Sequel: Carnival
Status: Completed


Losing One's Mind

(Jonathan's Point of view)

I told Myca to just go back to the apartment. She fought with me about it for about five minutes. The police should be coming to collect me and take me away any minute now. I should be escaping, but I choose to stay. I'm not afraid of being put away.

'Put away in your own asylum. Like I told you. I fucking told you, Jon!'

"Will you ever leave me alone?"

'I can't, Jon. I'm a part of you. I always have been, just dormant. As for now, every single fiber of sanity you had left is fucking gone.'

"What do you mean?"

'You were doused in the face with your own medicine, Doc. Wiped your brain clean of your sanity. How does it feel? Liberating?' I sit up and looked around. Everything was a mess. I heard policemen upstairs, stomping around like elephants. It gave me a skull splitting headache. I try to clasp my hands over my ears, but I was kind of tied up. I started shouting and panicking because the ringing in my head was unbearably painful!

'Told you, Jon. You're fucking insane. But thats okay. I'm insane too and so is Myca, even though she doesn't like to show it. She's too shy, but we can change that.'

I knew what the voice meant, it made me feel kind of weird that its still bringing this up, even though I've wanted to for the longest time. Maybe the voice is wrong, the voice isn't a part of me, it is me. The voice is Scarecrow....

(Myca's Point of View)

I just stand outside of Arkham until Jon is released like he said he would be. I smoke cigarette after cigarette, but nothing seemed to calm me down. Who knows what the police might do to my Jonathan. I started pacing back and forth wondering whats taking him so long. I start shouting.

"Jon! Jonathan!" Two policemen walked up to me.

"Do you know where Crane is?"

"No. I don't." One of the policemen grabbed me and dragged me through the halls of Arkham.

"Let me go, you fuckers! Where are you taking me?"

"We're taking you some place where you'll be quiet." They threw me in a padded cell.

"I'm sorry, but we can't have you shouting Scarecrow's name. You'll ruin everything."

"You're not real policemen, are you?" They didn't answer. They just shut the door and left me in the dark. There was no light, no window so I couldn't even have natural light. Just pure darkness.

(Jonathan/Scarecrow's Point of View)

I sit in a chair in a padded cell with a straitjacket on. I contemplated more and more that maybe I'm just Scarecrow or maybe I'm Jonathan Crane or maybe I'm both. I've always been both. No one respects Jonathan Crane, everyone fears The Sinister Scarecrow. Myca is the only one who still loves Jonathan and Scarecrow. Either one I chose to be, at least I'll still have her.

A man named Jim Gordon walks in, clutching my mask.

"Mr. Gordon?" Without saying a word, he puled out a metal chair and plopped down.

"Dr. Crane? I found this outside," Gordon said holding my mask up for me to identify.

"Is this what you use to hide yourself?" I didn't say a thing. I just look around the room. I never really noticed how horribly stained the material on the padded cells were. I never looked closely, I never spent a lot of time in these cells. I should get someone to replace the padded material, it's atrocious.

"What is this, Crane?"


"Scarecrow? Do you use this on you inmates?" I look at the ground, the to Gordon who has become impatient.

"Look, Mr. Gordon, I know thats not the real reason why you're here. You don't want to talk about my alias."

"You're right. I didn't come to ask you about 'Scarecrow.' I came to ask about you toxin in Gotham's water supply. How long have you been at it? Weeks? Months?" I recognize the expression on his face and the tone in his voice because I have unintentionally used them myself. Its the attitude you get when you want answers from someone or if you want an insane person's cooperation. Jonathan thought this way, maybe I'm not Jonathan anymore, after all. I am The Sinister Scarecrow.

"What was your plan, Crane? How were you going to get your toxin into the air?" I hear Gordon's voice, but I'm too lost in thought.

"Scarecrow...... Scarecrow...." I had the loveliest thought about Scarecrow and Executioner ruling Gotham together. We would torture and frighten the guilty, the cruel, or any random person to death. Gordon interrupted my day dream.

