How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse - for Dummies!

Nathan wants Lorlai, but Lorai's not interested. Instead, Lorai wants Faakhir, the Indian boy who keeps trying to ignore the pretty English girl and her odd behaviour. Then there's Amy, Lorai's best friend who only has room for Nathan but likes to keep her options open.

Four teenagers, struggling to work through their pre-adult years, all thinking the same thing. If they can survive high school, they can survive anything.

Of course they weren't expecting a zombie-apocalypse to suddenly burst into life but we can't expect everything to go our own way, can we?

When the deadly virus spreads quicker than anticipated, which causes people to begin to hunger for human flesh, the world is thrown into utter chaos.

Four teenagers and one bitchy teacher, all from different backgrounds, struggle to survive in a zombie-ridden world in one of the most obvious and sensible of places. The school.
  1. Chapter one - Lorlai
    Don't piss off the teacher...