Sequel: Carnival
Status: Completed


The Voice

(Jonathan's Point of View)

Today I have to appear at Mr. Zsasz's hearing to give him the Insanity Plea he wanted. Falcone wants his men to not spend their time at Blackgate Penitentiary when they could still be working for us. Before I go to the courthouse, I have to check on Myca. I walk down the hallway and into her room.

"How are you today?"

"Fine. You?"

"I'm okay," I said setting down my briefcase.

"You look worried. Is it because of yesterday? Look, I'm really sorry about that, alright? I didn't mean to. It was just an act on impulse. Don't get me wrong, you're a very attractive man and any girl would be lucky to kiss you, but you're right, you're my doctor and I shouldn't have put you in a compromising position."

"Well I'm glad you feel that way and I forgive you. I have business elsewhere, so I shall check on you when I return," I said as I started walking out the door of Myca's cell.

'C'mon, Jon. What was that all about? A woman finally notices you and you sat and did nothing?'

"Shut up," I whisper to myself and gave myself a whack on the head with my hand. I walk out of the building with that voice pestering me about Myca all the way to the courthouse.

(Myca's Point of View)

I do my usual routine of staring at the ceiling fan's constant motion then sit on the window sill and watch the people below me. I wonder why I never looked out this window to see how high up this room is. The ground doesn't look so far down now. So if I went more out of my mind than I already am, I could just jump and it would be over quickly.

I wanted to go with Dr. Crane to his hearing. Not so I could try to escape, because that would be pointless, but to see him in action. Sitting at the stand with such authority, all composed. I imagine him sitting at the stand with the sun reflecting off his glasses, his dark brown hair rustled and yet tidy and out of his face, his pale blue eyes staring the people from the D.A's office down. I smile just thinking about it. I want him here so we could talk about random stuff. I just want him in general.

I started thinking of the kiss I gave Crane. I thought about what would happen or what I wanted to happen if I didn't break away and told him to scram. I imagine myself taking off his glasses and leaning in....

"Knock knock!" Dr. Quinzel was going around, serving lunch. I hate the food, but I eat it anyway.

Quinzel walked in with the tray of 'poison.'

"You seem to be in a good mood today."

"I do? I don't feel happy. I want to see Dr. Crane." I think she knew where I was getting at because she said;

"Don't get any ideas. He's your doctor, not your plaything. He would get into serious trouble."

"Nobody has to know," I said jokingly. She didn't take that statement as a joke.

"Just make sure those fantasies of your stay in your head. Dr. Crane has been under a lot of stress and he doesn't need his patient trying to jump his bones."

"I'm not going to jump his bones. I was just kidding. And I don't have fantasies about him." Quinzel reaches the door and unlocks it.

"Sure you don't," she said slamming the door and re locking it. I don't even bother touching the food. It looks worse than usual. I wonder why she became so bitchy when I mentioned Dr. Crane. Oh well, not important.

(Jonathan's Point of View)

After the trial and dealing with Miss Rachel Dawes from the D.A's office, I started walking back to Arkham to talk to Myca. These urges of her's have become bothersome. It just feels odd because I didn't approve of her behavior yesterday, but I didn't hate it. In fact, I liked it.

'Thats right. Its time to stop kidding yourself.'

"Will you shut up?" I accidentally said that out loud and a woman who was walking right by me just stared at me and stopped talking on her phone. She probably thought I was talking to her. Funny.

'People think you're crazy, Crane. They think you should be locked up in your own nuthouse,' the voice laughed. This voice has never appeared in my head until today. I just want it to go away.

I walk into the building and Dr. Quinzel was waiting for me.

"I need to talk to you about your patient, Myca Vlasca."

"What about her?"

"I think she has become too involved with you. She constantly thinks about you and her face just lights up when she sees you."

"I'll talk to her and tell her that this obsession is unhealthy for her condition." I walk to the elevator and headed for Myca's cell.

I walk down the hall and unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Myca?" She looked up and smiled.

"Hi, Doc. How did the hearing go?"

"Fine. So I heard some things about you from Dr. Quinzel."

"Oh boy!"

"She told me that you are starting an unhealthy infatuation toward me."

"So what if I am. Does it matter?"

"Will you stop feeling sorry for yourself?"

"Whatever, Dr. Crane." I paused. I didn't know what to say.

'Kiss her.'

The voice was becoming more and more relentless.

'Kiss her!' Myca started to look worried because I felt myself growing faint. It seems this voice would make me sick if I didn't listen to it or obey it.

"Dr. Crane, are you feeling alright? Dr. Crane?" I take my glasses off and rub my eyes, trying to think clearly.


"Dr. Crane, answer me, please," she said lifting my head.

'You know you want to, Jon!' I can't fight this.

"Call me Jonathan," I said before I planted a kiss hard on her lips. She kisses back longingly. I caress her face in my hands and she tangled her hands in my hair.

Its weird that I never really felt close to anyone. I was always a cold person who never showed affection for anyone or anything, mostly kept my mind busy with my experiments and research. Now that seemed to change for one person. It's sort of funny that any woman I show affection toward would be one of my patients.

'Now, rip her clothes off.'

"I can't," I said aloud.

"You can't what?" I look at Myca and she looked emotionally hurt.

"Not you, its... uh.... I don't know."

"Are you sure I didn't do anything wrong?"

"No, not at all. I'm having trouble figuring out some stuff. I should probably go."

(Myca's Point of View)

"Please don't go. I need you."

"I'll be back tomorrow, Myca," he said putting his glasses back on.

"Can you at least stay for five more minutes. Please. I need something to keep me awake." That came out completely wrong. I don't him to think I'm using his time just to keep me from sleeping.

"Why haven't you been sleeping, Myca?"

"I don't want to have that nightmare again."

"There's little chance you'll have that dream again." He sounded really pissed off now.

"I had the nightmare again last night. Its not going to go away that easily. The only way I can be rid of it, is if I stay awake. Can I have some coffee?"

"No you can't, you have to sleep. If this keeps up, Dr. Quinzel will have to sedate you again."


"If a patient shows any sign of resistance, we place a sedative in the food or water."

"Thats messed up. What signs of resistance do I show exactly?"

"That's not important." He just walks out and locks the door behind him. I don't know why he has to be extremely secretive. What did I do?
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