." Lie.

"Well, you said earlier that you haven't had a home cooked meal in a while. Do you mind me asking why?"

"No, not at all. Its because I've been living with my boyfriend and we usually just eat TV dinners. We were both busy and it just seemed more convenient."

"Master Wayne told me why you left him."


"It seems to me like there is more behind it then what you told him."

"It was just really complicated. Now I miss him like crazy."

"If you miss him, then all you have to do is tell him. How about you stay around for breakfast and you can look for him if you'd like. What is his name?"

"His name is Jon."

"Where does he live?" I didn't want to tell him because he might tell Bruce and Bruce would find out more about Jon and get him into trouble. I can't risk it.

"I won't tell anyone if thats what you're worried about."

"He... He lives in the Narrows."

"You shouldn't be going into the Narrows alone. Its quite dangerous."

"Its no trouble, really. I appreciate your concern though."

"No problem, Miss."

I finished breakfast quickly so I could go find Jon. I hurry upstairs so I could get my suitcase and make the bed as neat and tidy as I found it. I walk down the stairs and thanked Alfred for his hospitality and told him to tell the same to Bruce when he wakes up.

Alfred called a cab for me while I was gathering my things. I got in the cab and told him to drive me to the nearest bus stop, which was all the way in the middle of the city.

Once the cab stopped, I paid the cab driver and boarded the train.
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Hope you liked it :)