"Who were you working for, Crane?" If he thinks he'll get me to cooperate, then he's dead wrong.

"Oh it's too late. You can't stop it now." I think of my day dream again and I smile. Gordon handed my mask to the policemen. Little did he know, the some of Gordon's men were in this conspiracy this entire time.

(Myca's Point of View)

I still sit alone in the darkness. It's to quiet. I don't even know how long I was in here. Minutes, maybe hours. I can't tell. This feels like being in The Hole in prison only without light. I stand up and outstretched my arms so they can be my guide to finding the nearest wall. Maybe I can find a light switch.

The door swung open before I could even reach the wall.

"I think Scarecrow is starting to get anxious. I think he wants to see you."

"How do you know?"

"He keeps repeating 'Executioner' over and over." My brain drew a blank.

"Yea, we know about her. C'mon. He's wants to see you." I walk out of the room and into the bright light. I whimper, but continue to walk on. The man stops in front of the cell next to the one I was trapped in.

"Scarecrow, The Executioner is here to see you." Jon was in a strait jacket and tied to the chair he was sitting in. His hair was covering his eyes, but you can still notice the sharp icy blue stand out behind the dark strands of hair. He was smiling with his teeth and breathing heavy.

"See how happy you make him? Thats so cute," the man said pinching my cheek. I twist his hand and has he kneeled to the ground in pain, my knee struck under his chin, causing him to bite his tongue and bleed profusely from the mouth. Jon started laughing, then looked at me like a horny school boy. I look at the pathetic man bleeding on the ground.

"Leave, your blood is staining the ground and the air," I said sternly and horrifyingly. This made Jon smile even more if that was at all possible. The man ran out of the room and I closed the door and locked it so no one would walk in on Jon and me.

"Hello Jon," I said kneeling so I was almost eye level with him. He was still looking up at him though.

"Not 'Jon.'"


"No, Scarecrow. Do you still want to be with me?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"I choose to be Scarecrow. Jonathan Crane is dead."

"Scarecrow and Jonathan are the same person. In other words, I'll love you no matter what?"

"Love me?" Jon... Scarecrow looked at me as if I were a goddess he'd always worshiped.

"Yes. I love you as Jonathan Crane. I love you as Scarecrow. I love you. Always have, always will," I said before I planted a kiss on Scarecrow's lips. His kiss was hard and extremely longing. He pulled away.

"I want you."


"You heard me. I just wish I wasn't in a straitjacket. Then, I could show you how much I love you." I kind of liked the sound of that. I scootch closer to him.

"What would you do?" I smile and bite my lip. He gave me a crooked smile.

"I would make sweet love to you."

"Mmm, sounds amazing." I sit on his lap and bite his neck. I hear a tiny moan escape his lips. I bite his neck harder.

"I want you too, Scarecrow."

"Say that again, please?"

"I want you, Scarecrow." I saw him bite his lip and smile.

"Can you tell that man to come back so he can release me from this straitjacket?"

"I would, but torturing is my primary field."

"God, I love you."

"I feel the same. I'm ecstatic to be yours."

"And I yours, my love." I'm not sure if he was in his right state of mind or if he always wanted to say it, but the sane part of him told him to behave himself.

I sat on his lap and held him close to me.

"Morning was mocking us, blood hit the sky. I was just happy, my Manic and I."

The door unlocked and the door opened on its own. A phony policeman gave Scarecrow back his mask and untied the straitjacket.

"Time to play," the man said before he left the room. Scarecrow walked up and shut the door.

"It is indeed time to play. Come here," he said offering me his hand. I accept with a smile and he pulls me closer to him. He leads me against the wall. We kiss hard and I playfully bite his bottom lip.

"You sure do like to bite, don't you?"

"I only like to bite you." His hips dug into mine.

"Are you ready?" I nod my head. I heard him undoing his pants. At that moment, my heart began to race. he began doing the same to me. He pulled me a little closer and started thrusting his hips. Jon's... Scarecrow's grunts echoed around the room and so did my moans.
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Hope you like it :)